In November 2024, the average gross earnings of full-time employees were HUF 695,100, while median earnings were 79% of this (HUF 550,800)
Average and median gross earnings of full-time employees*
Last update: 01/30/2025
In November 2024, both average gross earnings and average regular gross earnings were 11.9% higher than a year earlier, and the real value of net earnings increased by 7.9% compared with November the previous year
Change in total and regular average gross earnings as well as real earnings*
Last update: 01/30/2025
In November 2024, average earnings were the highest in the area of information and communication and the lowest in the field of accommodation and food service activities
Average gross earnings by section*
Last update: 01/30/2025
In November 2024, average earnings increased the most (by 13.9%) in the budgetary sector, with the increase in teachers' wages and professional staff wages contributing to the rise above the national average. The lowest increase (11.3%) was among enterprises
Full-time employees\' average gross earnings and their change in some emphasised groups, November 2024*
Last update: 01/30/2025
In the 3rd quarter of 2024, the average gross earnings of those in the top earnings quintile were nearly five times the average of those in the bottom earnings quintile, though the annual rate of increase in lower earnings was higher than the growth in the average for the top earnings quintile
Average gross earnings of full-time employees and their change compared to same period of previous year, by earnings quintile*
Last update: 11/28/2024
Average gross earnings exceeded the national average earnings in more than a quarter of districts in January–September 2024
Average gross earnings at district level, January–September 2024*
Last update: 11/28/2024