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Press release, 18.06.2020.

We are pleased to inform our readers that Regional Statistics and Területi Statisztika (as a new entrant) are rated Q2 and Q3, respectively, in the now published (https://www.scimagojr.com/) ranking of economic journals (Economics, Econometrics and Finance) indexed in the Scopus scientific database, based on the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) index. (The SJR expresses the average number of weighted citations received for studies published in the journal in the previous three years. Journals operating in a given discipline are ranked according to this indicator and then grouped into 4 quarters (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4). The higher the value of SJR, the more prestigious the journal is.)

Regional Statistics and Területi Statisztika ranked 428th and 629th, respectively, among 1160 economic journals indexed in Scopus, 7th and 31st, respectively, among 91 Eastern European economic journals and first and third among 5 Hungarian economic journals.

SCImago Journal & Country Rank SCImago Journal & Country Rank


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Hungarian Central Statistical Office

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