Name Level 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
of territorial units
Child-care nurses in infant nurseriesa
Budapest capital, regionb 1,807 1,795 1,868 1,854 1,869 1,867 1,870 1,874 1,907 1,992 2,082 2,138 2,155 2,194 2,203 2,256 2,269
Pest county, regionc 365 369 366 369 362 370 390 418 472 489 554 594 635 673 768 801 826
Central Hungary large regiond 2,172 2,164 2,234 2,223 2,231 2,237 2,260 2,292 2,379 2,481 2,636 2,732 2,789 2,867 2,971 3,057 3,095
Fejér county 209 214 207 209 211 198 195 194 201 201 207 216 219 216 226 232 229
Komárom-Esztergom county 154 150 151 150 149 145 151 157 168 174 197 220 215 225 230 233 229
Veszprém county 173 172 175 191 180 181 187 196 212 214 225 233 241 237 232 239 243
Central Transdanubia region 536 536 533 550 540 524 533 547 581 589 629 669 675 678 688 704 701
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 250 247 254 257 242 243 247 247 267 290 311 302 321 330 331 337 341
Vas county 144 139 142 142 142 136 142 136 141 147 143 149 155 148 148 157 150
Zala county 130 130 130 130 129 128 130 129 142 142 150 174 164 172 177 180 178
Western Transdanubia region 524 516 526 529 513 507 519 512 550 579 604 625 640 650 656 674 669
Baranya county 190 188 191 196 202 204 199 198 202 207 218 224 218 221 220 221 227
Somogy county 125 120 122 119 121 121 123 120 118 119 122 128 130 130 131 132 132
Tolna county 79 75 76 78 74 72 77 76 70 82 80 79 74 71 77 79 83
Southern Transdanubia region 394 383 389 393 397 397 399 394 390 408 420 431 422 422 428 432 442
Transdanubia large region 1,454 1,435 1,448 1,472 1,450 1,428 1,451 1,453 1,521 1,576 1,653 1,725 1,737 1,750 1,772 1,810 1,812
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 220 216 215 213 218 221 228 233 247 275 280 297 297 306 314 314 331
Heves county 107 111 109 111 113 110 113 111 109 115 114 124 124 127 128 126 129
Nógrád county 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 28 29 28 26 39 40 39
Northern Hungary region 352 353 350 350 357 358 368 371 383 417 422 450 449 459 481 480 499
Hajdú-Bihar county 257 254 263 260 265 267 265 284 296 305 315 321 321 338 348 352 359
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 204 208 213 208 212 214 221 227 231 237 240 241 237 228 237 240 241
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 185 189 190 189 185 181 195 195 214 218 245 267 283 299 326 328 342
Northern Great Plain region 646 651 666 657 662 662 681 706 741 760 800 829 841 865 911 920 942
Bács-Kiskun county 229 223 224 229 237 239 246 246 250 262 274 283 302 329 335 353 357
Békés county 188 172 170 169 170 180 189 192 187 197 210 231 225 238 241 248 246
Csongrád-Csanád county 294 302 302 313 311 312 319 316 327 333 351 378 411 400 416 412 415
Southern Great Plain region 711 697 696 711 718 731 754 754 764 792 835 892 938 967 992 1,013 1,017
Great Plain and North large region 1,709 1,701 1,712 1,718 1,737 1,751 1,803 1,831 1,888 1,969 2,057 2,171 2,227 2,291 2,384 2,413 2,458
Total country 5,335 5,300 5,394 5,413 5,418 5,416 5,514 5,576 5,788 6,026 6,346 6,628 6,753 6,908 7,126 7,279 7,365
Places in infant nurseriese
Budapest capital, regionb 8,661 8,296 8,168 8,047 8,102 8,082 8,179 8,359 8,597 8,778 10,911 11,635 11,863 11,931 11,998 12,174 12,242
Pest county, regionc 1,797 1,817 1,773 1,738 1,718 1,698 1,802 1,943 2,149 2,192 2,911 3,220 3,486 3,756 4,208 4,504 4,661
Central Hungary large regiond 10,458 10,113 9,941 9,785 9,820 9,780 9,981 10,302 10,746 10,970 13,822 14,855 15,349 15,687 16,206 16,678 16,903
Fejér county 885 885 835 850 770 790 790 790 830 830 1,082 1,114 1,150 1,162 1,174 1,206 1,222
Komárom-Esztergom county 679 679 679 666 646 626 678 688 760 784 1,040 1,169 1,179 1,176 1,210 1,214 1,226
Veszprém county 752 734 734 766 774 782 812 896 964 964 1,210 1,248 1,284 1,272 1,260 1,244 1,246
Central Transdanubia region 2,316 2,298 2,248 2,282 2,190 2,198 2,280 2,374 2,554 2,578 3,332 3,531 3,613 3,610 3,644 3,664 3,694
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 1,225 1,185 1,185 1,075 1,075 1,075 1,085 1,087 1,159 1,231 1,451 1,481 1,575 1,613 1,618 1,699 1,713
Vas county 622 610 610 610 610 590 590 590 594 602 742 794 811 840 858 826 826
Zala county 560 560 560 555 565 565 565 570 616 616 762 934 934 950 950 959 959
Western Transdanubia region 2,407 2,355 2,355 2,240 2,250 2,230 2,240 2,247 2,369 2,449 2,955 3,209 3,320 3,403 3,426 3,484 3,498
Baranya county 825 825 825 835 913 828 908 919 914 954 1,070 1,181 1,196 1,194 1,194 1,206 1,154
Somogy county 568 568 558 543 597 542 569 542 542 552 657 731 767 797 795 797 792
Tolna county 330 340 337 337 387 287 336 346 316 366 400 424 414 404 429 441 453
Southern Transdanubia region 1,723 1,733 1,720 1,715 1,897 1,657 1,813 1,807 1,772 1,872 2,127 2,336 2,377 2,395 2,418 2,444 2,399
Transdanubia large region 6,446 6,386 6,323 6,237 6,337 6,085 6,333 6,428 6,695 6,899 8,414 9,076 9,310 9,408 9,488 9,592 9,591
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 931 881 881 857 882 915 934 992 1,037 1,165 1,422 1,401 1,492 1,779 1,803 1,800 1,864
Heves county 480 480 470 470 470 460 460 470 470 490 614 686 706 731 731 731 731
Nógrád county 96 97 97 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 112 122 146 146 212 212 212
Northern Hungary region 1,507 1,458 1,448 1,427 1,452 1,475 1,494 1,562 1,607 1,755 2,148 2,209 2,344 2,656 2,746 2,743 2,807
Hajdú-Bihar county 1,254 1,242 1,236 1,226 1,183 1,223 1,235 1,305 1,379 1,395 1,680 1,801 1,845 1,826 1,866 1,892 1,998
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 1,035 1,035 1,005 985 1,021 995 1,000 1,045 1,057 1,077 1,113 1,382 1,340 1,362 1,408 1,424 1,424
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 915 905 900 880 820 869 835 895 970 1,005 1,139 1,438 1,523 1,580 1,622 1,784 1,824
Northern Great Plain region 3,204 3,182 3,141 3,091 3,024 3,087 3,070 3,245 3,406 3,477 3,932 4,621 4,708 4,768 4,896 5,100 5,246
Bács-Kiskun county 1,069 1,044 1,044 1,044 1,070 1,089 1,089 1,079 1,103 1,158 1,343 1,476 1,593 1,710 1,811 1,919 1,912
Békés county 887 847 824 826 831 873 911 913 915 925 1,130 1,236 1,266 1,340 1,356 1,376 1,374
Csongrád-Csanád county 1,394 1,364 1,357 1,361 1,377 1,377 1,377 1,405 1,465 1,503 1,727 1,977 2,065 2,085 2,111 2,111 2,111
Southern Great Plain region 3,350 3,255 3,225 3,231 3,278 3,339 3,377 3,397 3,483 3,586 4,200 4,689 4,924 5,135 5,278 5,406 5,397
Great Plain and North large region 8,061 7,895 7,814 7,749 7,754 7,901 7,941 8,204 8,496 8,818 10,280 11,519 11,976 12,559 12,920 13,249 13,450
Total country 24,965 24,394 24,078 23,771 23,911 23,766 24,255 24,934 25,937 26,687 32,516 35,450 36,635 37,654 38,614 39,519 39,944
Children enrolled in infant nurseriesf
Budapest capital, regionb 9,450 8,937 9,143 9,314 9,712 9,562 9,789 9,856 10,264 10,646 11,068 11,393 11,471 11,444 11,397 11,556 11,509
Pest county, regionc 2,175 2,225 2,083 2,160 2,131 2,173 2,268 2,354 2,647 2,862 2,973 3,289 3,456 3,517 3,803 4,159 4,341
Central Hungary large regiond 11,625 11,162 11,226 11,474 11,843 11,735 12,057 12,210 12,911 13,508 14,041 14,682 14,927 14,961 15,200 15,715 15,850
Fejér county 1,084 1,125 1,087 1,080 1,054 1,065 1,010 1,053 1,137 1,120 1,134 1,098 1,112 1,111 1,106 1,170 1,162
Komárom-Esztergom county 943 909 879 865 928 950 961 1,009 1,094 1,063 1,141 1,238 1,269 1,173 1,193 1,186 1,178
Veszprém county 840 868 849 885 978 969 1,052 1,188 1,218 1,274 1,284 1,304 1,308 1,259 1,253 1,232 1,213
Central Transdanubia region 2,867 2,902 2,815 2,830 2,960 2,984 3,023 3,250 3,449 3,457 3,559 3,640 3,689 3,543 3,552 3,588 3,553
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 1,485 1,479 1,372 1,377 1,488 1,560 1,607 1,684 1,764 1,818 1,920 1,871 1,818 1,743 1,822 1,783 1,735
Vas county 758 789 774 792 803 757 772 793 847 862 900 804 774 747 785 806 796
Zala county 695 625 657 696 723 731 783 793 914 925 940 899 947 886 928 928 941
Western Transdanubia region 2,938 2,893 2,803 2,865 3,014 3,048 3,162 3,270 3,525 3,605 3,760 3,574 3,539 3,376 3,535 3,517 3,472
Baranya county 1,048 979 961 1,007 1,093 1,099 1,122 1,138 1,168 1,204 1,235 1,243 1,176 1,080 1,132 1,113 1,125
Somogy county 707 668 701 718 691 709 705 720 717 707 702 701 762 727 738 759 764
Tolna county 414 348 385 410 403 377 384 423 420 445 413 404 421 370 370 404 425
Southern Transdanubia region 2,169 1,995 2,047 2,135 2,187 2,185 2,211 2,281 2,305 2,356 2,350 2,348 2,359 2,177 2,240 2,276 2,314
Transdanubia large region 7,974 7,790 7,665 7,830 8,161 8,217 8,396 8,801 9,279 9,418 9,669 9,562 9,587 9,096 9,327 9,381 9,339
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 1,110 1,117 1,114 1,104 1,197 1,144 1,205 1,270 1,371 1,371 1,455 1,550 1,544 1,651 1,680 1,681 1,710
Heves county 604 604 595 603 606 605 590 608 614 633 626 617 666 664 704 680 660
Nógrád county 111 114 114 117 122 114 127 148 132 135 114 152 141 155 146 201 193
Northern Hungary region 1,825 1,835 1,823 1,824 1,925 1,863 1,922 2,026 2,117 2,139 2,195 2,319 2,351 2,470 2,530 2,562 2,563
Hajdú-Bihar county 1,381 1,462 1,414 1,485 1,488 1,519 1,544 1,554 1,658 1,722 1,842 1,804 1,872 1,816 1,840 1,864 1,863
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 1,282 1,325 1,281 1,322 1,351 1,322 1,351 1,427 1,453 1,444 1,428 1,395 1,340 1,317 1,311 1,323 1,320
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 1,239 1,190 1,216 1,192 1,202 1,168 1,240 1,302 1,383 1,470 1,539 1,646 1,604 1,575 1,588 1,606 1,726
Northern Great Plain region 3,902 3,977 3,911 3,999 4,041 4,009 4,135 4,283 4,494 4,636 4,809 4,845 4,816 4,708 4,739 4,793 4,909
Bács-Kiskun county 1,339 1,358 1,314 1,364 1,411 1,447 1,464 1,508 1,521 1,610 1,633 1,797 1,820 1,907 1,834 1,845 1,929
Békés county 1,147 1,139 1,113 1,089 1,121 1,164 1,281 1,277 1,338 1,308 1,414 1,378 1,376 1,421 1,357 1,330 1,356
Csongrád-Csanád county 1,749 1,720 1,795 1,842 1,845 1,795 1,898 1,905 2,066 2,075 2,021 2,102 2,286 2,256 2,282 2,280 2,177
Southern Great Plain region 4,235 4,217 4,222 4,295 4,377 4,406 4,643 4,690 4,925 4,993 5,068 5,277 5,482 5,584 5,473 5,455 5,462
Great Plain and North large region 9,962 10,029 9,956 10,118 10,343 10,278 10,700 10,999 11,536 11,768 12,072 12,441 12,649 12,762 12,742 12,810 12,934
Total country 29,561 28,981 28,847 29,422 30,347 30,230 31,153 32,010 33,726 34,694 35,782 36,685 37,163 36,819 37,269 37,906 38,123


a31st December.
bPlanning and statistical region and capital according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly capital.
cPlanning and statistical region and county according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly county.
dStatistical large region according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly planning and statistical region and statistical large region.
eNumber of active places, 31st December.
f31st May.