Remote execution
Description of the service
During remote execution, the researcher submits program code and/or specifications to the HCSO, on the basis of which the requested query is run by the HCSO on its internal, protected network on the given micro-data file. The researcher does not have access to the micro-data files concerned, and only receives the research output after the program code and/or specification has been sent to the HCSO (after any necessary reconciliation).
Who can use it?
- Independent researchers.
- Researchers with an institutional background.
Available data files
- Standard microdata-sets available in the Safe Centre.
- Microdata-sets prepared on specific individual data requests.
How to access the service?
By submitting a Safe Centre data request form via the Contact us application.
Fulfilling a submitted request
- Following the submission of the data request form, HCSO will, in the framework of the researcher accreditation, examine the researcher requesting the data and, if there is one, the institutional background of the researcher, as well as the scientific purpose of the research.
- Following successful accreditation and the examination of the professional feasibility of the research data request, HCSO will always conclude a contract with the research institute/researcher and get a confidentiality agreement signed.
- Subject to the terms of the contract, HCSO will grant access to the requested data.
Form documents
- Sample contract for remote execution access
- Confidentiality statement (sample)
- Remote execution request form
How remote execution works
The remote execution is based on the program code or specification provided by the data requester to HCSO. HCSO produces the research output as indicated in the specification, so it is important that it is produced accurately. The specification must be attached to the remote execution request form.
Where possible, the data requester may also provide HCSO with a pre-written programme code. Pre-written program codes can speed up the successful running of the remote execution process. The sample files for the researchable files are also helpful for pre-writing the program code.
The results produced by remote execution are checked by HCSO for data protection (this is called output checking) and can only be released to the researcher afterwards. The purpose of the output cheking is to ensure that the research results produced comply with data protection requirements and that that they do not allow identification of statistical units, or disclosure of information related to these units.