4.1.20. Production and use of main fruits (2014–)(12/14)

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Denomination Strawberries
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Characteristics of production
Total orchard area, hectare 742 788 786 731 728
Total harvested production, ton 5 313 6 002 4 778 5 382 5 236
Average procurement price, HUF per kilogram 605 647 754 648 727
Average market price, HUF per kilogram 1 096 1 104 1 276 1 247 1 332
Value of gross production, million HUF
at current prices 3 205 3 007 3 423 3 465 3 497
at constant pricesb 2 810 3 615 2 429 3 694 3 505
Producers' balance-sheet, ton
Total harvested production 5 313 6 002 4 778 5 382 5 236
Purchasing and other sources
Total resource 5 313 6 002 4 778 5 382 5 236
Total sale 4 834 5 271 4 058 4 440 4 564
Of which:
procurement, processors 225 340 220 120 179
peasants' market 1 591 617 1 483 1 476 1 393
direct exports 16
Processing and use within farm 139 205 214 236 232
Of which:
distilling industry 45 91 85 59 48
Consumption from own production 327 500 488 479 429
Storage loss 14 26 18 227 11
Changes in stocks 0
Total use 5 313 6 002 4 778 5 382 5 236
External trade
ton 2 557 3 329 2 929 3 085 3 725
million HUF 1 596 1 786 1 803 2 111 2 526
ton 25 37 21 10 74
million HUF 24 39 23 8 52
bAt previous year's prices. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011