4.1.20. Production and use of main fruits (2014–)(3/14)

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Denomination Pears
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Characteristics of production
Total orchard area, hectare 2 879 2 872 2 895 2 842 2 805
Total harvested production, ton 36 793 23 083 23 333 25 948 22 364
Average procurement price, HUF per kilogram 79 105 116 113 149
Average market price, HUF per kilogram 436 439 424 464 536
Value of gross production, million HUF
at current prices 4 831 3 384 3 319 3 626 4 379
at constant pricesb 5 529 3 037 3 586 3 666 2 987
Producers' balance-sheet, ton
Total harvested production 36 793 23 083 23 333 25 948 22 364
Purchasing and other sources 306 400 69 150 48
Total resource 37 099 23 483 23 402 26 098 22 412
Total sale 29 448 20 698 19 060 20 895 19 114
Of which:
procurement, processors 6 027 4 405 4 894 5 808 2 547
peasants' market 4 270 3 402 3 126 3 340 3 572
direct exports 791 706 216 239 150
Processing and use within farm 2 230 1 464 2 068 1 806 1 798
Of which:
distilling industry 1 965 1 154 1 345 1 333 917
Consumption from own production 2 966 1 720 2 208 2 354 1 528
Storage loss 348 626 146 295 631
Changes in stocks 2 107 -1 025 -80 748 -659
Total use 37 099 23 483 23 402 26 098 22 412
External trade
ton 2 432 2 900 2 320 1 548 3 926
million HUF 773 772 774 560 1 112
ton 655 202 339 111 140
million HUF 76 26 52 12 44
bAt previous year's prices. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011