The EUR value both of export and import decreased in May 2024, year-on-year

Change in the value of the external trade in goods
Last update: 07/11/2024

The balance deteriorated by EUR 73 million in May 2024, compared to a year earlier

Balance of the external trade in goods
Last update: 07/11/2024

The volume of import slightly increased, while that of export significantly grew in April 2024

Change in the volume of the external trade in goods by month
Last update: 07/04/2024

The April 2024 increase in the EUR value of the export was primarily due to the value change registered at machinery and transport equipment, that of energy carriers caused the decrease in import

EUR value of the external trade in goods, by aggregate commodity groups
Last update: 07/04/2024

Terms of trade continued to improve in April 2024, year-on-year

Price changes calculated in HUF in the export and import of goods
Last update: 07/04/2024

The two commodity groups showing the largest turnover in April 2024 were electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances, n.e.s., as well as road vehicles, both on the export and the import side

Commodity groups with the largest share in the external trade in goods
Last update: 07/04/2024

Manufactured goods contributed the most to the total turnover's volume increase on the import side, on the export one machinery and transport equipment, in April 2024

Contribution of the aggregate commodity groups to the volume change in the external trade in goods, April 2024
Last update: 07/04/2024