Press release, 10.12.2024.
János Árvay was born 100 years ago
The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO) commemorated on 10 December 2024 János Árvay (1924–1996), who was born 100 years ago, with the participation of the Árvay family. The activity of the distinguished professional significantly shaped the image of Hungarian statistics in the second half of the last century – among others the development of the Hungarian system of accounts is linked with his name. He was not only an undisputed scientific authority in Hungary, but also an internationally recognised member of the statistics community.
A commemoration, held in the main building of the HCSO, honoured János Árvay, born 100 years ago, on 10 December 1924. On the occasion of the jubilee, held with the participation of the Árvay family, Dr. Gábor Valkó, Deputy President of the HCSO eulogized the statistical significance of János Árvay’s work, then the family paid tribute to the loving husband and father.
János Árvay is one of the greatest representatives of the post-World War II Hungarian statistician generation, the development of the Hungarian system of accounts is linked with his name, among others. He worked in the HCSO for more than forty years, and was a honoured scientific authority on national and international level, his outstanding work contributed greatly to Hungary’s recognition in the field of statistics.
Hungarian Central Statistical Office
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