4.1.20. Production and use of main fruits (2014–)(5/14)

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Denomination Sour cherries
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Characteristics of production
Total orchard area, hectare 13 062 13 062 13 193 13 288 13 320
Total harvested production, ton 76 792 73 591 69 757 83 566 62 702
Average procurement price, HUF per kilogram 119 129 210 93 196
Average market price, HUF per kilogram 435 473 488 477 668
Value of gross production, million HUF
at current prices 9 578 11 949 16 225 10 255 13 387
at constant pricesb 7 546 9 496 11 277 19 128 7 532
Producers' balance-sheet, ton
Total harvested production 76 792 73 591 69 757 83 566 62 702
Purchasing and other sources 1 507 149 146 40
Total resource 78 299 73 591 69 906 83 712 62 742
Total sale 67 137 66 954 62 855 75 869 57 081
Of which:
procurement, processors 34 898 39 896 33 095 43 512 25 203
peasants' market 3 646 8 184 5 824 7 233 5 234
direct exports 1 019 997 1 173 259 558
Processing and use within farm 4 436 2 027 2 886 2 962 2 454
Of which:
distilling industry 1 084 1 333 1 329 1 488 821
Consumption from own production 5 137 4 480 4 058 3 918 2 109
Storage loss 1 589 130 107 963 1 098
Changes in stocks 0
Total use 78 299 73 591 69 906 83 712 62 742
External trade
ton 354 1 239 2 303 718 4 154
million HUF 90 145 534 99 664
ton 22 673 20 679 26 705 19 068 10 322
million HUF 4 405 4 033 7 666 3 430 3 155
bAt previous year's prices. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011