Region Settlement type 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Second hand dwellings
Budapest capital 6,406 4,312 6,443 5,097 8,446 8,387 7,329 7,279 9,407 7,655 6,279 4,595 4,946 5,222 5,235 5,924 7,461 7,277 4,683
Pest towns 2,264 1,892 2,487 1,141 2,899 2,183 1,449 845 2,206 1,452 1,055 681 1,442 1,475 1,533 1,574 1,951 1,772 779
Pest villages 1,044 856 1,060 515 1,161 1,046 670 400 1,040 734 564 352 611 678 654 608 771 706 352
Pest together 3,308 2,748 3,547 1,656 4,060 3,229 2,119 1,245 3,246 2,186 1,619 1,033 2,053 2,153 2,187 2,182 2,722 2,478 1,131
Central Transdanubia county seats 793 605 939 701 1,089 1,016 837 773 938 751 633 408 539 525 550 661 845 765 440
Central Transdanubia towns 1,551 1,171 1,622 1,347 1,856 1,934 1,677 1,369 1,711 1,533 1,257 876 1,057 1,076 1,063 1,051 1,318 1,255 811
Central Transdanubia villages 1,124 1,013 1,462 1,030 1,397 1,442 1,341 966 1,109 1,248 1,115 807 723 933 877 758 836 997 535
Central Transdanubia together 3,468 2,789 4,023 3,078 4,342 4,392 3,855 3,108 3,758 3,532 3,005 2,091 2,319 2,534 2,490 2,470 2,999 3,017 1,786
Western Transdanubia county seats 884 634 902 696 1,165 1,072 977 911 1,143 883 766 535 557 612 665 642 886 793 434
Western Transdanubia towns 1,048 799 1,060 861 1,285 1,254 1,210 1,110 1,256 1,189 956 658 702 767 773 681 859 841 588
Western Transdanubia villages 1,184 1,140 1,553 1,134 1,445 1,553 1,670 1,317 1,466 1,591 1,398 990 914 1,009 965 890 942 1,038 632
Western Transdanubia together 3,116 2,573 3,515 2,691 3,895 3,879 3,857 3,338 3,865 3,663 3,120 2,183 2,173 2,388 2,403 2,213 2,687 2,672 1,654
Southern Transdanubia county seats 981 749 1,025 731 1,207 1,079 1,024 770 1,144 918 746 487 632 634 648 658 836 810 549
Southern Transdanubia towns 1,015 942 1,187 909 1,265 1,273 1,125 819 1,109 1,108 861 666 650 713 643 635 799 795 465
Southern Transdanubia villages 1,242 1,275 1,590 1,174 1,478 1,624 1,624 1,262 1,451 1,664 1,535 1,049 968 1,113 1,119 914 985 1,055 620
Southern Transdanubia together 3,238 2,966 3,802 2,814 3,950 3,976 3,773 2,851 3,704 3,690 3,142 2,202 2,250 2,460 2,410 2,207 2,620 2,660 1,634
Northern Hungary county seats 1,035 828 1,163 875 1,271 1,200 1,130 1,013 1,151 1,051 917 607 683 742 733 756 872 914 656
Northern Hungary towns 1,198 1,122 1,437 1,119 1,383 1,518 1,389 1,133 1,348 1,407 1,272 893 915 903 981 886 973 1,033 541
Northern Hungary villages 1,753 1,841 2,384 1,650 1,913 2,413 2,323 1,841 1,946 2,301 1,997 1,464 1,251 1,429 1,508 1,145 1,359 1,509 872
Northern Hungary together 3,986 3,791 4,984 3,644 4,567 5,131 4,842 3,987 4,445 4,759 4,186 2,964 2,849 3,074 3,222 2,787 3,204 3,456 2,069
Northern Great Plain county seats 1,441 1,207 1,658 1,267 1,989 1,844 1,537 1,516 1,968 1,503 1,172 823 995 937 993 1,051 1,417 1,281 662
Northern Great Plain towns 1,904 1,887 2,248 1,757 2,283 2,497 2,136 1,786 2,078 2,172 1,918 1,378 1,362 1,582 1,645 1,376 1,552 1,617 968
Northern Great Plain villages 1,434 1,432 1,824 1,303 1,695 1,878 1,859 1,464 1,581 1,871 1,710 1,456 1,195 1,356 1,348 1,075 1,211 1,380 858
Northern Great Plain together 4,779 4,526 5,730 4,327 5,967 6,219 5,532 4,766 5,627 5,546 4,800 3,657 3,552 3,875 3,986 3,502 4,180 4,278 2,488
Southern Great Plain county seats 1,230 995 1,464 994 1,532 1,508 1,361 1,222 1,596 1,233 1,024 692 868 763 951 890 1,334 1,015 561
Southern Great Plain towns 1,928 1,777 2,338 1,739 2,448 2,462 2,367 1,869 2,280 2,189 2,013 1,399 1,492 1,503 1,533 1,461 1,597 1,646 1,051
Southern Great Plain villages 1,320 1,157 1,526 1,130 1,384 1,609 1,496 1,149 1,402 1,513 1,386 1,063 990 1,116 1,082 924 1,004 953 634
Southern Great Plain together 4,478 3,929 5,328 3,863 5,364 5,579 5,224 4,240 5,278 4,935 4,423 3,154 3,350 3,382 3,566 3,275 3,935 3,614 2,246
Country capital 6,406 4,312 6,443 5,097 8,446 8,387 7,329 7,279 9,407 7,655 6,279 4,595 4,946 5,222 5,235 5,924 7,461 7,277 4,683
Country county seats 6,364 5,018 7,151 5,264 8,253 7,719 6,866 6,205 7,940 6,339 5,258 3,552 4,274 4,213 4,540 4,658 6,190 5,578 3,302
Country towns 10,908 9,590 12,379 8,873 13,419 13,121 11,353 8,931 11,988 11,050 9,332 6,551 7,620 8,019 8,171 7,664 9,049 8,959 5,203
Country villages 9,101 8,714 11,399 7,936 10,473 11,565 10,983 8,399 9,995 10,922 9,705 7,181 6,652 7,634 7,553 6,314 7,108 7,638 4,503
Country total 32,779 27,634 37,372 27,170 40,591 40,792 36,531 30,814 39,330 35,966 30,574 21,879 23,492 25,088 25,499 24,560 29,808 29,452 17,691
New dwellingsa
Budapest capital 1,290 1,034 1,029 635 1,584 1,754 1,078 789 1,838 1,534 1,092 816 700 532 730 1,097 692 562 413
Pest towns 221 225 211 59 569 281 184 101 313 144 95 63 166 180 181 182 135 94 23
Pest villages 57 69 62 18 190 88 52 41 164 54 43 24 52 79 51 48 36 32 7
Pest together 278 294 273 77 759 369 236 142 477 198 138 87 218 259 232 230 171 126 30
Central Transdanubia county seats 80 64 48 64 84 106 39 36 92 85 47 54 34 29 47 33 42 22 8
Central Transdanubia towns 128 94 88 74 95 93 34 39 66 105 67 51 36 46 32 34 31 34 10
Central Transdanubia villages 15 9 39 22 36 36 19 17 36 29 29 44 13 16 13 11 9 14 4
Central Transdanubia together 223 167 175 160 215 235 92 92 194 219 143 149 83 91 92 78 82 70 22
Western Transdanubia county seats 236 120 163 81 261 261 180 167 149 127 128 51 78 64 92 73 49 28 19
Western Transdanubia towns 138 57 129 94 188 134 96 101 127 128 95 88 52 62 87 107 85 46 13
Western Transdanubia villages 61 60 47 42 127 112 89 75 97 53 56 25 33 49 43 25 25 26 7
Western Transdanubia together 435 237 339 217 576 507 365 343 373 308 279 164 163 175 222 205 159 100 39
Southern Transdanubia county seats 69 45 49 25 38 45 63 47 52 42 24 38 16 24 24 55 16 20 10
Southern Transdanubia towns 64 112 203 91 161 157 336 86 155 175 88 70 87 78 90 68 79 41 18
Southern Transdanubia villages 7 10 8 13 41 9 10 8 15 14 14 7 7 7 4 4 5 .. ..
Southern Transdanubia together 140 167 260 129 240 211 409 141 222 231 126 115 110 109 118 127 100 63 29
Northern Hungary county seats 68 34 35 24 56 50 41 47 37 46 53 27 21 11 13 8 5 5 ..
Northern Hungary towns 4 9 7 23 29 51 32 66 24 23 3 5 19 14 25 11 25 3 3
Northern Hungary villages .. .. 4 .. 12 5 7 12 9 8 9 5 .. .. 5 5 .. 6 3
Northern Hungary together 73 45 46 48 97 106 80 125 70 77 65 37 42 26 43 24 30 14 6
Northern Great Plain county seats 157 130 185 111 307 156 119 105 208 154 110 86 77 71 87 150 53 38 21
Northern Great Plain towns 73 20 13 16 28 26 21 38 29 41 54 48 46 38 23 27 31 26 13
Northern Great Plain villages 6 3 3 .. 6 16 4 4 14 8 6 .. 9 9 9 6 6 .. ..
Northern Great Plain together 236 153 201 128 341 198 144 147 251 203 170 135 132 118 119 183 90 66 34
Southern Great Plain county seats 115 90 104 59 114 133 91 101 178 103 58 58 45 69 66 37 64 89 20
Southern Great Plain towns 47 63 24 28 52 31 9 16 33 60 32 25 21 10 16 11 7 11 5
Southern Great Plain villages 3 4 .. 4 11 6 7 4 9 .. 3 .. 4 4 7 5 .. .. ..
Southern Great Plain together 165 157 130 91 177 170 107 121 220 164 93 85 70 83 89 53 73 100 26
Country capital 1,290 1,034 1,029 635 1,584 1,754 1,078 789 1,838 1,534 1,092 816 700 532 730 1,097 692 562 413
Country county seats 725 483 584 364 860 751 533 503 716 557 420 314 271 268 329 356 229 202 78
Country towns 675 580 675 385 1,122 773 712 447 747 676 434 350 427 428 454 440 393 255 85
Country villages 150 157 165 101 423 272 188 161 344 167 160 108 120 165 132 104 83 82 23
Country total 2,840 2,254 2,453 1,485 3,989 3,550 2,511 1,900 3,645 2,934 2,106 1,588 1,518 1,393 1,645 1,997 1,397 1,101 599


aWhere data is not disclosed, the low number of transactions does not allow this.