Code Transactions and balancing items Total Goods and services (resources) Rest of the world Total economy NPISHs Households General government Financial corporations Non-financial corporations Non-sectorized Non-sectorized Non-financial corporations Financial corporations General government Households NPISHs Total economy Rest of the world Goods and services (uses) Total
S.1+S.2 S.2 S.1 S.15 S.14 S.13 S.12 S.11 S.1N S.1N S.11 S.12 S.13 S.14 S.15 S.1 S.2 S.1+S.2
I. Production account / External account of goods and services
P.7 Imports of goods and services 20,012,806 20,012,806 20,012,806 20,012,806
P.71 Imports of goods 17,031,459 17,031,459 17,031,459 17,031,459
P.72 Imports of services 2,981,347 2,981,347 2,981,347 2,981,347
P.6 Exports of goods and services 20,023,844 20,023,844 20,023,844 20,023,844
P.61 Exports of goods 16,774,411 16,774,411 16,774,411 16,774,411
P.62 Exports of services 3,249,433 3,249,433 3,249,433 3,249,433
P.1 Output 52,736,322 52,736,322 38,946,901 1,801,110 5,435,606 6,021,089 531,616 52,736,322 52,736,322
P.11 Market output 44,366,069 44,366,069 38,415,221 1,794,914 17,626 4,138,308 44,366,069 44,366,069
P.12 Output for own final use 2,518,829 2,518,829 531,680 6,196 87,901 1,882,781 10,271 2,518,829 2,518,829
P.13 Non-market output 5,851,424 5,851,424 5,330,079 521,345 5,851,424 5,851,424
P.2 Intermediate consumption 30,605,599 30,605,599 276,609 2,006,244 1,630,658 860,643 25,831,445 30,605,599 30,605,599
D.21–D.31 Taxes less subsidies on products 3,599,535 3,599,535 3,599,535 3,599,535 3,599,535
B.1g Value added, gross / GDPa 25,730,258 25,730,258 255,007 4,014,845 3,804,948 940,467 13,115,456 3,599,535
P.51c Consumption of fixed capital 4,127,298 4,127,298 58,985 760,409 882,857 73,913 2,351,134
B.1n Value added, net / NDP 21,602,960 21,602,960 196,022 3,254,436 2,922,091 866,554 10,764,322 3,599,535
B.11 External balance of goods and services -11,038 -11,038
II.1.1. Generation of income account
B.1g Value added, gross / GDPa 3,599,535 13,115,456 940,467 3,804,948 4,014,845 255,007 25,730,258 25,730,258
B.1n Value added, net / NDP 3,599,535 10,764,322 866,554 2,922,091 3,254,436 196,022 21,602,960 21,602,960
B.11 External balance of goods and services -11,038 -11,038
D.1 Compensation of employees 11,744,388 11,744,388 195,493 486,157 2,923,454 507,146 7,632,138
D.11 Wages and salaries 9,151,945 9,151,945 148,251 440,167 2,172,437 370,551 6,020,539
D.12 Employers' social contributions 2,592,443 2,592,443 47,242 45,990 751,017 136,595 1,611,599
D.2–D.3 Taxes less subsidies on production and imports 3,512,965 3,512,965 529 -99,342 0 6,900 5,343 3,599,535
D.21 Taxes on products 3,858,094 3,858,094 3,858,094
D.29 Other taxes on production 223,308 223,308 529 15,038 0 7,161 200,580
D.31 Subsidies on products 258,559 258,559 258,559
D.39 Other subsidies on production 309,878 309,878 0 114,380 0 261 195,237
B.2g Operating surplus, gross 8,057,995 8,057,995 58,985 1,213,120 881,494 426,421 5,477,975 0
B.2n Operating surplus, net 4,193,863 4,193,863 0 715,877 -1,363 352,508 3,126,841 0
B.3g Mixed income, gross 2,414,910 2,414,910 2,414,910
B.3n Mixed income, net 2,151,744 2,151,744 2,151,744
II.1.2. Allocation of primary income account
B.2g Operating surplus, gross 0 5,477,975 426,421 881,494 1,213,120 58,985 8,057,995 8,057,995
B.2n Operating surplus, net 0 3,126,841 352,508 -1,363 715,877 0 4,193,863 4,193,863
B.3g Mixed income, gross 2,414,910 2,414,910 2,414,910
B.3n Mixed income, net 2,151,744 2,151,744 2,151,744
D.1 Compensation of employees 165,720 165,720 11,754,071 11,754,071 156,037 11,910,108
D.11 Wages and salaries 142,767 142,767 9,157,725 9,157,725 136,987 9,294,712
D.12 Employers' social contributions 22,953 22,953 2,596,346 2,596,346 19,050 2,615,396
D.2–D.3 Taxes less subsidies on production and imports 3,676,975 3,676,975 -164,010 3,512,965
D.21–D.31 Taxes less subsidies on products 3,608,115 3,608,115 -8,580 3,599,535
D.29–D.39 Other taxes less subsidies on production 68,860 68,860 -155,430 -86,570
D.4 Property income 10,650,601 2,047,473 8,603,128 1,440 423,186 1,037,437 3,731,977 3,409,088 1,175,781 3,626,366 236,691 1,428,381 19,454 6,486,673 4,163,928 10,650,601
B.5g Balance of primary incomes, gross (National income, gross, GNI) 23,787,496 23,787,496 76,999 16,387,296 3,757,723 320,810 3,244,668 0
B.5n Balance of primary incomes, net (National income, net, NNI) 19,660,198 19,660,198 18,014 15,626,887 2,874,866 246,897 893,534 0
II.2. Secondary distribution of income account
B.5g Balance of primary incomes, gross (National income, gross, GNI) 0 3,244,668 320,810 3,757,723 16,387,296 76,999 23,787,496 23,787,496
B.5n Balance of primary incomes, net (National income, net, NNI) 0 893,534 246,897 2,874,866 15,626,887 18,014 19,660,198 19,660,198
D.5 Current taxes on income, wealth 2,611,069 10,419 2,600,650 1,899,605 181 117,896 582,968 2,577,587 2,577,587 33,482 2,611,069
D.61 Net social contributions 4,125,746 28,890 4,096,856 4,096,856 28,556 590,278 3,465,398 0 4,084,232 41,514 4,125,746
D.62 Social benefits other than social transfers in kind 4,058,703 8,863 4,049,840 26,017 3,870,414 118,045 35,364 4,050,311 4,050,311 8,392 4,058,703
D.7 Other current transfers 2,342,965 332,224 2,010,741 21,194 497,616 701,358 273,859 516,714 456,342 281,874 188,403 506,474 400,793 1,833,886 509,079 2,342,965
B.6g Disposable income, gross 23,575,425 23,575,425 430,581 14,450,004 5,417,158 683,162 2,594,520 0
B.6n Disposable income, net 19,448,127 19,448,127 371,596 13,689,595 4,534,301 609,249 243,386 0
II.3. Redistribution of income in kind account
B.6g Disposable income, gross 0 2,594,520 683,162 5,417,158 14,450,004 430,581 23,575,425 23,575,425
B.6n Disposable income, net 0 243,386 609,249 4,534,301 13,689,595 371,596 19,448,127 19,448,127
D.63 Social transfers in kind 3,140,732 3,140,732 378,755 2,761,977 3,140,732 3,140,732 3,140,732
B.7g Adjusted disposable income, gross 23,575,425 23,575,425 51,826 17,590,736 2,655,181 683,162 2,594,520 0
B.7n Adjusted disposable income, net 19,448,127 19,448,127 -7,159 16,830,327 1,772,324 609,249 243,386 0
II.4. Use of income account
B.6g Disposable income, gross 0 2,594,520 683,162 5,417,158 14,450,004 430,581 23,575,425 23,575,425
B.6n Disposable income, net 0 243,386 609,249 4,534,301 13,689,595 371,596 19,448,127 19,448,127
P.4 Actual final consumption 19,312,942 19,312,942 16,726,186 2,586,756 19,312,942 19,312,942
P.3 Final consumption expenditure 19,312,942 19,312,942 378,755 13,585,454 5,348,733 19,312,942 19,312,942
D.8 Adjustment for the change in pension entitlements 472,233 472,233 472,233 472,233 472,233 472,233
B.8g Saving, gross 4,262,483 4,262,483 51,826 1,336,783 68,425 210,929 2,594,520 0
B.8n Saving, net 135,185 135,185 -7,159 576,374 -814,432 137,016 243,386 0
B.12 Current external balance 2,143,795 2,143,795
III.1. Capital account
B.8g Saving, gross 0 2,594,520 210,929 68,425 1,336,783 51,826 4,262,483 4,262,483
B.8n Saving, net 0 243,386 137,016 -814,432 576,374 -7,159 135,185 135,185
B.12 Current external balance 2,143,795 2,143,795
P.51g Gross fixed capital formation 6,098,936 6,098,936 41,343 1,247,228 1,087,857 119,657 3,602,851 6,098,936 6,098,936
P.52 Changes in inventories 282,274 282,274 8,879 12,306 261,089 282,274 282,274
P.53 Acquisitions less disposals of valuables 25,068 25,068 0 10,642 -44 .. 14,470 25,068 25,068
P.51c Consumption of fixed capital -4,127,298 -4,127,298 -58,985 -760,409 -882,857 -73,913 -2,351,134
NP Acquisitions less disposals of non-produced assets -20,695 20,695 -7,037 6,943 0 19,534
D.9 Capital transfers, receivable (+) 376,353 10,063 217,927 132,108 52,765 789,216 20,938 810,154
D.9 Capital transfers, payable (–) 41,498 6,139 487,753 28,022 22,349 585,761 224,393 810,154
B.9 Net lending(+) / net borrowing(–)b 0 1,961,035 -1,961,035 40,899 181,157 -1,308,463 93,941 -968,569 0
III.2. Financial accountc
B.9 Net lending(+) / net borrowing(–) -661,438 -257 -1,253,448 454,868 23,502 -1,436,773 1,436,773 0


aThe sum of gross values added of all sectors plus the net taxes on products together corresponds to the gross value added of the total economy (GDP).
bConcept of net lending / net borrowing used by NBH is equal one used by HCSO.
cSource: National Bank of Hungary (NBH). Data of non-consolidated transaction including data of special purpose entities (SPEs). Data of Eximbank ZRT. are included in the General Government sector.