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Press release, 08.10.2024.

Strategic agreement between the HCSO and the NGM

Decreasing data collection costs and reporting burden, increasing data integrity

On behalf of the Ministry for National Economy (NGM), Sándor Czomba, Secretary of State for Employment Policy, and Dr. Áron Kincses, President of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO), signed a cooperation agreement. The agreement aims to provide a professional and technical framework for the exchange of information between the two parties. The use of new administrative data sources will replace traditional data collection methods and reduce the burden on data providers and data collection costs. At the same time, they can provide data with greater temporal and spatial coverage and contribute to more detailed, accurate and faster data releases by reducing time to market.

A cooperation agreement was signed on 8 October 2024 by Dr. Áron Kincses, President of the HCSO, and Sándor Czomba, State Secretary for Employment Policy, on behalf of the Ministry for National Economy. At a signing ceremony held at the main building of the HCSO, the parties agreed on the framework for data transfer between the two institutions. "For the Hungarian Central Statistical Office, it is of strategic importance to reduce the burden on data providers and data collection costs, to produce official statistics as quickly as possible and to shorten the time to market, one of the means of which is to identify and integrate new administrative data sources into the statistics production process." - Dr. Áron Kincses, President of the HCSO, presented the details.

Sándor Czomba said, "Labour market developments have a significant impact on the development of the Hungarian economy, so the fast, up-to-date exchange of related economic indicators is essential for the development of a successful employment policy. Thanks to the bilateral agreement, faster data exchange contributes to the more efficient implementation of government decisions and measures, underpins them and facilitates their preparation."

The inclusion of administrative data sources will enable the HCSO to respond to changes in socio-economic processes even more efficiently and quickly. The agreement just concluded is another important step on this road, as it will enable the Office to provide more detailed statistical data to decision-makers, researchers and the economic and social community. The cooperation will also contribute to the availability of up-to-date and comprehensive information, thus facilitating sustainable and informed economic planning and policy-making.


Hungarian Central Statistical Office

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