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Press release, 03.03.2025.

Cycle Traffic around the Great Lakes of Hungary

The HCSO is publishing a new experimental statistic

The newest experimental statistic of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO) undertakes on quantifying cycle traffic around the great lakes of Hungary (Balaton, Lake Fertő, Lake Tisza and Lake Velence), then compares the data obtained with changes in the guest numbers at local accommodation establishments. In spite of the ever-growing worldwide popularity of active tourism, including cycling, there is no reliable statistical data available on cycling traffic in most EU member states, as such the present publication of the HCSO is the first step in developing domestic cycling statistics.

The Hungarian Central Statistical Office publishes its new experimental statistic entitled „Cycle Traffic around the Great Lakes of Hungary”. The analysis presents, by using data from the Hungarian Public Roads PLC cycle traffic measuring points, the characteristics of the summer 2024 cycle traffic around our four lakes, considered touristic centres: Lake Balaton, Lake Fertő, Lake Tisza and Lake Velence. The HCSO joins, with this publication, those few EU countries where cycling statistical data are available. The Office is going to publish from now on results on a season-related, quarterly basis.

The experimental statistic offers an insight into the volume of cycle traffic, the comparison with guest numbers at accommodation establishments highlights the connection of cycle traffic around the large lakes with tourism night numbers. A strong correlation may indicate that cyclists could be a significant target group for local tourism services. A weak connection, at the same time, may emphasize that cycle traffic and turnover at accommodation establishments follow a diverging pattern, for example the number of one-day tourists is high, or accommodation establishments do not ensure appealing conditions (e.g. cycle storage) for cyclists. The experimental statistic may offer, based on the obtained information, significant guidelines for those interested in developing tourism and economy.

Experimental statistics offered by the HCSO support, by applying innovative methods and by involving new data sources, a faster and more flexible data publication in line with emerging expectations. Offering relevant information to the public, in spite of limitations due to the experimental character, is the aim of publication: these data may fill knowledge gaps in a timely manner, may offer significant guidelines for policy decision makers, and could serve as a driving force in developing new analyses and indices.


Hungarian Central Statistical Office

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