Hungarian Statistical Review - For Authors
What topics do the studies, articles published in this journal cover?
Where to send the manuscripts?
What formal requirements should one follow when editing the manuscript?
Who should I contact regarding questions about the editing and submitting of the manuscript?
What topics do the studies, articles published in this journal cover?
We welcome all statistics related writings. Our journal mainly publishes economic and social statistical analyses, methodological and historical studies, but at the same time it is open towards any scientific field where statistical methods are applied. We consider extremely important the following topics:
- statistical, econometrical modelling;
- applications of mathematical statistics, computational statistics;
- scientific fields where statistics are applied at a high level (actuarial science, market and public opinion surveys, psychology, medicine, etc.).
However, those who work in these latter fields have so far joined us only in a lesser degree. We would appreciate if these specialists recognised our journal’s comprehensive statistical approach and published their studies on intriguing statistical applications in the Hungarian Statistical Review.
Although we approach statistics with a broader perspective, we cannot accept writings, even of the highest standard, which are not linked to statistical applications. Statistics-supporting mathematical theories are evidently a part of the scientific field, however, these represent a special part and are far from the interest of our readers, thus their publication is only supported by us in application related, exceptional cases.
Where to send the manuscripts?
The editorial staff accepts the manuscripts of the studies and papers at the and the email addresses.
What formal requirements should one follow when editing the manuscript?
The preferred format of the manuscripts is Microsoft Word (doc, docx) or any other convertible format. The font should be Times New Roman. Ensure that the font size is 12 pt and the line spacing is normal. In all cases, please include with your Word manuscript file editable Excel files of the figures you have included in the manuscript, or exported files in vector format for figures not in Excel.. The most common types of vector files are AI (Adobe Illustrator), EPS (Encapsulated PostScript), PDF (Portable Document Format) and SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics).
There is no length restriction for the manuscripts. The average length of the studies is 1 author’s sheet (approximately 16 printed A4 pages, 40,000 characters). Shorter writings are accepted as well, however these may be published in the ‘Short communications’ column. If the manuscript significantly exceeds 40,000 characters, but its subject is considered thought-provoking, we publish the writing in two parts.
Obligatory prerequisites of the studies: a) title; b) author(s)’ data (name, affiliation [workplace, work title], email address); c) a short (no more than 10-15 line) summary; d) maximum 3 keywords; e) main text that typically follows the structure: introductory section, Methods/processes, Results, Discussion, Conclusion (there are no unified requirements for the composition of these sections as it depends on the genre and subject of the study), possibly Appendix or online Annex, Bibliography. Authors are recommended to review the earlier issues of the journal for guidance on structure.
Other requirements
Section titles: The manuscript structure should be clear-cut, the levels of the intra-text titles should not exceed three (1. section title, 1.1. sub-section title, 1.1.1. sub-sub-section title). The numbering of titles should be continuous, based on the decimal system.
Formulas: The equations/formulas in the paper should preferably be prepared with MathType equation editor. Equations/formulas should be numbered consecutively (/1/, /2/, etc.). VariaVariables in equations/formulas should be written in italics; to represent vectors and matrices, it is recommended to use upright boldface type. For example,
Tables and figures: Tables and figures in the text should be numbered consecutively. Please remember to indicate the reference period in the caption. All sources that have been used to create the tables’/figures’ data need to be cited below the tables/figures (Source:...) Notes may be inserted under the tables/figures (Note. ....) Please refrain from publishing excessively large tables. However, we can make large tables as background information available in online annexes. When preparing the figures, please keep in mind that the publication will be in a grey-tone form as well as the fact that figures will be unified in a certain degree, their size will be altered during editing and layout editing. Therefore, please send us the figures in editable format (e.g. xls, xslx, ai). If this is not possible, then please provide us the data on which we could recreate the figures.
The order of brackets: round (), square [ ], curly { }.
The order of quotation marks: ‘single’, “double”, »guillemet«.
Quotations: Ideas borrowed from other authors should be cited word by word using quotation marks and, in each case, providing the source with the page number(s) (e.g. KSH [2018] p. 35.). If the quotation is supplemented, it should be indicated with square brackets, in the same way as errors in a quote are marked [sic]. Ellipsis points are used to represent an omission from a quotation, a larger omission should be marked by ellipsis points in a square bracket […].
Footnotes: Please insert notes for the text as footnotes and not as end-notes at the end of the main text. Please keep in mind that too many footnotes break the thread of the main text, making it unclear and difficult to understand.
Appendix: If necessary, you may publish longer interpretations, additions, methodological references, definitions for understanding the material as an appendix. However, in order to better deliver the ideas and inform the reader, the bulk of the main information should not be placed in the appendix.
Referencing scientific literature: The in-text citation consists of the author’s/authors’ surname(s) in italics and the publication year of the publication in square bracket. Several publications of an author during the same year should be marked with a, b, c (e.g. Issler–Lima [2000]; Fellegi [2001a], [2001b]).
When there is no author for the referenced literature (e.g. institutional publications), the publisher and the year of publishing should be indicated (e.g. World Bank [1988]). In case of more than three authors, only the family name of the first author has to be mentioned and completed with „et al.” (e.g. Stoker et al. [2013]). Internet references should be displayed in full (e.g.
The list of references should not contain field codes if possible and the sources should be enlisted in alphabetical order displaying the link of their digital object identifiers (DOIs) as well ( Please indicate separately the internet sources (those with no author, online accessibility only).
Examples for the format of different scientific literature types:
ACEMOGLU, D. – OZDAGLAR, A. – TAHBAZ-SALEHI, A. [2017]: Microeconomic origins of macroeconomic tail risks. American Economic Review. Vol. 107. No. 1. pp. 54–108.
GROVES, R. M. [2011]: Three eras of survey research. Public Opinion Quarterly. Vol. 75. No. 5. pp. 861–871.
TANNER, J. [1979]: An empirical investigation of the tax discounting – A comment. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. Vol. 11. No. 2. pp. 214–218.
Volumes, chapters:
ROMER, D. [1996]: Advanced Macroeconomics. McGraw Hill. New York.
THEIL, H. [2001]: Principles of Econometrics. Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York.
BEN-ZVI, D. – MAKAR, K. – GARFIELD, J. (eds.) [2018]: International Handbook of Research in Statistics Education. Springer. New York.
GONZALEZ, R. – GRIFFIN, D. [2000]: On the statistics of interdependence: Treating dyadic data with respect. In: Ickes, W. – Duck, S. (eds.): The Social Psychology of Personal Relationship. John Wiley and Sons Ltd. Chichester. pp. 181–213.
EUROSTAT [2017]: Sustainable Development in the European Union. Publication Office of the European Union. Luxembourg.
Working papers, conference publications, presentations at conferences:
BLÖCHL, F. – THEIS, F. J. – VEGA-REDONDO, F. – FISHER, E. O. N. [2010]: Which Sectors of a Modern Economy Are Most Central? CESifo Woking Paper Series. No. 3175. CESifo (Center for Economic Studies) Group. Munich.
LOHMANN, S. – ZIEGLER, J. – TETZLAFF, L. [2009]: Comparison of Tag Cloud Layouts: Task-related Performance and Visual Exploration. Proceedings of the 12th IFIP TC (International Federation for Information Processing, Technical Committee) International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Part I. Springer-Verlag. Berlin, Heidelberg. pp. 392–404.
DAAS, P. J. H. – PUTS, M. J. – BUELENS, B. – VAN DEN HURK, P. A. M. [2013]: Big Data and Official Statistics. Paper presented at the Conference on New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics. 5–7 March. Brussels.
Internet sources:
BBC NEWS [2009]: China seeks export carbon relief. 17 March.
BP PLC. [2018]: Energy Outlook.
Who should I contact regarding questions about the editing and submitting of the manuscript?
Should you have any questions or problems regarding manuscript submission technicalities, please contact Cosette Kondora (; +36-1-345-6290).
Tamás Dusek