Press release, 09.09.2014.
Dear users!
We inform you that the updating of the Dissemination database of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office does not work today due to technical reasons, therefore the detailed data on the July 2014 turnover of accommodation establishments published today are not available in the database.
Until the completion of the database updating those interested can access information in the first release titled ’Accommodation establishments, July 2014’ and in the tables on the subject available in the menu item of Data/Tables (STADAT) on the website.
The use of other data in the Dissemination database is not affected by this technical problem.
Thank you for understanding.
Hungarian Central Statistical Office
H-1024 Budapest, Keleti Károly u. 5-7. Phone: +36 (1) 345 6000
Postal address: P.O.B. 51 Budapest, H-1525