Year Amount of expenditure on infant care benefit per benefit day Amount of expenditure on maternity allowance per payment Average monthly amount of Average monthly amount of family allowance per familya
child care benefit child care allowance child raising support
per recipient
1995 686 .. 13,215 7,958 7,728 5,841
1996 754 15,041 15,668 9,450 8,041 6,041
1997 723 19,962 18,660 12,308 10,580 7,080
1998 892 21,099 28,027 13,721 12,604 8,375
1999 1,085 23,488 15,134 14,122 8,463
2000 1,327 25,453 31,448 16,602 16,873 8,496
2001 1,538 28,000 39,274 17,820 17,855 8,617
2002 1,755 31,058 44,901 19,748 20,163 10,034
2003 2,130 48,964 48,742 22,145 21,901 11,283
2004 2,447 53,420 54,322 24,428 23,292 11,971
2005 2,677 56,740 58,676 26,051 24,531 12,596
2006 2,919 59,514 63,221 27,432 25,898 21,637
2007 3,170 62,406 68,763 28,853 27,118 23,031
2008 3,463 65,634 74,518 31,381 28,871 24,521
2009 3,708 66,096 78,725 30,716 28,652 24,524
2010 3,854 66,066 81,356 30,388 28,466 24,442
2011 3,949 65,853 83,959 30,929 28,993 24,528
2012 4,105 65,949 91,050 30,640 28,612 24,491
2013 4,367 65,230 96,661 30,687 28,530 24,257
2014 4,561 65,901 104,547 31,180 28,636 23,674
2015 4,795 65,973 110,896 31,883 28,615 23,902
2016 5,255 65,959 118,607 31,880 28,423 23,849
2017 5,384 65,871 130,087 31,278 28,164 23,678
2018 6,014 66,002 142,084 31,248 28,179 23,681
2019 6,460 66,086 157,265 31,179 28,167 23,636
2020 7,267 66,071 172,185 31,545 28,300 23,676
2021 9,537 65,816 183,119 31,285 28,223 23,753
2022 12,390 65,989 207,686 31,316 28,227 23,769
2023 14,338 65,906 240,739 31,214 28,214 23,759


*Gross amounts.
aUp to 1998 family allowance, from 1999 to 8 November 2002 child care assistance benefit: including the combined data of family allowance and schooling support. From 30 August 2010 family allowance: including the combined data of child care assistance benefit and schooling support. From 2002 to 2005 including a supplement paid for a 13th month.
Source: Hungarian State Treasury, National Health Insurance Fund Administration, Central Administration of National Pension Insurance, Ministry of Interior.