Region Building type 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Second-hand dwellings
Budapest detached 291 290 297 284 264 249 241 244 268 308 349 406 485 522 618 735 727
Budapest condominium 267 266 258 252 251 248 238 253 306 399 455 545 666 688 735 887 939
Budapest housing estate 205 216 209 191 179 179 179 194 239 291 333 422 523 527 573 716 739
Budapest together 266 265 259 252 245 236 226 240 290 361 419 508 623 640 692 844 885
Pest detached 173 171 164 171 163 159 146 147 154 166 183 206 248 269 341 400 379
Pest condominium 225 220 216 207 204 195 188 193 217 255 292 348 432 477 553 683 723
Pest housing estate 202 193 182 177 182 173 174 191 205 212 252 319 398 419 492 628 650
Pest together 189 184 178 180 174 169 158 161 174 192 214 245 299 331 407 488 488
Central Transdanubia detached 130 121 119 124 115 109 105 106 112 117 127 142 166 183 225 268 277
Central Transdanubia condominium 159 158 147 143 139 136 133 134 150 170 192 233 294 336 387 485 516
Central Transdanubia housing estate 156 164 139 133 134 119 115 126 146 163 190 233 299 318 367 466 494
Central Transdanubia together 147 141 129 130 126 121 118 120 131 142 158 184 223 251 300 368 391
Western Transdanubia detached 125 110 108 112 111 104 103 106 111 114 127 140 153 166 196 232 249
Western Transdanubia condominium 176 169 162 161 163 160 161 172 187 201 230 262 311 341 387 489 547
Western Transdanubia housing estate 157 158 146 142 143 144 149 167 210 220 242 278 339 349 379 496 538
Western Transdanubia together 151 138 132 134 136 132 133 139 148 156 176 198 222 239 281 347 379
Southern Transdanubia detached 99 88 83 91 84 78 77 80 83 81 90 97 109 117 141 158 151
Southern Transdanubia condominium 163 164 156 155 157 147 142 135 144 165 187 209 249 288 329 430 486
Southern Transdanubia housing estate 144 146 144 139 134 128 122 123 138 150 176 216 257 276 317 413 459
Southern Transdanubia together 129 117 112 118 115 106 104 104 112 116 132 146 164 178 211 253 268
Northern Hungary detached 87 77 68 74 69 62 59 62 65 63 68 73 84 88 106 123 128
Northern Hungary condominium 145 144 135 130 125 123 114 114 123 132 141 163 196 222 267 328 356
Northern Hungary housing estate 129 134 124 112 106 101 91 88 98 110 123 150 207 216 251 311 321
Northern Hungary together 111 104 94 96 89 83 78 80 86 87 96 106 125 133 160 191 206
Northern Great Plain detached 101 84 75 77 74 72 70 68 73 73 81 87 100 102 123 139 142
Northern Great Plain condominium 169 171 165 159 157 151 144 150 165 187 206 248 301 322 380 463 513
Northern Great Plain housing estate 148 158 146 138 140 147 145 150 177 180 203 250 315 329 384 479 522
Northern Great Plain together 123 109 100 106 103 100 97 101 111 114 126 142 159 167 204 236 245
Southern Great Plain detached 89 78 68 71 67 63 63 66 72 74 81 89 100 101 124 138 140
Southern Great Plain condominium 153 156 151 145 144 141 135 139 152 175 198 228 275 305 342 434 483
Southern Great Plain housing estate 135 141 129 123 123 115 110 110 127 147 168 204 268 273 313 399 419
Southern Great Plain together 116 106 99 100 98 93 91 97 107 114 125 141 162 166 199 236 246
Country detached 129 111 105 115 106 101 96 100 107 109 118 128 144 147 179 201 206
Country condominium 222 218 210 206 203 198 190 201 233 285 322 379 450 474 536 667 721
Country housing estate 153 163 152 144 142 148 148 157 186 209 230 282 357 362 412 518 548
Country total 178 161 154 160 154 150 145 154 175 191 212 241 276 282 339 411 437
New dwellingsa
Budapest detached 315 301 310 331 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 614 .. 776 1,006 ..
Budapest condominium 349 363 368 352 344 350 356 358 401 462 513 605 688 796 927 1,131 1,246
Budapest housing estate .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 336 386 446 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Budapest together 348 362 366 351 343 345 352 356 398 460 512 603 687 795 924 1,129 1,245
Pest detached 233 234 231 219 211 212 205 225 228 244 268 331 395 431 528 668 ..
Pest condominium 260 276 260 245 230 230 226 230 252 278 307 374 444 479 573 733 803
Pest housing estate .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 341 .. .. 614 .. ..
Pest together 254 268 254 241 226 227 221 229 247 271 299 363 435 466 563 709 785
Central Transdanubia detached .. 222 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 326 327 375 376 448 552 ..
Central Transdanubia condominium 236 248 232 215 223 .. 221 216 258 262 317 354 459 496 600 680 886
Central Transdanubia housing estate .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Central Transdanubia together 229 245 232 212 213 211 212 215 254 255 316 349 449 484 574 657 850
Western Transdanubia detached .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 290 329 356 404 545 ..
Western Transdanubia condominium 241 242 234 215 205 220 221 261 272 290 335 375 398 438 536 632 737
Western Transdanubia housing estate .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 356 423 .. .. .. ..
Western Transdanubia together 237 240 233 214 204 217 217 261 269 287 333 369 393 434 517 620 717
Southern Transdanubia detached .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 531 .. ..
Southern Transdanubia condominium 296 283 275 257 274 258 288 316 342 305 342 435 524 615 716 920 955
Southern Transdanubia housing estate .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 321 .. .. .. .. .. ..
Southern Transdanubia together 288 278 269 254 270 252 279 314 339 300 335 425 511 596 699 896 937
Northern Hungary detached .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Northern Hungary condominium 240 241 224 .. .. .. .. 181 195 220 281 306 337 388 468 542 600
Northern Hungary housing estate .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Northern Hungary together 236 240 227 .. .. .. .. 182 194 217 279 305 332 368 458 526 590
Northern Great Plain detached .. 228 216 .. .. .. .. .. .. 230 258 281 324 361 459 547 ..
Northern Great Plain condominium 228 239 235 224 229 .. 195 239 243 271 339 344 375 437 522 591 611
Northern Great Plain housing estate .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Northern Great Plain together 225 237 232 220 225 220 191 233 238 268 332 337 368 425 510 581 603
Southern Great Plain detached .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 417 586 ..
Southern Great Plain condominium 225 226 222 205 196 205 231 214 239 263 304 359 387 436 536 643 698
Southern Great Plain housing estate .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Southern Great Plain together 218 225 220 204 195 202 225 210 239 260 302 357 380 431 518 637 682
Country detached 232 236 236 228 221 211 197 221 228 241 279 324 377 412 486 618 606
Country condominium 292 306 296 289 279 285 293 299 327 331 376 445 518 633 748 941 1,019
Country housing estate .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 305 350 347 317 347 409 420 571 713 ..
Country total 283 299 290 282 272 277 283 294 322 325 366 433 505 615 719 910 995


aWhere data is not disclosed, the low number of transactions does not allow this.