Countries Total Of which:
transportation business services
value, at current prices, million HUF same period of previous year = 100.0% value, at current prices, million HUF same period of previous year = 100.0% value, at current prices, million HUF same period of previous year = 100.0%
Austria 179,659 113.6 31,098 90.4 66,533 109.3
Belgium 51,238 96.3 14,655 63.4 25,890 102.8
Germany 483,226 105.8 82,599 113.1 332,863 112.3
Denmark 25,078 157.3 12,565 204.7 8,996 112.9
Spain 46,226 119.7 8,618 147.4 10,392 129.7
Finland 8,184 169.6 1,038 187.1 2,104 89.9
France 80,778 107.5 16,412 121.9 46,063 106.4
Greece 57,719 75.3 3,513 89.3 2,114 103.6
Ireland 82,503 97.3 26,789 129.0 54,653 89.7
Italy 52,661 73.7 13,232 64.7 14,805 94.4
Luxembourg 120,122 342.0 100,987 516.6 18,651 120.3
Netherlands 101,120 102.5 24,517 90.3 60,352 112.0
Portugal 7,356 130.5 1,641 90.7 4,049 192.9
Sweden 23,272 102.0 2,959 86.9 15,059 114.5
Bulgaria 34,078 115.2 8,081 99.4 18,061 150.8
Cyprus 22,502 90.2 4,032 99.2 14,657 91.5
Czechia 59,861 104.3 14,757 105.0 32,264 100.5
Estonia 1,689 318.2 101 70.4 1,541 423.1
Croatia 80,899 118.1 6,563 117.0 12,609 133.2
Lithuania 7,887 99.2 2,506 131.6 3,836 129.5
Latvia 4,657 397.6 352 126.3 3,616 480.4
Malta 44,373 66.5 38,470 69.8 2,306 33.9
Poland 86,042 120.7 34,146 116.7 30,003 111.6
Romania 67,355 110.8 33,079 100.6 19,158 129.0
Slovenia 23,508 154.5 6,782 110.3 5,668 140.2
Slovakia 78,049 110.9 34,262 114.4 30,290 119.7
Austria 314,194 104.9 80,513 101.0 51,432 110.6
Belgium 59,939 115.1 11,137 95.7 42,703 123.2
Germany 793,662 112.6 124,851 100.4 337,726 112.0
Denmark 79,263 110.8 13,839 120.4 22,842 106.9
Spain 22,192 94.3 14,257 100.8 7,580 85.0
Finland 25,919 95.6 3,090 110.4 16,375 102.3
France 109,405 119.5 17,859 90.2 40,974 120.6
Greece 14,805 119.7 5,166 118.0 2,727 135.4
Ireland 93,453 128.0 31,688 135.7 34,847 100.8
Italy 69,012 73.0 24,987 88.3 18,538 89.4
Luxembourg 64,830 207.9 44,552 281.2 16,824 123.8
Netherlands 182,403 105.1 49,726 113.9 57,481 115.8
Portugal 3,470 115.1 1,997 129.5 1,419 97.8
Sweden 61,013 125.9 9,262 90.4 32,976 118.3
Bulgaria 34,977 95.6 22,249 106.7 5,890 113.7
Cyprus 23,780 156.4 6,239 113.6 17,471 180.4
Czechia 90,666 113.9 22,438 128.6 24,889 90.4
Estonia 4,028 207.3 810 105.9 3,150 270.7
Croatia 22,790 88.9 7,132 99.9 10,618 74.6
Lithuania 6,040 90.0 5,284 88.6 750 107.5
Latvia 1,611 112.5 1,186 113.0 415 110.8
Malta 48,563 135.6 45,503 151.7 3,059 59.8
Poland 174,853 120.6 92,349 120.9 23,251 113.0
Romania 139,714 118.1 53,272 109.6 15,734 106.8
Slovenia 15,314 112.1 6,454 129.3 7,241 109.5
Slovakia 93,609 101.2 38,407 121.6 15,515 87.6