Serial number Detailed groups of goods and services 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
100 Pork 127.2 135.1 88.3 86.8 114.1 106.1 109.5 98.9 111.1 107.1 95.3 103.6 111.8 105.3 100.5 97.2 85.8 110.0 100.4 109.4 115.3 95.7 114.8 117.5 106.7
101 Beef 105.8 114.1 105.5 103.8 107.7 110.0 111.7 110.9 104.7 107.4 103.8 107.0 112.5 102.9 99.5 100.2 101.2 102.9 103.0 104.0 106.1 103.7 134.7 118.3 102.5
102 Other meat 102.7 107.3 106.0 101.6 98.5 105.7 103.2 107.6 112.7 102.1 100.9 99.8 102.6 102.0 102.4 100.2 103.4 103.2 100.7 102.7 103.6 100.4 108.6 115.4 105.4
103 Edible offals 104.6 117.1 101.5 91.2 99.1 102.7 102.4 102.1 100.4 101.4 100.6 101.7 110.1 106.4 98.8 97.8 97.6 92.5 96.8 102.2 106.2 104.1 132.7 124.6 96.8
104 Poultry meat 105.3 114.5 95.4 95.4 107.8 101.1 102.3 116.7 112.6 103.8 99.3 102.8 105.7 103.5 99.8 98.3 98.5 85.2 103.7 101.6 102.5 105.2 136.1 119.5 97.0
105 Salami, sausages, ham 107.3 123.6 104.3 94.0 103.6 104.3 105.2 110.1 105.7 106.9 101.6 101.3 107.5 105.0 98.8 98.8 98.6 103.3 102.8 105.0 110.1 100.0 118.0 119.6 98.2
106 Other meat preparations 107.6 124.8 102.3 97.7 105.1 105.3 105.7 109.5 106.5 110.6 103.7 104.4 109.6 104.5 100.3 100.5 99.7 106.0 103.6 106.8 117.5 100.7 121.6 122.8 100.2
107 Canned meat 98.6 118.3 104.8 97.5 100.2 101.6 102.8 104.7 105.7 108.8 107.3 107.0 110.7 107.4 104.2 101.1 100.4 104.6 104.5 102.8 109.3 106.5 142.7 135.5 99.1
108 Fish 95.5 106.9 112.6 105.4 103.4 101.1 100.7 104.4 105.8 108.6 104.5 101.9 103.8 103.1 102.5 102.6 102.8 106.8 99.8 106.7 104.8 105.3 126.6 124.7 99.7
109 Canned fish 100.9 102.3 105.5 99.2 102.2 100.3 106.4 110.6 108.1 112.2 110.2 105.1 108.5 108.9 102.1 102.1 101.3 102.2 103.1 104.5 105.4 104.2 117.6 116.9 99.8
10 Meat, fish and preparations 111.6 123.3 97.6 93.9 107.7 104.2 105.8 108.0 108.9 107.0 100.2 103.3 109.0 104.7 100.1 98.8 95.5 101.5 102.3 105.7 111.0 100.7 123.5 120.2 100.8
110 Eggs 138.0 111.4 93.9 97.2 112.9 95.9 111.0 117.2 112.9 106.5 101.6 97.4 135.9 91.1 96.6 105.0 97.4 103.8 111.9 94.8 106.4 106.0 144.3 129.9 90.2
111 Milk 114.9 122.3 108.8 103.2 98.8 96.7 107.2 112.1 116.9 93.6 100.0 111.4 102.5 101.8 106.5 93.0 94.9 101.1 103.2 95.1 106.3 101.9 129.9 122.9 101.6
112 Cheese 111.1 111.2 103.9 100.8 102.9 97.9 104.4 110.5 115.2 89.6 106.1 109.0 100.7 104.7 106.6 93.2 96.0 107.5 102.4 103.4 103.5 102.1 148.5 124.8 95.6
113 Milk products (without cheese) 109.3 113.2 104.7 101.9 101.8 100.9 104.8 112.9 116.1 97.7 101.3 107.8 101.9 100.0 105.4 97.2 98.1 106.4 106.4 104.6 105.5 102.9 144.9 135.4 93.6
11 Milk, dairy products, eggs 114.8 116.9 105.1 101.8 101.7 98.3 106.4 112.8 116.0 96.0 101.3 108.3 105.4 100.4 105.0 96.2 96.7 104.7 106.1 100.5 105.5 102.9 141.6 129.0 96.1
120 Butter 114.4 117.9 105.0 100.9 107.1 99.7 106.0 111.3 112.3 98.5 103.2 111.9 105.2 103.1 106.4 96.2 97.6 109.4 109.7 104.1 101.0 101.3 143.9 130.8 96.0
121 Pork fat 107.9 149.6 105.3 79.6 118.4 130.2 95.8 98.3 115.1 127.0 97.0 103.3 125.0 105.6 93.1 92.9 93.7 105.8 105.5 100.3 113.0 102.7 145.4 130.2 89.0
122 Bacon 104.7 130.6 105.2 93.6 100.9 106.0 103.2 107.3 106.7 111.2 102.0 101.8 111.8 107.4 101.2 100.0 99.8 103.8 102.8 105.0 115.6 102.2 121.0 122.1 101.2
123 Edible oil 88.3 104.2 116.5 98.6 99.5 94.7 104.9 113.8 156.4 88.3 98.7 119.1 101.4 100.8 88.5 105.3 107.1 101.1 100.3 100.1 104.7 125.9 109.6 101.3 102.9
124 Margarine 98.3 102.4 105.3 104.1 106.2 103.4 104.5 108.0 115.4 111.0 100.0 116.5 108.9 102.9 99.6 99.7 98.5 103.7 103.2 103.6 99.7 110.9 149.0 116.6 94.7
12 Oils and fats 97.8 116.0 109.1 95.8 104.7 105.2 102.9 109.0 130.2 102.5 100.1 113.9 108.3 103.1 95.1 101.0 101.7 103.9 103.2 102.0 103.6 114.6 129.8 115.6 98.2
130 Flour 126.6 119.8 90.8 105.3 120.2 81.5 107.0 136.9 133.0 92.8 99.5 143.0 96.5 103.3 85.8 96.6 101.4 99.3 106.6 109.2 107.9 110.1 118.6 97.5 105.8
131 Rice, other cereals 101.4 103.2 101.0 100.2 108.7 100.9 103.7 117.2 124.5 113.0 96.2 104.8 104.4 101.4 99.1 99.6 102.0 101.8 101.4 104.8 103.7 106.0 130.0 128.0 100.2
132 Bread 113.1 121.7 105.3 104.8 114.6 99.2 104.6 120.1 115.1 100.0 100.3 109.8 101.0 99.5 97.8 99.3 100.4 104.9 105.2 107.2 107.5 106.7 151.7 135.6 94.9
133 Rolls 114.6 120.7 104.8 104.0 113.6 95.7 102.4 123.6 113.5 99.4 95.4 111.6 101.8 98.1 96.2 98.2 100.6 105.6 105.0 108.7 106.4 106.6 135.6 129.6 101.0
134 Pasta products 104.6 112.9 105.2 105.5 109.8 98.6 108.8 117.4 118.9 101.9 101.0 106.5 106.2 104.2 98.3 100.3 100.9 101.1 109.1 104.6 101.9 106.5 143.9 125.9 90.4
135 Sugar 108.4 121.8 104.5 97.1 115.7 97.8 108.7 107.9 93.7 103.4 93.0 147.7 102.0 92.6 83.6 90.2 119.6 105.9 81.4 101.8 111.9 106.1 107.9 131.0 118.0
136 Chocolate, cocoa 105.9 104.7 104.7 106.0 103.3 100.1 97.6 103.1 107.9 106.9 103.9 106.6 117.0 97.2 97.8 101.8 103.9 98.6 100.3 100.8 101.5 103.3 112.3 129.7 111.0
137 Confectionery and ice-cream 111.6 114.3 112.1 110.5 113.3 106.7 107.7 111.0 110.0 107.5 103.7 104.1 105.9 100.1 101.9 102.2 99.5 103.2 102.1 105.1 103.2 103.2 119.8 127.3 104.7
138 Other confectionery products 104.4 111.3 109.1 103.4 105.2 102.3 101.2 105.1 108.9 109.9 102.4 105.2 113.5 103.2 99.4 100.3 100.2 99.2 101.4 102.1 100.6 102.6 131.7 137.8 97.2
139 Candies, honey 102.9 108.6 110.0 108.2 103.9 101.4 100.7 103.0 107.4 118.6 110.8 107.2 107.9 101.0 102.2 104.1 99.3 100.9 101.1 102.0 104.9 106.4 119.5 122.7 102.5
13 Cereals, sweets 110.4 116.2 105.1 104.5 112.1 98.6 104.5 116.0 113.3 103.0 100.1 114.6 103.9 99.6 96.3 99.1 102.5 102.5 102.0 105.0 104.9 105.5 131.4 130.7 101.2
140 Potatoes 106.2 115.4 97.9 155.3 97.3 73.2 172.9 144.7 72.5 105.4 133.5 124.7 81.4 156.9 86.5 104.2 125.8 95.5 114.8 143.9 94.2 103.2 127.9 132.9 95.5
141 Fresh vegetables 113.8 93.5 124.2 118.0 91.9 112.7 143.9 107.7 99.0 105.0 125.4 92.0 103.3 109.1 95.0 113.0 108.3 102.6 114.9 122.0 102.3 105.2 121.6 121.6 104.8
142 Fresh domestic and tropical fruit 103.2 105.8 117.3 95.2 105.2 107.3 110.2 116.0 105.3 93.1 107.0 110.0 103.4 104.1 95.1 112.2 104.9 104.6 106.8 101.1 132.6 103.3 116.0 118.0 105.0
143 Fruit and vegetable juice 104.2 102.5 103.8 102.3 106.6 105.0 102.9 107.5 108.5 108.6 102.7 105.4 110.0 103.4 101.7 99.9 102.8 101.5 103.4 102.7 102.0 105.4 118.0 131.3 109.6
144 Preserved and frozen vegetables 103.8 111.0 107.6 100.8 104.4 101.1 103.4 107.8 113.6 113.4 102.8 101.2 104.2 100.4 102.7 101.7 100.8 99.4 101.3 105.4 107.3 105.7 119.7 127.0 101.4
145 Preserved and frozen fruit 104.3 107.9 101.6 102.6 106.6 97.1 100.8 106.2 108.4 105.8 103.3 107.0 109.7 103.1 102.3 100.2 100.8 101.7 101.5 101.2 105.9 104.9 127.1 124.4 96.2
146 Dried vegetables 111.8 117.3 99.1 98.8 101.6 95.4 98.7 113.7 118.7 111.7 103.5 99.7 109.1 107.9 105.7 103.9 100.7 104.7 102.6 101.6 105.4 106.9 132.7 117.0 100.8
147 Nuts, poppy-seed 98.0 104.9 98.2 98.4 98.2 100.5 108.9 110.2 121.3 100.2 95.1 110.2 120.2 105.2 104.8 102.8 99.6 103.3 106.3 110.7 102.0 102.7 115.7 122.8 99.6
14 Vegetables, fruit, potatoes 106.5 103.8 111.9 110.1 101.2 103.6 124.7 115.1 100.3 103.9 112.3 103.0 104.1 107.9 97.0 108.5 106.6 102.2 108.0 111.5 111.4 103.9 119.6 123.4 103.9
150 Preserved meat products 103.6 108.6 106.6 102.2 103.7 103.5 103.7 106.6 107.4 106.6 105.6 102.3 103.8 104.3 102.8 100.6 100.0 101.8 105.7 104.7 104.4 102.9 130.2 124.4 98.5
151 Preserved meals without meat 111.8 107.3 104.0 102.0 102.5 100.4 103.2 111.0 104.0 106.3 104.7 104.9 109.9 102.5 100.4 100.5 102.1 102.8 102.9 104.2 102.4 103.6 119.3 129.2 101.7
152 Spices 106.0 107.0 103.9 102.0 103.4 103.0 100.7 109.6 110.6 111.1 107.1 105.2 110.5 102.4 100.5 100.6 101.0 102.4 102.1 105.3 104.8 105.1 124.7 131.3 102.2
15 Spices and other food 107.2 107.3 104.3 102.0 103.2 102.4 101.7 109.6 108.4 109.3 106.3 104.8 109.7 102.9 100.9 100.6 101.1 102.4 102.9 104.9 104.1 104.3 124.6 128.6 101.0
160 Meals at restaurants not by subscription 110.2 114.9 110.6 107.4 109.8 106.2 105.9 109.0 107.6 106.4 104.3 103.2 104.2 103.1 102.8 102.8 103.4 104.7 105.7 106.8 107.0 106.4 120.1 122.2 108.4
161 Meals at canteens by subscription 110.8 115.7 110.8 108.7 110.1 107.9 106.3 109.4 109.1 106.2 104.0 103.5 106.6 103.8 102.4 102.4 102.9 104.2 106.2 107.8 109.1 108.4 120.7 124.4 107.5
162 Meals at schools 106.9 112.0 109.9 108.2 110.4 105.4 105.1 110.4 108.4 107.6 105.8 104.2 106.9 104.1 102.2 103.0 101.6 101.7 103.5 103.1 103.7 104.0 107.2 126.9 108.9
163 Meals at kindergartens, nurseries 107.2 112.8 108.5 107.2 109.2 106.2 105.0 109.6 108.3 108.5 106.2 104.5 105.5 104.0 101.9 102.8 101.5 101.6 103.6 103.1 103.8 103.4 107.6 128.1 108.2
164 Buffet products 110.6 113.7 110.4 106.2 108.1 102.4 104.5 108.0 107.7 107.2 104.4 103.4 106.8 104.3 102.9 102.4 102.9 101.3 102.6 107.6 108.3 107.6 124.1 130.6 109.0
16 Meals at restaurants, canteens 110.0 114.6 110.5 108.0 109.8 106.3 105.7 109.3 108.4 106.6 104.5 103.6 105.5 103.5 102.6 102.7 103.0 103.5 104.9 106.9 107.7 107.2 121.1 125.9 108.3
170 Coffee at shops 97.1 97.8 98.1 99.9 99.2 100.3 100.4 109.9 110.6 110.7 105.2 111.6 111.5 95.4 97.0 101.8 100.9 104.5 98.9 97.2 98.9 102.5 126.2 130.2 100.1
171 Cup of coffee in catering 110.4 113.5 110.7 110.4 112.1 106.7 105.6 108.2 108.1 107.3 105.1 103.2 105.5 103.9 101.4 102.8 102.4 104.5 104.7 106.2 105.4 104.6 114.3 120.7 109.2
172 Tea 103.0 99.2 103.0 106.7 101.6 103.0 99.7 101.4 106.5 109.3 109.8 108.8 101.8 96.2 99.5 100.8 105.0 104.8 102.0 99.2 104.2 106.9 120.7 119.9 98.6
173 Non-alcoholic beverages 106.5 106.1 108.0 107.4 108.3 101.4 101.6 104.9 107.1 106.0 100.1 101.9 105.9 101.9 100.5 101.2 101.0 102.0 102.9 104.8 102.7 102.0 117.2 129.0 106.7
17 Coffee,tea,non-alcoholic beverages 102.6 103.1 104.5 105.0 105.1 101.5 101.6 106.6 108.2 107.5 102.1 104.6 107.0 100.5 99.9 101.4 101.3 102.8 102.2 103.4 102.4 102.5 118.9 128.1 105.4
10–17 Food 109.2 113.8 105.4 102.7 106.5 102.5 107.7 111.5 110.2 104.4 103.2 106.6 105.9 102.8 99.6 100.9 100.7 102.8 104.2 105.4 107.2 104.1 126.0 125.9 102.8
180 Wine 110.6 114.8 111.0 108.2 109.0 102.8 102.2 106.0 105.2 104.5 102.5 102.4 107.2 110.0 95.5 100.2 100.9 99.9 101.4 99.9 100.3 102.0 110.3 114.1 106.6
181 Beer 109.8 110.4 109.3 108.8 107.6 102.3 103.6 105.1 106.4 108.0 107.5 102.0 103.5 103.1 99.3 100.3 99.6 102.2 103.7 105.2 103.9 103.2 113.7 129.0 103.2
182 Spirits 108.7 109.5 108.0 106.1 108.6 102.3 105.7 108.1 106.3 106.6 109.0 102.6 109.1 102.4 99.8 109.2 101.2 104.5 103.5 108.0 103.8 103.7 110.7 112.4 103.5
18 Alcoholic beverages 109.5 110.9 109.1 107.6 108.2 102.4 104.0 106.3 106.1 106.8 107.1 102.3 106.3 104.7 98.5 102.6 100.3 102.2 103.1 104.7 103.1 103.1 111.9 120.3 104.3
190 Tobacco 114.7 111.8 111.1 118.3 118.9 105.3 105.1 107.8 104.7 109.0 110.3 97.5 121.9 118.5 115.0 103.6 104.3 107.3 108.1 111.6 110.9 117.5 108.6 112.1 104.6
19 Tobacco 114.7 111.8 111.1 118.3 118.9 105.3 105.1 107.8 104.7 109.0 110.3 97.5 121.9 118.5 115.0 103.6 104.3 107.3 108.1 111.6 110.9 117.5 108.6 112.1 104.6
18–19 Alcoholic beverages, tobacco 111.0 111.2 109.7 110.7 111.3 103.3 104.3 106.7 105.6 107.5 108.2 100.5 112.7 110.9 106.2 103.1 102.3 104.8 105.6 108.1 106.9 110.9 109.9 115.4 104.4
1 Food, alcoholic beverages,tobacco 109.7 113.1 106.6 104.9 107.9 102.7 106.8 110.2 109.0 105.3 104.6 104.8 107.8 105.0 101.5 101.5 101.1 103.3 104.5 106.1 107.2 105.9 121.5 123.0 103.1
300 Clothing materials 102.7 102.2 101.3 102.7 100.4 102.1 98.4 100.9 100.1 101.1 101.1 102.3 105.6 103.6 103.3 101.7 101.1 101.2 102.6 103.1 103.1 104.3 112.9 116.7 106.6
30 Clothing materials 102.7 102.2 101.3 102.7 100.4 102.2 98.4 100.9 100.1 101.1 101.1 102.3 105.6 103.6 103.3 101.7 101.1 101.2 102.6 103.1 103.1 104.3 112.9 116.7 106.6
310 Men's overclothes 108.6 105.1 103.1 103.4 103.3 100.2 98.6 100.1 99.8 99.3 97.8 102.8 102.5 98.5 98.7 99.9 100.8 100.8 100.8 100.9 101.4 100.2 106.8 111.2 106.1
315 Men's footwear 104.8 105.0 106.1 103.7 105.4 100.5 100.6 100.8 99.9 98.9 101.2 102.7 102.4 101.1 100.5 101.6 101.6 100.4 101.4 101.6 98.6 100.5 105.0 107.1 103.2
316 Men's underwear 105.3 107.9 106.2 104.0 104.0 100.9 99.7 101.9 101.5 101.2 100.7 102.6 102.7 100.9 100.6 101.1 101.3 100.9 101.5 102.1 101.2 100.4 110.0 113.6 106.4
31 Men's clothing and footwear 107.0 105.8 104.6 103.7 104.0 100.5 99.3 100.7 99.9 99.4 99.1 102.8 102.5 99.5 99.5 100.6 101.0 100.7 101.0 101.2 100.4 100.3 106.6 110.2 105.2
320 Women's overclothes 105.0 103.0 101.6 100.3 101.8 97.6 96.7 99.9 98.5 101.9 98.6 102.7 102.4 98.6 98.6 97.3 99.6 100.4 100.0 100.7 99.5 98.4 103.4 106.5 104.1
325 Women's footwear 105.1 104.5 103.8 103.6 104.4 99.3 100.4 99.5 98.9 101.1 100.3 104.4 102.7 99.0 99.6 100.5 100.5 99.6 101.3 101.6 99.2 101.2 105.1 106.9 102.5
326 Women's underwear 105.7 106.8 105.3 103.9 103.3 100.9 100.5 103.5 101.1 100.9 99.8 101.3 102.2 100.1 100.4 101.4 101.3 101.2 101.4 102.2 100.7 102.5 108.8 111.7 104.8
32 Women's clothing and footwear 105.1 104.7 103.2 102.3 102.9 98.9 98.8 100.5 99.1 101.4 99.4 103.0 102.5 99.1 99.2 99.2 100.0 100.3 100.6 101.2 99.6 99.8 104.5 107.1 103.7
330 Children's overclothes 105.9 104.9 103.3 104.0 101.9 99.1 100.0 101.0 100.3 100.2 99.6 102.3 101.3 99.9 98.2 99.1 99.8 99.4 97.1 99.2 99.1 98.8 104.6 106.0 102.7
335 Children's footwear 103.5 103.7 104.8 100.0 105.3 100.4 98.9 100.9 99.5 101.2 101.7 106.5 102.4 99.9 99.6 100.3 100.9 100.3 100.9 99.7 98.4 102.0 103.9 107.0 102.9
336 Children's underwear 105.1 105.8 106.1 105.1 107.1 102.2 101.0 102.8 101.3 101.1 99.9 101.4 103.2 99.9 100.6 100.9 101.4 101.9 99.8 99.7 98.0 101.0 106.6 110.0 104.1
338 Infant's clothing 106.4 107.2 105.2 101.8 102.2 102.4 100.1 101.2 100.3 100.2 100.0 101.4 103.4 100.1 100.0 100.6 100.8 100.1 100.2 101.5 100.3 101.7 106.0 107.6 102.7
33 Children's and infant's clothing and footwear 105.1 105.5 104.3 102.8 103.3 100.4 99.9 101.3 100.2 100.5 100.1 102.8 102.0 100.0 99.2 99.9 100.5 100.0 98.9 99.9 99.2 100.3 104.9 106.9 102.8
340 Clothing accessories 107.2 106.9 105.7 102.3 102.6 101.6 99.1 103.0 102.2 99.9 99.3 103.9 102.9 100.2 97.6 100.0 99.5 100.5 100.0 100.2 101.2 101.6 105.0 106.6 105.6
341 Haberdashery 106.6 107.4 107.0 106.5 108.3 104.2 102.8 104.8 105.1 107.8 105.0 104.2 104.9 104.8 103.0 102.7 103.0 102.2 103.1 104.4 102.9 104.2 112.0 115.5 105.4
342 Leather goods 106.7 105.3 107.1 105.2 104.5 101.2 100.4 101.9 100.7 100.2 100.2 101.2 103.9 101.6 100.6 101.4 100.5 101.7 101.5 102.5 100.1 102.1 107.6 110.2 104.9
34 Clothing accessories, haberdashery 106.9 106.7 106.4 103.7 104.5 102.2 100.2 103.0 102.6 101.9 100.8 103.3 103.6 101.3 99.4 100.9 100.3 101.2 100.9 101.4 100.8 101.9 107.1 109.3 105.3
3 Clothing and footwear 105.8 105.3 104.0 103.0 103.4 100.2 99.3 101.0 100.0 100.5 99.6 102.9 102.6 99.6 99.3 100.0 100.4 100.5 100.5 101.0 100.0 100.2 105.5 108.3 104.2
400 Living, dining- room furniture 104.4 102.5 101.0 99.2 99.6 99.7 97.2 98.6 99.4 101.2 100.8 100.5 102.1 101.3 99.5 100.3 100.9 102.3 103.0 104.2 104.2 108.8 117.9 110.0 102.3
401 Kitchen and other furniture 104.1 101.4 101.4 102.0 101.9 98.0 95.8 101.5 100.9 101.9 101.8 99.0 102.4 100.2 99.7 98.7 100.3 101.8 102.1 102.9 103.0 108.2 118.9 113.9 103.4
402 Refrigerators, freezers 104.9 100.9 98.6 98.6 99.1 98.5 96.4 99.7 98.9 102.4 101.2 98.8 99.1 100.2 101.8 102.0 101.5 100.0 99.1 102.6 101.1 103.4 111.4 109.2 100.4
403 Washing-machines, spin-dryers 103.3 99.7 98.3 95.5 95.9 94.2 95.1 98.1 98.0 102.1 101.5 98.6 99.7 99.1 101.2 100.8 99.4 100.1 101.2 101.6 101.0 103.9 109.7 109.5 102.8
404 Heating and cooking appliances 104.5 101.9 101.2 100.5 99.7 97.9 97.1 101.9 100.3 102.7 102.0 100.8 101.9 101.3 100.8 100.9 99.9 99.5 100.5 102.4 101.9 103.8 114.4 112.2 101.9
405 Vacuum cleaners, air-conditioner 99.2 98.5 98.7 96.4 95.9 96.2 94.0 97.8 97.6 101.8 101.7 99.3 102.3 100.4 98.4 98.9 101.6 101.5 102.0 101.8 102.5 103.6 112.2 112.4 101.4
40 Durable household goods 103.8 101.4 100.2 99.1 99.0 97.9 96.4 99.8 99.5 101.9 101.4 99.9 101.7 100.8 100.1 100.2 100.5 101.2 101.7 103.0 102.7 106.4 115.3 111.1 102.2
410 Passenger cars, new 101.4 103.0 98.2 101.3 103.0 99.4 99.5 103.3 100.7 107.4 101.2 99.3 99.5 101.1 103.2 103.7 100.7 101.9 104.3 104.5 108.8 109.2 115.4 112.7 104.5
411 Passenger cars, second-hand 97.4 95.6 90.5 98.2 100.2 99.0 89.2 98.4 105.3 97.5 97.2 96.4 89.0 91.3 98.2 101.4 104.6 95.3 91.5 93.0 94.9 100.3 113.8 96.3 91.9
412 Motorcycle 110.4 103.1 98.1 97.4 97.9 98.1 103.0 103.9 101.4 106.7 97.4 105.3 105.5 98.1 103.5 105.2 102.9 105.1 102.0 103.2 103.8 102.7 107.0 110.1 99.5
413 Bicycle 104.2 103.4 102.0 99.1 100.9 100.9 101.0 103.4 102.9 107.9 106.3 103.9 106.4 104.2 102.1 104.5 103.3 102.9 102.0 104.3 105.8 110.7 117.4 109.1 103.2
41 Vehicles 100.8 101.4 96.6 100.4 102.1 99.4 97.6 102.4 101.8 105.3 100.5 98.9 97.3 98.0 101.4 102.9 102.0 100.0 99.6 99.8 101.9 104.5 114.0 103.3 97.3
420 Radio sets 107.1 104.0 99.7 95.6 93.8 91.8 91.4 95.7 97.2 99.0 102.2 99.9 100.0 99.8 97.3 99.7 100.6 98.2 97.3 102.0 102.1 99.4 110.0 110.3 102.7
421 TV sets 95.8 99.0 96.8 89.8 92.4 92.0 88.8 90.1 89.3 91.6 94.8 90.6 90.4 89.7 92.5 95.3 95.4 96.1 94.6 90.8 93.9 101.8 105.6 98.3 97.1
422 Videos, tape recorders 100.5 102.3 97.2 93.8 89.3 89.3 86.6 89.9 89.2 94.6 97.9 95.3 96.4 95.1 96.4 99.3 101.8 98.1 97.1 97.1 99.2 97.8 102.7 101.2 98.7
424 Computer, cameras, phone etc. 99.2 95.9 98.9 91.9 93.2 91.9 90.5 76.9 90.2 93.8 94.6 94.2 93.2 92.3 93.9 96.1 96.2 96.3 97.2 95.9 95.8 99.4 101.4 103.0 96.0
42 Durable goods for recreation 98.7 99.4 97.6 91.9 91.7 91.1 88.5 84.6 89.8 93.5 95.7 93.7 93.6 92.5 94.1 96.6 96.9 96.5 96.0 93.9 95.4 100.0 103.0 101.3 96.5
431 Jewellery 104.5 102.1 102.7 101.1 100.1 100.5 105.8 107.3 108.3 113.4 109.1 115.5 125.2 104.4 102.2 101.7 100.7 101.9 103.0 105.3 119.7 112.7 116.4 112.4 108.5
43 Jewellery 104.5 102.1 102.7 101.1 100.1 100.5 105.8 107.3 108.3 113.4 109.1 115.5 125.2 104.4 102.2 101.7 100.7 101.9 103.0 105.3 119.7 112.7 116.4 112.4 108.5
4 Consumer durable goods 101.7 101.0 98.4 98.6 99.4 97.7 96.0 98.7 99.3 102.6 100.2 98.6 98.8 98.1 99.5 100.8 100.5 99.7 99.6 99.7 101.4 104.5 112.2 105.6 99.1
500 Coal 112.3 112.5 104.8 103.3 108.2 102.4 108.2 112.6 110.6 119.1 106.6 105.7 108.9 104.4 101.9 102.7 100.8 101.8 104.7 107.2 103.7 105.8 124.7 127.9 99.9
501 Briquettes, coke 110.6 110.9 104.9 102.3 105.0 104.3 107.0 109.9 108.7 113.0 109.8 105.2 114.9 105.3 101.6 101.3 100.3 102.9 104.5 103.5 101.9 103.6 134.0 149.5 95.1
502 Firewood 115.5 109.6 106.2 112.8 117.2 103.1 112.6 120.0 103.8 105.7 104.8 101.3 103.7 104.4 102.6 102.5 103.8 107.6 112.2 107.3 102.7 103.8 125.1 136.8 97.6
504 Purchased heat 107.1 110.0 106.7 103.1 111.6 105.7 101.9 138.5 106.6 105.2 87.4 108.0 108.1 88.6 89.0 97.3 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
505 Electricity 107.5 105.9 105.0 111.0 119.0 106.7 102.3 114.5 109.9 107.0 107.4 100.7 103.5 90.1 87.8 95.7 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 109.5 116.8 98.0
506 Natural and manufactured gas 104.8 112.0 107.5 105.1 112.1 106.0 111.6 139.6 123.2 116.5 109.6 108.2 106.5 90.2 85.2 97.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 138.7 128.6 90.4
507 Butane and propane gas 131.8 126.7 96.4 107.3 106.6 109.8 111.7 107.0 109.2 86.5 114.3 116.0 111.5 99.0 93.5 89.5 89.6 103.6 108.4 109.3 100.9 102.5 124.3 131.4 100.2
50 Electricity, gas and other fuels 109.1 110.3 105.5 107.3 114.1 106.2 106.4 124.6 112.7 108.2 106.3 105.7 106.2 91.5 88.3 97.1 99.9 100.8 101.4 101.0 100.3 100.5 121.7 122.1 95.4
510 Household repairing and maintenance goods 107.9 109.1 103.8 101.9 103.5 101.8 101.1 105.4 102.7 104.3 102.4 101.3 105.9 102.9 102.4 101.9 101.9 102.2 103.1 104.7 105.8 110.0 126.0 114.0 101.2
51 Household repairing and maintenance goods 107.9 109.1 103.8 101.9 103.5 101.8 101.1 105.4 102.7 104.3 102.4 101.3 105.9 102.9 102.4 101.9 101.9 102.2 103.1 104.7 105.8 110.0 126.0 114.0 101.2
520 Carpets, curtains 105.4 104.5 105.0 102.7 102.0 101.0 100.6 101.9 99.8 101.1 100.8 100.6 103.0 99.5 100.5 100.6 100.3 99.5 100.3 100.2 101.6 103.2 109.9 108.8 101.6
521 Bed and table linen 103.8 104.7 104.4 102.8 102.1 100.0 99.9 102.5 101.3 103.1 101.0 100.9 104.8 101.5 101.4 100.1 100.8 99.3 99.6 101.4 101.5 102.9 110.4 113.8 102.3
522 Cooking utensils, cutlery 104.3 105.0 104.1 100.7 101.9 99.9 97.6 102.3 101.2 101.7 100.4 99.0 103.6 100.6 98.5 99.4 100.5 99.1 98.7 99.0 99.1 103.1 110.1 113.5 102.3
523 Parts and accessories of housing, tools 104.9 103.7 102.0 100.8 101.0 100.6 100.4 101.3 99.6 102.9 102.1 99.8 103.6 102.3 101.1 100.2 101.5 99.5 100.8 101.5 102.3 106.6 115.3 112.8 101.3
524 Parts and accessories of 'do it-yourself' 102.9 104.3 103.4 99.8 102.3 100.7 98.7 102.7 104.3 104.8 101.8 101.5 103.8 100.8 100.9 100.8 102.4 101.4 101.3 100.8 99.7 103.8 113.1 114.1 103.9
525 Houshold paper and other products 103.9 108.1 105.1 101.7 104.1 101.8 100.4 102.9 102.3 102.8 102.3 100.7 102.2 100.4 98.8 100.5 99.8 100.3 100.3 103.8 102.0 103.4 119.1 126.3 101.9
526 Detergents 107.8 108.6 105.4 100.6 99.8 100.2 100.0 102.9 103.1 108.5 102.4 100.7 106.7 100.8 98.2 101.2 99.6 98.7 100.9 102.3 102.6 103.7 117.3 129.5 102.2
52 Household goods 105.8 106.6 104.6 101.3 101.5 100.6 99.8 102.5 101.7 104.4 101.7 100.3 104.4 100.8 99.4 100.4 100.4 99.3 100.2 101.3 101.4 103.7 113.8 119.0 102.2
530 Toilet articles 108.3 106.6 104.1 100.3 100.2 98.3 97.3 101.4 100.8 103.6 102.8 101.3 105.7 101.0 99.7 100.4 100.1 100.2 101.6 102.8 101.3 103.2 116.6 120.1 102.4
531 Pharmaceutical products 126.0 110.2 109.3 107.0 107.0 108.6 103.8 117.4 102.0 105.3 105.6 103.2 104.5 104.0 101.9 102.2 102.1 102.6 102.4 101.8 102.2 102.9 104.3 107.9 105.9
53 Toilet articles, pharmaceutical products 117.4 108.7 107.1 104.3 104.3 104.8 101.5 112.3 101.6 104.8 104.8 102.6 104.9 103.0 101.2 101.6 101.5 101.9 102.2 102.1 101.9 103.0 108.3 112.0 104.6
540 Tyres, parts and accessories for vehicles 104.1 105.3 101.6 102.3 104.6 102.5 100.7 103.3 102.2 104.9 103.6 102.6 106.4 101.8 100.8 101.7 101.8 102.3 103.5 103.9 105.9 107.3 116.4 117.1 106.4
541 Motor fuels and oils 128.1 97.7 98.4 104.5 105.4 109.6 106.8 99.0 110.6 93.0 120.8 115.3 112.8 98.1 97.8 87.8 93.0 107.2 107.9 100.4 94.4 123.0 110.7 124.7 100.4
54 Parts and accessories for vehicles, motor fuels and oils 125.0 98.7 99.1 104.2 105.3 108.7 106.1 99.5 109.7 94.4 119.2 114.3 112.2 98.4 98.0 88.6 93.5 107.0 107.6 100.6 95.2 121.5 111.1 123.9 100.7
550 Newspapers, periodicals 110.7 113.0 110.5 110.7 105.2 104.9 100.8 104.0 105.6 108.8 108.2 108.5 106.0 106.8 105.4 107.7 105.5 107.7 105.5 108.3 107.7 106.7 113.2 121.1 114.1
551 Books 104.3 106.0 110.7 105.1 105.6 103.7 110.7 110.8 102.6 102.0 101.2 104.1 100.6 99.1 100.3 100.2 99.4 100.3 100.2 100.6 99.0 101.2 102.0 105.4 103.8
552 School-books 102.6 107.6 107.6 105.4 105.5 104.1 104.4 107.4 112.5 105.3 99.9 101.5 102.5 99.7 95.6 87.5 84.9 74.6 60.2 93.3 57.0 26.2 127.8 202.5 119.9
553 School and stationery supplies 106.5 107.9 103.7 100.7 101.6 101.1 99.8 102.9 103.0 105.2 104.6 103.3 107.3 104.9 101.6 102.3 102.9 102.8 102.4 106.0 104.8 106.4 115.3 120.5 108.8
554 Sport and camping articles, toys 105.6 105.3 103.4 101.5 100.6 99.3 100.4 100.6 100.0 101.3 97.9 96.7 98.2 97.6 98.0 98.5 102.8 101.1 101.1 100.5 98.4 101.1 104.0 106.9 101.6
555 Recording media 104.2 105.0 103.6 101.7 100.6 98.7 94.9 93.4 93.7 93.1 98.3 95.4 96.5 97.8 98.2 96.9 98.6 99.1 97.8 94.8 95.8 94.5 104.7 103.1 104.3
55 Goods for recreation, education 106.6 108.3 107.6 105.7 103.7 102.6 101.6 103.1 103.1 103.9 102.6 102.0 101.5 101.2 100.5 100.9 101.9 100.6 99.0 101.9 98.6 99.3 105.9 109.2 103.9
560 Flowers, ornamental plants 109.7 109.6 105.1 104.8 103.0 103.5 105.6 105.1 104.0 102.3 103.4 102.6 105.1 101.5 102.2 103.4 105.3 104.7 104.2 105.1 107.0 114.0 119.4 118.1 109.8
561 Pets foods 104.4 106.9 108.5 107.2 105.1 101.5 102.5 105.3 106.6 109.2 105.9 102.2 106.9 105.3 101.4 100.5 100.0 101.9 102.2 104.3 105.9 105.0 131.3 142.2 101.1
56 Flower, pets foods 106.5 108.6 106.8 105.5 104.0 102.7 104.3 105.1 105.0 105.3 104.4 102.4 106.3 103.4 101.8 101.8 102.4 103.3 102.9 104.6 106.2 107.8 128.1 135.5 101.9
51–56 Other goods included motor fuels and lubricants 115.0 104.9 104.1 103.9 103.9 104.5 102.7 104.0 104.6 101.1 108.8 106.2 107.2 100.5 99.5 95.4 97.8 103.6 103.8 101.3 99.1 109.6 112.0 118.6 101.7
5 Electricity, gas and other fuels, other goods included motor fuels and lubricants 113.0 106.6 104.6 105.0 107.2 105.1 103.9 110.6 107.3 103.6 107.9 106.0 106.8 97.6 95.9 95.9 98.4 102.8 103.1 101.3 99.4 107.3 113.9 119.5 100.5
10–56 Goods, total 109.8 109.0 104.9 104.2 106.4 102.8 103.8 108.2 106.5 104.0 105.1 104.6 106.3 101.0 99.0 99.2 100.0 102.7 103.3 103.5 103.5 105.9 117.1 118.9 101.9
601 Lending, repairs clothing and footwear etc. 112.0 113.4 110.0 111.0 107.6 105.7 103.6 105.7 104.7 104.8 104.3 102.1 105.1 101.5 102.5 102.8 102.5 104.9 104.9 108.0 107.1 105.1 113.3 118.5 110.5
60 Lending, making, repairs clothing and footwear etc. 112.0 113.4 110.0 111.0 107.6 105.7 103.6 105.7 104.7 104.8 104.3 102.1 105.1 101.5 102.5 102.8 102.5 104.9 104.9 108.0 107.1 105.1 113.3 118.5 110.5
610 Rent 116.1 117.4 111.8 107.4 109.8 104.4 104.2 107.6 109.0 106.7 103.5 101.9 103.8 102.1 100.3 102.0 105.2 103.0 105.1 109.4 104.4 101.9 110.5 113.8 112.4
611 Cost of owner occupied dwellingsa 108.9 110.9 105.9 104.1 105.8 104.2 103.5 106.6 104.5 105.2 103.9 102.3 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
612 Maintenance cost at private houses 111.5 110.5 107.2 110.4 113.1 106.3 106.4 107.3 108.9 109.5 104.9 104.9 105.4 101.2 99.7 100.9 101.3 103.4 102.4 102.5 102.5 101.8 105.5 111.9 110.4
613 Repairs and maintenance of dwellings 110.0 112.6 108.0 106.4 108.0 106.6 105.8 107.9 106.3 106.0 105.4 103.2 105.6 103.5 103.9 102.7 103.4 104.8 108.4 111.2 110.7 111.7 120.8 117.4 109.7
615 Refuse disposal, etc. 113.9 113.5 111.0 110.6 115.4 112.5 107.8 113.3 111.7 113.2 108.8 105.6 107.4 99.9 91.3 105.4 97.9 97.3 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
616 Water charges 111.6 109.9 106.1 106.4 110.5 108.5 105.9 111.1 110.1 109.9 105.4 104.1 104.8 96.1 93.5 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
617 Sewerage disposal 113.5 110.7 107.7 109.4 118.7 113.0 107.0 114.8 110.8 109.7 105.8 109.5 105.5 96.5 93.5 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
61 Rent, services for dwellings 110.3 111.2 106.8 106.2 108.9 106.4 105.0 108.6 107.0 107.3 104.9 103.7 105.5 99.7 96.6 101.5 101.4 101.5 102.3 103.7 102.6 102.4 107.1 109.0 107.9
620 Repairs of major household appliances 114.4 115.5 108.3 105.9 109.5 105.8 104.3 107.2 105.8 104.3 103.9 103.8 106.4 103.3 103.8 103.7 103.5 104.0 106.3 107.9 108.4 108.6 116.6 121.4 109.5
621 Cleaning, washing 110.9 112.0 109.1 110.0 109.1 104.9 104.7 106.6 106.0 106.4 104.5 103.7 106.6 102.7 103.4 104.1 102.9 105.8 106.2 108.3 108.4 106.1 115.8 118.1 110.4
62 Household services 113.5 114.3 108.6 107.4 109.3 105.4 104.5 106.9 105.9 105.6 104.2 103.7 106.3 103.3 103.7 103.8 103.3 104.8 106.2 108.2 108.4 107.4 116.2 119.6 109.8
630 Personal care services 114.6 118.0 113.6 111.4 111.0 108.5 107.8 109.4 107.1 106.2 103.9 103.2 104.3 101.2 101.5 101.9 102.1 103.0 104.1 105.9 105.4 106.4 112.6 117.1 110.4
631 Health services 112.6 114.6 108.0 108.5 108.3 106.8 106.2 127.3 93.7 99.1 103.7 102.0 101.8 101.9 104.9 105.9 102.2 103.6 103.7 105.4 105.3 105.5 109.3 116.4 109.5
63 Personal care and health services 113.5 116.2 110.7 110.0 109.7 107.9 107.1 118.9 99.2 102.1 103.8 102.5 102.5 101.8 104.3 105.2 102.2 103.5 103.8 105.5 105.3 105.7 110.0 116.5 109.7
640 Repairs, maintenance of vehicles 113.9 112.7 110.8 107.2 108.8 107.4 105.3 106.8 104.1 104.9 103.9 101.7 104.0 101.9 101.4 101.0 102.6 103.6 104.3 105.6 108.1 108.0 116.9 120.2 110.3
642 Motorway toll, rent a car, parking 104.0 110.9 108.1 112.6 98.6 109.7 104.3 102.7 101.8 105.0 104.7 107.0 108.3 104.4 101.0 106.5 101.0 100.9 102.3 104.7 91.8 106.1 123.0 124.9 110.5
643 Local transport excluding taxi 105.8 106.8 105.7 109.7 116.6 113.7 111.1 112.8 111.1 109.1 107.2 101.6 102.1 105.2 93.2 100.1 100.1 100.1 100.1 100.1 100.2 99.8 97.3 106.9 100.4
644 Taxi 118.3 108.9 105.8 106.4 104.4 106.7 105.9 105.7 106.3 103.8 102.4 103.3 103.9 104.2 106.3 101.3 100.9 101.4 106.6 106.9 102.0 103.2 120.5 122.4 104.5
645 Travel to work, school 105.9 106.7 106.6 108.0 110.0 105.7 107.7 120.7 100.9 103.1 114.0 100.9 101.5 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 85.6 92.8
646 Other travels 107.5 110.1 107.5 106.7 107.5 103.1 105.5 114.1 110.9 97.7 113.1 103.4 99.2 108.3 107.0 99.4 99.7 98.7 102.3 100.8 94.8 97.1 118.7 128.0 102.0
647 Transport of goods 116.6 113.5 105.1 107.9 105.9 107.3 106.5 108.1 109.0 104.8 104.2 106.7 110.1 102.0 103.2 101.7 100.9 102.0 105.4 106.0 105.8 107.3 118.3 114.3 105.8
64 Transport services 109.6 109.7 107.8 108.0 109.7 108.1 107.0 110.6 106.3 104.0 108.1 102.8 103.0 104.4 101.8 101.4 100.8 100.9 102.4 102.9 99.5 104.1 115.6 117.9 104.8
650 Telephone services, internet 105.3 105.4 102.6 101.2 99.3 99.8 96.6 98.4 99.6 101.5 101.4 100.9 105.2 102.4 101.0 100.5 101.0 97.0 94.4 100.5 101.2 98.9 98.8 109.9 111.9
651 Postal services 106.0 106.0 107.3 113.5 120.4 110.6 105.2 114.7 109.7 106.8 106.5 109.2 112.4 105.8 105.7 103.7 102.4 105.9 103.2 104.2 110.2 107.0 105.6 121.1 117.9
65 Communication 105.3 105.4 102.8 101.6 99.9 100.1 96.8 98.8 99.8 101.6 101.5 101.1 105.3 102.5 101.2 100.6 101.1 97.2 94.6 100.6 101.4 99.1 98.9 110.0 112.0
660 Repairs of recreational goods 112.8 116.6 109.8 107.4 108.1 105.8 104.5 105.4 104.9 105.4 104.6 101.9 104.3 102.4 102.6 102.8 104.4 104.2 105.0 107.4 106.2 105.8 114.6 117.1 108.0
661 Educational services 111.5 108.8 109.8 112.6 112.0 107.9 107.3 106.2 104.6 100.9 102.2 100.2 101.9 102.7 103.2 101.2 100.9 102.1 102.6 103.3 103.5 103.7 106.7 109.6 106.7
662 Theatres 113.0 115.3 118.6 115.3 109.0 115.2 112.4 109.1 107.2 107.8 106.0 104.8 103.6 104.5 105.2 102.7 104.3 103.2 102.3 101.5 106.3 104.3 104.8 112.4 121.6
663 Cinemas 112.4 112.4 111.0 106.7 107.5 103.7 102.4 103.9 103.1 103.8 104.5 101.9 103.2 103.4 102.0 102.6 103.2 102.3 103.3 102.7 105.1 101.0 111.6 116.0 116.4
664 TV fee 107.5 110.5 92.5 93.6 112.2 107.7 108.2 108.1 102.9 102.6 102.2 100.8 103.7 101.4 101.6 100.9 102.1 103.7 99.2 100.4 102.0 100.4 99.7 112.7 114.3
665 Other public entertainment 120.4 118.4 114.8 114.3 115.0 110.2 109.5 115.2 111.4 108.5 107.6 104.4 106.1 103.0 101.8 102.6 103.2 102.8 104.2 104.4 103.4 103.8 112.4 121.8 108.9
66 Cultural, educational and entertainment services 112.2 112.2 105.8 106.1 112.2 108.1 107.8 108.6 105.8 103.4 103.7 101.5 103.3 102.6 102.6 101.5 101.7 102.7 102.5 103.3 103.4 103.4 107.4 113.6 108.9
671 Games of chance 103.2 106.0 107.6 108.6 103.6 112.8 103.2 102.3 112.4 100.0 110.8 101.2 100.0 101.0 100.1 100.0 100.8 104.1 100.2 100.6 107.7 100.3 101.8 112.1 114.0
67 Games of chance 104.1 106.0 107.6 108.6 103.6 112.8 103.2 102.3 112.4 100.0 110.8 101.2 100.0 101.0 100.1 100.0 100.8 104.1 100.2 100.6 107.7 100.3 101.8 112.1 114.0
681 Recreation in the country 113.4 107.6 107.9 109.0 109.7 102.1 102.6 104.1 103.1 102.7 100.9 99.4 102.0 101.1 101.9 103.5 102.5 106.1 108.0 106.5 103.8 103.6 110.3 121.9 105.2
682 Recreation abroad 109.2 103.4 103.8 103.9 104.4 100.4 101.0 107.0 108.1 107.0 103.6 100.9 105.9 101.8 100.4 106.1 106.6 97.4 100.8 102.5 106.5 109.1 108.4 115.2 108.1
68 Recreational services 111.3 105.6 106.0 106.6 107.0 101.2 101.9 105.4 105.5 104.6 102.1 100.1 103.2 101.1 101.5 104.1 103.4 104.3 106.5 105.7 104.3 104.8 109.9 119.7 106.3
690 Photographic services 107.6 108.9 107.4 105.5 105.7 103.9 101.6 101.1 102.7 104.7 102.1 98.2 100.8 103.2 105.0 102.0 101.6 103.6 103.9 101.8 103.4 104.9 109.6 111.5 105.7
691 Services n.e.c. 105.2 106.5 104.9 107.3 110.2 105.8 105.3 106.7 105.8 103.8 100.7 98.0 107.0 115.9 106.9 101.4 100.8 101.3 102.2 100.8 102.3 104.0 104.7 110.6 109.5
69 Other services 106.0 107.1 105.4 107.0 109.5 105.5 104.7 105.7 105.3 104.0 100.9 98.1 106.1 115.1 106.8 101.5 100.8 101.3 102.2 100.9 102.3 104.0 104.7 110.6 109.5
6 Services 109.7 109.8 106.4 105.9 107.6 105.5 104.1 107.4 105.0 104.6 104.3 102.2 104.2 103.6 101.8 101.9 101.5 101.5 101.6 103.0 102.9 102.9 107.1 113.2 108.9
Total 109.8 109.2 105.3 104.7 106.8 103.6 103.9 108.0 106.1 104.2 104.9 103.9 105.7 101.7 99.8 99.9 100.4 102.4 102.8 103.4 103.3 105.1 114.5 117.6 103.7


aFrom 2012, CPI does not include the cost of imputed rents which was formerly appeared within group of services. According to the regulation of National Accounts, this item is not considered as purchased consumption thus it is excluded from the CPI. Hence, there are 140 basic headings instead of the preceding 141.