Name Level 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
of territorial units
Places in infant nurseriesa
Budapest capital, regionb 13,636 13,690 13,760 13,788 14,097 14,189 14,562
Pest county, regionc 5,794 5,773 5,977 6,323 6,900 7,440 8,429
Central Hungary large regiond 19,430 19,463 19,737 20,111 20,997 21,629 22,991
Fejér county 1,562 1,587 1,772 1,838 1,905 1,986 2,250
Komárom-Esztergom county 1,323 1,332 1,392 1,410 1,449 1,515 1,624
Veszprém county 1,418 1,406 1,543 1,635 1,706 1,925 2,021
Central Transdanubia region 4,303 4,325 4,707 4,883 5,060 5,426 5,895
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 2,023 2,122 2,264 2,267 2,431 2,624 2,934
Vas county 968 973 1,033 1,020 1,028 1,143 1,306
Zala county 1,057 1,090 1,161 1,199 1,216 1,292 1,282
Western Transdanubia region 4,048 4,185 4,458 4,486 4,675 5,059 5,522
Baranya county 1,423 1,413 1,488 1,690 1,738 1,659 1,856
Somogy county 918 921 960 1,017 1,106 1,153 1,307
Tolna county 576 620 729 750 750 906 958
Southern Transdanubia region 2,917 2,954 3,177 3,457 3,594 3,718 4,121
Transdanubia large region 11,268 11,464 12,342 12,826 13,329 14,203 15,538
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 2,294 2,367 2,472 2,559 2,912 3,097 3,474
Heves county 999 1,195 1,029 1,082 1,127 1,164 1,305
Nógrád county 272 298 308 379 443 515 589
Northern Hungary region 3,565 3,860 3,809 4,020 4,482 4,776 5,368
Hajdú-Bihar county 2,289 2,367 2,435 2,464 2,613 2,704 3,049
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 1,569 1,568 1,626 1,702 1,852 1,893 2,087
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 2,147 2,191 2,278 2,443 2,548 2,615 3,088
Northern Great Plain region 6,005 6,126 6,339 6,609 7,013 7,212 8,224
Bács-Kiskun county 2,260 2,282 2,410 2,592 2,736 3,061 3,207
Békés county 1,508 1,508 1,573 1,635 1,702 1,761 1,929
Csongrád-Csanád county 2,439 2,466 2,492 2,415 2,563 2,728 3,005
Southern Great Plain region 6,207 6,256 6,475 6,642 7,001 7,550 8,141
Great Plain and North large region 15,777 16,242 16,623 17,271 18,496 19,538 21,733
Total country 46,475 47,169 48,702 50,208 52,822 55,370 60,262
Children enrolled in infant nurseries
Budapest capital, regionb 12,642 12,504 12,447 11,997 11,771 12,346 12,978
Pest county, regionc 5,450 5,514 5,657 5,802 6,315 7,103 8,038
Central Hungary large regiond 18,092 18,018 18,104 17,799 18,086 19,449 21,016
Fejér county 1,473 1,531 1,684 1,689 1,747 1,863 2,141
Komárom-Esztergom county 1,279 1,298 1,378 1,322 1,346 1,437 1,526
Veszprém county 1,389 1,399 1,510 1,487 1,542 1,680 1,814
Central Transdanubia region 4,141 4,228 4,572 4,498 4,635 4,980 5,481
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 2,034 2,122 2,202 2,096 2,225 2,463 2,768
Vas county 887 903 961 964 961 1,061 1,211
Zala county 1,020 1,042 1,091 1,049 1,104 1,172 1,168
Western Transdanubia region 3,941 4,067 4,254 4,109 4,290 4,696 5,147
Baranya county 1,319 1,324 1,397 1,469 1,488 1,560 1,678
Somogy county 875 894 939 936 1,015 1,060 1,213
Tolna county 562 609 697 692 686 828 895
Southern Transdanubia region 2,756 2,827 3,033 3,097 3,189 3,448 3,786
Transdanubia large region 10,838 11,122 11,859 11,704 12,114 13,124 14,414
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 2,162 2,174 2,281 2,245 2,560 2,788 3,119
Heves county 914 879 937 935 969 1,041 1,195
Nógrád county 251 280 274 333 411 477 576
Northern Hungary region 3,327 3,333 3,492 3,513 3,940 4,306 4,890
Hajdú-Bihar county 2,240 2,287 2,362 2,302 2,400 2,577 2,882
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 1,463 1,464 1,507 1,542 1,618 1,740 1,929
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 2,079 2,134 2,193 2,270 2,352 2,477 2,846
Northern Great Plain region 5,782 5,885 6,062 6,114 6,370 6,794 7,657
Bács-Kiskun county 2,246 2,270 2,369 2,509 2,601 2,794 3,090
Békés county 1,461 1,478 1,501 1,514 1,596 1,636 1,809
Csongrád-Csanád county 2,347 2,471 2,502 2,280 2,410 2,617 2,872
Southern Great Plain region 6,054 6,219 6,372 6,303 6,607 7,047 7,771
Great Plain and North large region 15,163 15,437 15,926 15,930 16,917 18,147 20,318
Total country 44,093 44,577 45,889 45,433 47,117 50,720 55,748


*According to the new amendment of the Act XXXI on Child Protection that came into force on 1 January 2017, daytime care for young children has been organized with a new structure. The content and form of institutional benefits and services, as well as the mode of data transmission has changed fundamentally. The comparison of time series data with the previously available data is therefore not possible or only limited.
aNumber of active places.
bPlanning and statistical region and capital according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly capital.
cPlanning and statistical region and county according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly county.
dStatistical large region according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly planning and statistical region and statistical large region.