Code Transactions and balancing items Total Goods and services (resources) Rest of the world Total economy NPISHs Households General government Financial corporations Non-financial corporations Non-sectorized Non-sectorized Non-financial corporations Financial corporations General government Households NPISHs Total economy Rest of the world Goods and services (uses) Total
S.1+S.2 S.2 S.1 S.15 S.14 S.13 S.12 S.11 S.1N S.1N S.11 S.12 S.13 S.14 S.15 S.1 S.2 S.1+S.2
I. Production account / External account of goods and services
P.7 Imports of goods and services 31,188,161 31,188,161 31,188,161 31,188,161
P.71 Imports of goods 25,970,256 25,970,256 25,970,256 25,970,256
P.72 Imports of services 5,217,905 5,217,905 5,217,905 5,217,905
P.6 Exports of goods and services 33,729,046 33,729,046 33,729,046 33,729,046
P.61 Exports of goods 26,373,262 26,373,262 26,373,262 26,373,262
P.62 Exports of services 7,355,784 7,355,784 7,355,784 7,355,784
P.1 Output 77,184,994 77,184,994 57,367,110 2,108,765 8,783,450 8,029,963 895,706 77,184,994 77,184,994
P.11 Market output 63,663,879 63,663,879 56,431,774 2,087,165 17,846 5,127,094 63,663,879 63,663,879
P.12 Output for own final use 4,017,873 4,017,873 935,336 21,600 154,806 2,902,869 3,262 4,017,873 4,017,873
P.13 Non-market output 9,503,242 9,503,242 8,610,798 892,444 9,503,242 9,503,242
P.2 Intermediate consumption 43,814,821 43,814,821 437,808 2,199,199 3,202,215 925,102 37,050,497 43,814,821 43,814,821
D.21–D.31 Taxes less subsidies on products 5,965,756 5,965,756 5,965,756 5,965,756 5,965,756
B.1g Value added, gross / GDPa 39,335,929 39,335,929 457,898 5,830,764 5,581,235 1,183,663 20,316,613 5,965,756
P.51c Consumption of fixed capital 6,382,931 6,382,931 87,375 1,030,546 1,360,673 112,903 3,791,434
B.1n Value added, net / NDP 32,952,998 32,952,998 370,523 4,800,218 4,220,562 1,070,760 16,525,179 5,965,756
B.11 External balance of goods and services -2,540,885 -2,540,885
II.1.1. Generation of income account
B.1g Value added, gross / GDPa 5,965,756 20,316,613 1,183,663 5,581,235 5,830,764 457,898 39,335,929 39,335,929
B.1n Value added, net / NDP 5,965,756 16,525,179 1,070,760 4,220,562 4,800,218 370,523 32,952,998 32,952,998
B.11 External balance of goods and services -2,540,885 -2,540,885
D.1 Compensation of employees 16,917,661 16,917,661 408,339 639,148 4,226,939 577,580 11,065,655
D.11 Wages and salaries 14,033,981 14,033,981 342,925 580,760 3,455,890 458,367 9,196,039
D.12 Employers' social contributions 2,883,680 2,883,680 65,414 58,388 771,049 119,213 1,869,616
D.2–D.3 Taxes less subsidies on production and imports 5,918,240 5,918,240 -37,816 -158,042 -6,377 103,209 51,510 5,965,756
D.21 Taxes on products 6,302,607 6,302,607 6,302,607
D.29 Other taxes on production 769,847 769,847 526 128,104 29,303 104,294 507,620
D.31 Subsidies on products 336,851 336,851 336,851
D.39 Other subsidies on production 817,363 817,363 38,342 286,146 35,680 1,085 456,110
B.2g Operating surplus, gross 13,192,831 13,192,831 87,375 2,042,461 1,360,673 502,874 9,199,448 0
B.2n Operating surplus, net 7,156,666 7,156,666 0 1,358,681 0 389,971 5,408,014 0
B.3g Mixed income, gross 3,307,197 3,307,197 3,307,197
B.3n Mixed income, net 2,960,431 2,960,431 2,960,431
II.1.2. Allocation of primary income account
B.2g Operating surplus, gross 0 9,199,448 502,874 1,360,673 2,042,461 87,375 13,192,831 13,192,831
B.2n Operating surplus, net 0 5,408,014 389,971 0 1,358,681 0 7,156,666 7,156,666
B.3g Mixed income, gross 3,307,197 3,307,197 3,307,197
B.3n Mixed income, net 2,960,431 2,960,431 2,960,431
D.1 Compensation of employees 1,023,045 1,023,045 17,782,577 17,782,577 158,129 17,940,706
D.11 Wages and salaries 881,608 881,608 14,776,428 14,776,428 139,161 14,915,589
D.12 Employers' social contributions 141,437 141,437 3,006,149 3,006,149 18,968 3,025,117
D.2–D.3 Taxes less subsidies on production and imports 6,293,928 6,293,928 -375,688 5,918,240
D.21–D.31 Taxes less subsidies on products 5,970,594 5,970,594 -4,838 5,965,756
D.29–D.39 Other taxes less subsidies on production 323,334 323,334 -370,850 -47,516
D.4 Property income 11,712,271 2,742,083 8,970,188 345 105,696 1,039,649 2,763,295 5,061,203 1,539,488 2,950,953 159,789 1,527,741 14,269 6,192,240 5,520,031 11,712,271
B.5g Balance of primary incomes, gross (National income, gross, GNI) 37,798,585 37,798,585 101,299 24,554,280 6,774,741 690,532 5,677,733 0
B.5n Balance of primary incomes, net (National income, net, NNI) 31,415,654 31,415,654 13,924 23,523,734 5,414,068 577,629 1,886,299 0
II.2. Secondary distribution of income account
B.5g Balance of primary incomes, gross (National income, gross, GNI) 0 5,677,733 690,532 6,774,741 24,554,280 101,299 37,798,585 37,798,585
B.5n Balance of primary incomes, net (National income, net, NNI) 0 1,886,299 577,629 5,414,068 23,523,734 13,924 31,415,654 31,415,654
D.5 Current taxes on income, wealth 3,030,760 12,491 3,018,269 2,215,202 2,119 92,510 708,438 2,804,826 2,804,826 225,934 3,030,760
D.61 Net social contributions 5,548,330 34,373 5,513,957 5,513,957 36,641 231,893 5,018,260 433 5,287,227 261,103 5,548,330
D.62 Social benefits other than social transfers in kind 4,893,889 46,385 4,847,504 15,057 4,673,515 122,136 36,796 4,876,331 4,876,331 17,558 4,893,889
D.7 Other current transfers 3,087,311 479,366 2,607,945 56,077 589,980 1,176,608 322,272 463,008 507,735 304,543 449,017 548,864 842,176 2,652,335 434,976 3,087,311
B.6g Disposable income, gross 37,431,629 37,431,629 872,774 21,660,336 9,194,602 690,050 5,013,867 0
B.6n Disposable income, net 31,048,698 31,048,698 785,399 20,629,790 7,833,929 577,147 1,222,433 0
II.3. Redistribution of income in kind account
B.6g Disposable income, gross 0 5,013,867 690,050 9,194,602 21,660,336 872,774 37,431,629 37,431,629
B.6n Disposable income, net 0 1,222,433 577,147 7,833,929 20,629,790 785,399 31,048,698 31,048,698
D.63 Social transfers in kind 4,515,217 4,515,217 699,101 3,816,116 4,515,217 4,515,217 4,515,217
B.7g Adjusted disposable income, gross 37,431,629 37,431,629 173,673 26,175,553 5,378,486 690,050 5,013,867 0
B.7n Adjusted disposable income, net 31,048,698 31,048,698 86,298 25,145,007 4,017,813 577,147 1,222,433 0
II.4. Use of income account
B.6g Disposable income, gross 0 5,013,867 690,050 9,194,602 21,660,336 872,774 37,431,629 37,431,629
B.6n Disposable income, net 0 1,222,433 577,147 7,833,929 20,629,790 785,399 31,048,698 31,048,698
P.4 Actual final consumption 27,640,363 27,640,363 23,532,311 4,108,052 27,640,363 27,640,363
P.3 Final consumption expenditure 27,640,363 27,640,363 699,101 19,017,094 7,924,168 27,640,363 27,640,363
D.8 Adjustment for the change in pension entitlements 109,757 109,757 109,757 109,757 109,757 109,757
B.8g Saving, gross 9,791,266 9,791,266 173,673 2,752,999 1,270,434 580,293 5,013,867 0
B.8n Saving, net 3,408,335 3,408,335 86,298 1,722,453 -90,239 467,390 1,222,433 0
B.12 Current external balance -636,585 -636,585
III.1. Capital account
B.8g Saving, gross 0 5,013,867 580,293 1,270,434 2,752,999 173,673 9,791,266 9,791,266
B.8n Saving, net 0 1,222,433 467,390 -90,239 1,722,453 86,298 3,408,335 3,408,335
B.12 Current external balance -636,585 -636,585
P.51g Gross fixed capital formation 8,778,803 8,778,803 117,862 1,365,947 1,780,891 120,490 5,393,613 8,778,803 8,778,803
P.52 Changes in inventories 306,020 306,020 7,281 43,590 255,149 306,020 306,020
P.53 Acquisitions less disposals of valuables 69,858 69,858 15 35,660 8,673 .. 25,510 69,858 69,858
P.51c Consumption of fixed capital -6,382,931 -6,382,931 -87,375 -1,030,546 -1,360,673 -112,903 -3,791,434
NP Acquisitions less disposals of non-produced assets -19,079 19,079 128,522 -128,522 471 18,608
D.9 Capital transfers, receivable (+) 576,724 22,744 388,325 155,168 304,360 1,447,321 128,403 1,575,724
D.9 Capital transfers, payable (–) 52,583 75,425 919,798 25,158 40,824 1,113,788 461,936 1,575,724
B.9 Net lending(+) / net borrowing(–)b 0 -951,039 951,039 319,332 1,345,599 -965,671 406,651 -154,872 0
III.2. Financial accountc
B.9 Net lending(+) / net borrowing(–) -691,664 107,592 -962,797 1,945,445 256,441 655,017 -655,017 0


aThe sum of gross values added of all sectors plus the net taxes on products together corresponds to the gross value added of the total economy (GDP).
bConcept of net lending / net borrowing used by NBH is equal one used by HCSO.
cSource: National Bank of Hungary (NBH). Data of non-consolidated transaction including data of special purpose entities (SPEs). Data of Eximbank ZRT. are included in the General Government sector.