Name Level 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
of territorial units
Budapest capital, regiona 15,590 13,897 19,129 35,453 35,895 49,175 60,341 55,754 46,319
Pest county, regionb 11,171 8,472 11,763 10,177 15,365 24,450 28,619 23,939 29,469
Central Hungary large regionc 26,761 22,369 30,893 45,629 51,260 73,625 88,960 79,692 75,789
Fejér county 6,052 4,284 5,767 8,737 6,030 5,040 9,569 10,503 11,334
Komárom-Esztergom county 6,288 2,187 2,986 2,862 5,067 5,193 6,266 6,752 7,081
Veszprém county 2,902 2,112 3,079 3,594 3,510 5,753 6,374 7,838 10,383
Central Transdanubia region 15,242 8,583 11,832 15,193 14,607 15,986 22,209 25,092 28,798
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 5,283 4,013 5,596 8,777 12,466 14,377 13,117 16,978 21,371
Vas county 4,998 1,919 2,873 2,800 3,183 8,068 6,531 4,753 5,525
Zala county 3,150 2,152 2,741 3,793 5,018 4,161 4,516 4,482 6,947
Western Transdanubia region 13,431 8,084 11,210 15,371 20,667 26,606 24,164 26,213 33,843
Baranya county 4,565 3,507 4,210 5,195 6,615 5,150 7,543 9,584 11,071
Somogy county 3,100 2,291 3,748 4,290 2,419 3,172 6,329 6,032 5,949
Tolna county 2,395 1,988 2,139 1,986 2,216 4,135 3,746 4,215 6,904
Southern Transdanubia region 10,060 7,786 10,097 11,471 11,250 12,457 17,618 19,831 23,925
Transdanubia large region 38,733 24,453 33,139 42,034 46,524 55,049 63,992 71,137 86,566
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 4,112 2,898 5,747 6,709 14,876 12,512 11,417 9,684 16,324
Heves county 4,111 1,775 2,766 3,821 3,899 3,567 3,169 4,560 3,964
Nógrád county 504 272 1,035 502 1,614 3,178 2,526 2,343 1,448
Northern Hungary region 8,727 4,945 9,547 11,031 20,389 19,257 17,112 16,587 21,736
Hajdú-Bihar county 5,401 4,000 9,957 6,670 6,349 6,444 8,170 13,685 56,618
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 4,348 2,549 2,426 3,570 5,456 7,419 4,824 5,436 7,274
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 5,213 3,760 5,483 5,451 6,198 7,931 9,148 13,126 16,782
Northern Great Plain region 14,962 10,309 17,866 15,691 18,003 21,794 22,142 32,248 80,673
Bács-Kiskun county 8,561 3,148 4,930 4,086 7,758 4,705 9,017 6,870 13,214
Békés county 4,110 2,531 2,894 4,725 3,090 3,704 5,581 7,880 9,802
Csongrád-Csanád county 7,139 4,866 7,870 11,178 12,266 14,639 14,710 22,421 17,368
Southern Great Plain region 19,810 10,545 15,693 19,989 23,114 23,048 29,307 37,171 40,384
Great Plain and North large region 43,499 25,799 43,107 46,710 61,506 64,099 68,561 86,005 142,794
Total country 108,993 72,621 107,139 134,373 159,290 192,773 221,513 236,835 305,149
Outside the borders of the country 3,363 2,366 1,991 3,039 1,931 4,192 3,600 4,393 5,437
Country totald 112,356 74,987 109,130 137,412 161,223 196,964 225,113 241,228 310,586


*Data of surveyed enterprises.
aPlanning and statistical region and capital according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly capital.
bPlanning and statistical region and county according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly county.
cStatistical large region according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly planning and statistical region and statistical large region.
dActivities outside the borders of the country included.