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Press release, 02.01.2019.

Publication of the Dissemination calendar of first releases for 2019


We would like to inform our valued users about the publication of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office’s dissemination calendar of first releases for 2019. We publish in the first releases the first available results based of interim data collections, containing the prosperity indices of the national economy, facilitating customers’ fast information supply and supporting grounded decision making. The calendar contains all monthly and quarterly releases, grouped by title and by calendar day. Release days go by international recommendations, by processing of data collection results and by the dissemination calendar of Eurostat, the European Statistical Office.


Several changes are expected to take place in the 2019 dissemination calendar:


In the data collection relating to retail trade due to the availability of data of online cash registers, an earlier and more accurate estimate is made possible; in consequence instead of the presently available two publications (first and second estimates) one new first release will appear entitled „Retail Trade” on the same date the first estimate used to appear, containing the detailed indices of the division.


Beside products, import and export of services play an ever increasing role in the external trade of the country. In line with this trend a quarterly first release will be published entitled „International trade in services” Expected publication date is the end of the second month following the reference period.


Information relating to monthly staff numbers and statistics of earnings come from new data sources, making possible the publication of more detailed data, among others that of median earnings. At the same time, going by the data processing of administrative data the publication of the first release „Earnings” is delayed 7-10 days starting with the publication containing the January 2019 data. Details to follow at the beginning of 2019.


The future content of the first releases in agriculture ( Livestock, Ear cereals, Agricultural producer prices) – by considering the fact that these do not publish prosperity indicators – will take a different form, appearing among STADAT tables and in Dissemination databases, ensuring the availability of detailed information for our customers.


We will publish a total of 184 first releases in 2019 in monthly and quarterly recurrences.



Hungarian Central Statistical Office

H-1024 Budapest, Keleti Károly u. 5-7. Phone: +36 (1) 345 6000
Postal address: P.O.B. 51 Budapest, H-1525