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Press release, 04.10.2023.

Press conference held by the Hungarian Central Statistical Office, the Hungarian Tourism Agency and the Hungarian Hotel & Restaurant Association

The number of tourism nights spent in tourist accommodation establishments in August 2023 was 0.8% higher than in the same period of the previous year, while the number of nights spent by domestic guests decreased by 6.0% and that of foreign tourism nights increased by 11%. Total gross revenue in commercial accommodation establishments was HUF 84 billion, 25% higher at current prices than a year earlier. The World Athletics Championships in August 2023 gave a significant boost to tourism in Budapest, with tourism nights in the capital by foreign visitors from Australia and Oceania up by more than 120%, and those from Africa and Asia up by almost 60% and 50% respectively compared to August 2022. In the topological maps, the change in area is proportional to the number of domestic and foreign tourism nights. Overall, the most popular region for domestic tourism nights was Lake Balaton, while the most popular regions for foreign tourism nights were Lake Balaton and the capital in August 2023," said Dr. Áron Kincses, President of the KSH.


Hungarian Central Statistical Office

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