Denomination Country total Regions Type of settlements
Central Hungarya Budapestb Pestb Central Transdanubia Western Transdanubia Southern Transdanubia Northern Hungary Northern Great Plain Southern Great Plain capital county seat, town of county rank other towns villages
Very limited 59.2 68.4 76.4 58.5 57.0 51.9 58.4 52.8 54.5 76.4 64.7 55.8 50.4
Limited 77.4 89.4 97.4 76.5 72.9 70.0 74.6 70.1 71.3 97.4 84.2 72.7 67.5
Average 102.8 120.6 128.8 99.7 95.5 97.7 95.3 93.1 93.0 128.8 111.6 96.3 90.3
Good 137.7 166.1 176.2 130.9 125.2 135.2 123.0 123.0 121.8 176.2 148.6 127.8 120.7
Very good 187.9 234.2 248.6 175.7 166.4 192.5 159.1 165.3 161.2 248.6 198.9 172.1 164.9
Very limited 63.9 69.2 76.1 70.9 62.4 58.3 65.7 55.9 58.4 76.1 67.4 60.2 58.7
Limited 85.0 92.4 101.5 92.8 83.1 75.8 87.3 75.0 78.7 101.5 88.5 80.5 78.2
Average 114.0 125.2 136.8 120.5 110.6 101.6 115.3 100.6 108.5 136.8 119.8 108.3 103.5
Good 152.9 172.4 190.2 156.8 145.5 135.9 149.8 134.9 145.5 190.2 161.2 145.2 134.8
Very good 213.6 254.1 288.6 207.0 198.4 183.9 199.7 186.4 201.0 288.6 221.4 199.3 181.2
Very limited 65.1 70.7 76.0 73.3 62.6 58.3 63.6 58.1 60.9 76.0 70.4 61.3 59.4
Limited 85.3 93.9 101.5 93.0 81.8 74.0 83.2 76.6 81.0 101.5 90.4 80.5 77.9
Average 116.9 130.9 139.9 126.0 111.3 101.2 111.2 104.7 110.9 139.9 122.1 110.4 107.2
Good 159.9 186.1 201.7 166.8 148.7 139.2 147.8 141.5 148.1 201.7 164.2 150.6 143.4
Very good 228.8 280.8 312.2 223.2 205.0 190.7 207.6 203.8 204.4 312.2 229.6 214.4 196.2
Very limited 66.9 71.9 78.2 63.2 70.1 65.8 63.3 68.5 59.5 62.5 78.2 78.4 59.4 60.9
Limited 87.3 94.8 103.0 83.5 89.1 87.0 79.4 90.0 79.2 80.9 103.0 100.7 78.2 79.5
Average 121.0 134.4 142.9 122.7 122.2 118.1 108.0 121.3 110.7 111.7 142.9 136.0 110.9 110.0
Good 168.7 196.5 212.4 174.9 168.5 160.1 144.3 163.1 152.2 150.5 212.4 181.6 155.5 149.7
Very good 253.1 324.3 370.5 261.3 235.9 220.0 204.0 226.3 216.0 226.4 370.5 247.0 225.9 218.7
Very limited 72.6 78.1 85.6 68.1 87.3 67.0 64.6 72.1 63.1 68.6 85.6 82.8 67.6 64.4
Limited 95.3 104.4 115.0 90.5 109.0 87.2 83.0 94.4 85.0 89.6 115.0 106.5 89.5 83.6
Average 130.2 145.1 159.3 126.3 142.3 116.4 110.8 128.8 117.3 125.4 159.3 144.6 121.1 114.8
Good 178.1 203.6 227.0 172.6 196.1 160.1 146.6 173.4 156.4 167.4 227.0 191.6 164.5 156.7
Very good 257.1 302.7 338.8 255.0 296.0 231.1 205.7 243.0 218.1 229.6 338.8 265.1 238.7 225.9
Very limited 75.1 82.9 88.0 76.3 82.4 71.6 67.6 77.5 62.3 70.3 88.0 82.2 71.0 67.7
Limited 98.6 110.5 118.7 99.6 103.0 93.1 87.2 101.3 84.6 91.7 118.7 106.1 92.6 88.8
Average 136.2 154.1 164.6 140.2 138.0 126.0 122.9 137.9 118.0 127.8 164.6 146.0 127.8 122.7
Good 187.3 216.2 234.0 192.7 194.2 174.8 164.1 186.1 158.4 171.8 234.0 199.0 174.2 167.4
Very good 280.4 362.3 417.1 289.7 267.0 254.3 222.1 256.1 231.8 232.1 417.1 279.7 244.3 240.7
Very limited 81.4 88.3 95.0 79.5 93.5 83.6 69.5 75.8 68.1 81.1 95.0 86.6 79.3 72.8
Limited 106.5 117.3 126.2 105.4 116.3 106.0 91.2 99.8 92.5 105.2 126.2 111.8 103.6 95.3
Average 148.7 167.2 176.0 155.6 156.6 143.7 127.2 140.7 128.4 146.5 176.0 155.6 145.1 132.8
Good 204.5 235.2 251.1 214.4 219.8 196.2 168.7 191.0 172.6 196.9 251.1 216.0 196.2 179.8
Very good 294.6 353.6 390.5 305.0 312.7 280.7 228.0 265.5 242.9 278.9 390.5 309.0 280.4 246.7
Very limited 89.7 98.7 104.5 91.3 102.2 87.2 82.1 80.2 74.7 90.2 104.5 95.5 89.2 77.9
Limited 116.6 129.6 139.8 116.8 126.2 112.1 105.1 106.6 99.5 116.7 139.8 122.3 114.8 101.5
Average 161.6 183.9 199.2 164.7 167.6 148.2 149.1 151.4 137.2 159.1 199.2 167.2 158.0 140.5
Good 220.0 258.7 288.9 220.6 226.4 198.8 195.6 206.6 183.1 208.8 288.9 228.1 210.3 185.9
Very good 326.1 407.9 484.1 312.1 327.0 278.7 268.2 326.1 257.7 283.3 484.1 326.6 308.6 254.4
Very limited 109.7 118.6 124.9 110.8 125.7 111.9 102.2 101.8 95.2 101.0 124.9 118.8 107.6 97.8
Limited 139.9 152.8 162.4 140.9 152.0 144.2 129.8 130.2 120.9 131.9 162.4 149.4 136.4 125.2
Average 191.7 214.5 234.0 190.4 200.3 188.5 179.9 178.8 162.4 184.2 234.0 204.1 184.8 167.7
Good 258.4 296.9 334.5 250.2 273.0 251.6 233.8 238.8 212.2 244.3 334.5 276.5 244.9 219.0
Very good 371.1 453.6 552.6 330.9 378.5 370.8 308.2 331.6 287.0 338.5 552.6 391.3 336.9 293.7
Very limited 124.3 139.6 149.8 127.0 130.2 124.6 127.9 104.8 102.7 121.0 149.8 129.9 122.0 108.7
Limited 160.3 179.1 194.3 160.4 163.8 160.3 163.0 137.6 135.8 157.3 194.3 166.1 155.7 142.3
Average 221.4 254.5 281.0 221.8 222.5 211.1 216.1 192.2 185.4 217.6 281.0 226.6 212.8 193.3
Good 299.8 351.6 399.5 292.4 302.3 283.5 277.7 262.1 247.9 291.2 399.5 314.8 281.2 253.5
Very good 443.6 543.3 655.5 404.7 423.8 443.7 367.9 401.7 354.0 407.1 655.5 473.7 397.6 353.6


aStatistical large region according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly planning and statistical region and statistical large region.
bPlanning and statistical region according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly county.