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Press release, 06.03.2025.

Regular international comparative analyses

HCSO launches a new analytical series

The picture painted by statistics on the economic and social characteristics of a country is greatly enhanced by examining individual indicators in international comparison. In this context, the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO) will start publishing regular international comparative analyses based on the latest data of the European Union member states on eight different topics, which will focus on the situation of Hungary and the Visegrád countries (V4), and will also include well-founded forecasts from various sources.

The newly launched series of regular international comparative analyses of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office will compare the most important economic and social indicators in relation to the European Union and the V4 countries and provide forecasts from various, well-founded sources. This comparison on unemployment will be followed by an overview of seven other topics (construction output, consumer prices, industrial production, GDP, industrial producer prices, retail sales, housing prices).

In line with Eurostat's regular releases, and using the content of the related domestic first releases, the comparative material will be published on a monthly or quarterly basis, depending on the topic. The comparative analyses will also provide valuable information for economic policy makers, businesses, researchers and the media.

At the beginning of 2024, the HCSO launched a new online platform to publish its experimental statistics based on the latest innovative methodologies, alternative data sources and the unprecedented linking of existing data. The experimental statistics will allow to meet emerging data needs and can support a deeper understanding of social and economic processes.


Hungarian Central Statistical Office

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Postacím/Postal address: P.O.Box 51 Budapest H-1525