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Press release, 01.07.2024.

The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO) is leading the statistical working group of the Council of the European Union

In the framework of the Hungarian leadership of the Council of the European Union the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO) is leading for half year, starting 1 July 2024 the statistical working group of the Council. During this time the HCSO is placing emphasis on the strengthening of the European Statistical System (ESS) and on supporting modernization efforts, on cooperation with member states and partners, on promoting digital technologies and on strategic management of emerging crisis situations.

The Hungarian leadership of the Council of the European Union is taking place between 1 July – 31 December 2024. Within this framework the HCSO – as a member of the European Statistical System – is leading the statistical working group of the Council for half a year. Dr. Áron Kincses, President of the HCSO took over the statistical torch – representing the continuity and unity of leadership – on 25 June 2024 from Marie Vandresse, Director-General of Statbel, the Statistical Office of Belgium.

Five working group meetings are on agenda, to be led by the HCSO staff. Structured debates, conflicting national interests will be coordinated by the Hungarian presidency during these meetings, leading member states toward cooperation. In terms of legislation, coordination with the European Parliament will be a further task, we will have to find ways toward compromise by representing twenty-seven member states during the inter-institutional talks.

The HCSO created on the occasion of the Hungarian leadership of the Council of the European Union a new sub-page, where, beside the program of the leadership and legislation files, continuously updated news and coverages will inform the public about the activity of the Hungarian leadership. https://eu2024.ksh.hu/


Hungarian Central Statistical Office

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