Year Couples with one child Couples with two children Couples with three or more children Single parents with one child Single parents with two children Single parents with three or more children Total
2010 412.2 333.4 138.9 205.2 85.5 37.0 1,212.1
2011 397.7 324.1 135.5 197.4 83.7 36.8 1,175.1
2012 391.2 314.4 135.4 194.7 81.8 36.4 1,154.0
2013 385.2 304.9 129.7 191.8 80.0 35.3 1,127.0
2014 380.4 298.2 124.9 188.4 77.6 33.9 1,103.4
2015 374.1 293.6 124.4 186.2 77.6 33.5 1,089.5
2016 369.3 288.6 122.7 182.2 76.8 32.3 1,072.0
2017 366.6 286.6 122.9 177.6 75.0 31.2 1,059.9
2018 368.8 286.1 122.9 173.7 73.2 30.2 1,054.8
2019 391.8 279.4 113.1 166.8 61.1 22.9 1,035.0
2020 394.9 283.2 114.2 160.3 58.4 23.7 1,034.8
2021 396.3 284.7 118.2 153.7 55.8 21.5 1,030.1
2022 411.3 293.7 124.6 143.6 51.4 19.8 1,044.4
2023 413.0 296.4 125.9 136.1 48.6 18.8 1,038.9
2010 412.2 652.0 450.8 205.2 166.4 125.4 2,011.9
2011 397.8 628.0 434.6 197.4 160.7 123.1 1,941.4
2012 391.3 610.0 429.3 194.8 157.4 121.8 1,904.5
2013 385.2 592.1 412.0 191.9 153.3 116.6 1,851.1
2014 380.4 578.2 398.5 188.4 151.0 113.0 1,809.5
2015 374.1 568.5 394.7 186.2 150.8 111.3 1,785.6
2016 369.3 559.1 388.4 182.2 149.0 107.1 1,755.1
2017 366.6 554.5 387.3 177.6 145.3 102.8 1,734.1
2018 368.8 555.1 388.1 173.7 141.9 99.9 1,727.4
2019 391.8 558.6 368.7 166.8 122.1 83.8 1,691.8
2020 395.0 566.2 374.7 160.3 116.9 84.0 1,697.0
2021 396.3 569.5 385.6 153.7 111.5 79.7 1,696.3
2022 410.2 585.6 408.5 143.6 102.2 66.1 1,716.2
2023 411.7 590.6 412.2 136.1 96.6 62.7 1,710.0


*Excluding recipients by own right. April data up to 2013, March data from 2014.
Source: Hungarian State Treasury, Central Administration of National Pension Insurance.