Over the census of 2011, for the first time in the census history of Hungary, respondents had three options to fill in census questionnaires. One option was to fill in online the internet questionnaires; other options were to fill in self-fulfilled paper-based questionnaires or to answer an enumerator during a traditional interview.
To ensure the option of self completion a census package was sent to each known address prior to the census.
Each package contained a copy of a dwelling and a personal questionnaire as well as an informative letter. Identification codes required to online fill-in were on each dwelling questionnaire. Documents in each census package were to facilitate prior orientation.
How the different methods work
In the census history of Hungary, online fill-in was an option for the first time. The required unique internet access codes were sent to each address until 1 October 2011. Using these codes, data providers could start to fill in online their dwelling and personal questionnaires. During data entry the system provided continual support to make answering easier. Online response was possible between 1 and 16 October 2011.
Respondents could also answer by self-completing paper questionnaires. Completion of the questionnaires could be started as soon as they were received. As the census package contained one dwelling and one personal questionnaire, in case of paper based completion, respondents had to ask the enumerator to give them enough questionnaires to fill in. A short guide was to facilitate response. Completed questionnaires could be given to an enumerator at an agreed date. Paper based questionnaires could be completed between 1 and 16 October 2011.
Respondents could answer census questions in an interview with the help of an enumerator. An interview could take place at the time of the first contact or at an agreed date. Enumerators were to support completion during the whole period of data collection.
Data security and confidentiality was a top priority for all the three methods.
Data must have been provided as of 00:00 Saturday, 1 October 2011.
Data collection was conducted between 1 and 31 October 2011.