Year Energy related industries Intermediate goods industries (except energy) Energy and intermediate goods industries, total Capital goods industries Durable consumer goods industries Non-durable consumer goods industries Non-durable and durable consumer goods industries, total
2005 113.9 103.3 108.5 104.2 100.1 102.5 102.4
2006 118.4 106.3 112.2 104.6 101.8 102.6 102.5
2007 109.6 105.7 107.8 101.7 101.0 105.6 105.3
2008 119.0 106.9 114.6 102.3 100.6 107.2 106.7
2009 100.7 100.7 100.7 103.0 102.3 101.9 102.0
2010 111.3 105.7 110.0 101.0 101.7 98.8 99.1
2011 107.5 107.7 107.5 101.7 104.0 104.0 104.1
2012 107.7 104.3 106.6 100.2 104.4 103.7 103.7
2013 96.9 102.6 98.5 101.0 100.7 103.1 103.0
2014 94.6 101.1 96.6 101.9 99.1 101.1 101.0
2015 93.7 99.9 95.6 101.3 101.4 100.0 100.0
2016 93.3 99.1 95.2 101.8 101.8 100.8 100.9
2017 104.5 105.5 105.0 102.3 102.7 104.7 104.6
2018 108.5 106.4 107.8 104.2 104.0 101.6 101.7
2019 103.5 102.9 103.3 104.8 103.3 105.2 105.1
2020 95.7 103.3 98.4 106.4 104.8 105.2 105.2
2021 127.3 116.2 123.0 105.3 107.7 104.7 104.9
2022 192.7 134.9 169.0 114.6 113.9 129.1 128.0
2023 148.3 108.1 131.7 107.5 101.3 118.8 117.4
2024 93.9 101.5 96.6 105.5 100.1 100.8 100.7


*Weights for particular years are shown in Methodology.