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Press release, 03.09.2024.

Data in focus: increasing statistical proficiency in administration and beyond

HCSO considers its mission the assistance in data interpretation

It is a main goal of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO) to offer such information for its users that help in better understanding official statistical data in order to improve their efficient utilisation and data-based decision making. Related to this effort, the HCSO is organising this fall, for the second time, the STAT Academy program series, available from now on not only for those working in the state administration but for people working in the private as well as in the scientific sectors, too.

The HCSO launched for the first time the STAT Academy program series in the fall of 2023. Considering the significant success and the feedbacks of the first event, two series: Admin+ and Business are being announced this year.

The STAT Academy Admin+ program series will take place between 16 September and 3 October 2024, the STAT Academy Business series is going to run between 4 – 21 November 2024, both in the main building of the HCSO (1024 Budapest, Keleti Károly u. 5–7). The former series is dealing with state administration topics, the latter with business and higher education related ones. Both are going to start with professional workshops entitled “Tangible information about data access regarding Hungary and the EU” available not only for the target groups but for the representatives of the media, too.

Registration for the STAT Academy Admin+ Business program series has already begun. Those interested may apply until 9 September 2024, by registering their name, work email and the name of their organisation. As a next step, participants could mark the presentations they would like to attend.

Further information about STAT Academy Admin+ https://www.ksh.hu/ksh-stat-akademia-2024
STAT Academy Admin+ registration: https://www.ksh.hu/ksh-stat-akademia-2024-regisztracio
STAT Academy Admin+ press representatives’ registration by email: kommunikacio@ksh.hu

Improving the utilisation of statistical data and their interpretation is one of the main goals of the Office, achieved by enhancing users’ statistical proficiency, by increasing the number of data sources and lessening administrative burdens and by shortening the time of entry on the market. Statistical data series and their interpretation may be challenging at times, this is why the HCSO is committed to assist those using HCSO data -either for work or individual interest purposes – through statistical education.

The patron of the HCSO STAT Academy is Dr. Áron Kincses, President of the HCSO.


Hungarian Central Statistical Office

H-1024 Budapest, Keleti Károly u. 5-7. Tel./Phone: (+36-1) 345-6000
Postacím/Postal address: P.O.Box 51 Budapest H-1525