When you visit the “Population Census, 2011” website of the HCSO, you also provide us your personal data.
We can access your personal data (i.e. the data related to you) in two ways: on the one hand during maintaining the internet connection, when technical data on the computer, the browsing software, the internet address you use and the pages you visit are automatically generated in our computer system, on the other hand you can also supply your name, contact details or other data, if you wish to contact us personally when using the website.
We developed our website so that it should meet the requirements on the content and the form of websites of central government bodies. During this we made efforts to manage your personal data only in as much as necessary to use the services provided by the website, and according to your instructions, at the same time fully observing the current provisions of the law.
When you visit our website it is the HCSO that is responsible for managing your data. A part of the information of public interest provided by us is directly available from the government portal, and starting from our website you can use several other services on the government portal. In these cases you leave our website, go to the government portal, and from that time on your data are managed there. (Your browsing software displays on the screen where you actually are.)
To run the website and to manage at the same time the data of visitors we do not use services provided by outside organisations (data processors).
Your data – which we access in connection with visits to our website – are not passed on by the HCSO.
If you wish to ask questions or want to give us your opinion, you can send an email to.
Questions, information: E-mail: info@ksh.hu
In these cases you should also provide your electronic mail (e-mail) address. We transmit these data to the specialists within the HCSO, and send their response to you.
If you wish to take part in the exchange of views on the activity of the HCSO, you can do so on a forum of the government portal, according to the rules thereof, in the particular groups of themes; in these cases your data are managed by the government portal.
This piece of writing contains data protection information related to the standardisation of the content and form of our website. The management of the personal data of our visitors is only a part of our data management activity. In its other activities, too, the HCSO is in contact with citizens and clients, during which it manages the personal data of those affected – as included in our information on general data protection.
In managing the data and in its activity related to data management the HCSO acts in accordance with the provisions of Act XLVI of 1993 on Statistics and Act CXII of 2011 on Informational Self-determination and Freedom of Information, and in line with the practice of data protection developed in the activity of the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, observes the prescriptions of the current legislation, and also takes into consideration major international recommendations related to data protection.
A primary objective of the HCSO is to manage its data solely in the areas and for the purposes laid down in regulations.
The technical and personal conditions of data management and the rules of procedure to be followed are defined for the purpose that our data management should be as safe as possible.
The processing of data is done primarily by information technology tools.
The HCSO informs Users on who manages and processes the data.
The HCSO manages the personal data it is aware of for the purpose defined in accordance with regulations on data protection and exclusively to the extent and for the time necessary to reach the purpose.
The HCSO ensures that it modifies at any time the personal data of the User upon receipt of a request sent in writing by the User, or deletes them in compliance with what is laid down in its rules of data protection.
Our statement refers to the protection of our readers’ personal data not to be published.
If somebody publishes her or his own personal data or a part of them voluntarily, our statement does not cover such information.