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Press release, 15.11.2016.

Changes implemented in quarterly time series of gross domestic product (GDP)


The Hungarian Central Statistical Office issued the publication titled National Accounts of Hungary, 2015 (second preliminary data, and the final data for 2014 on 30 September 2016.


The time series of quarterly data in the period between the 1st quarter of 1995 and the 2nd quarter of 2016, adjusted to annual figures, are going to be published on 15 November 2016, simultaneously with data of the GDP flash estimate for the 3rd quarter of 2016. The updated data are going to be available on HCSO website (www.ksh.hu) in the Tables (STADAT) menu item.


This year, data before reconciliation better represent (exceptionally) real economic processes than the seasonally and calendar adjusted, reconciled ones, therefore, they are also published in the first release on the GDP flash estimate for the 3rd quarter of 2016. Unreconciled data are better suited for annual forecasts this year, but reconciliation may change the distribution across quarters in the following quarter. For the calculation of data before reconciliation, basic data continue to be published in detail in STADAT table 3.1.6.


Hungarian Central Statistical Office

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