Countries Total Of which:
transportation business services
value, at current prices, million HUF same period of previous year = 100.0% value, at current prices, million HUF same period of previous year = 100.0% value, at current prices, million HUF same period of previous year = 100.0%
Austria 189,039 105.7 31,361 86.2 74,290 102.9
Belgium 62,644 115.9 19,873 101.0 33,998 118.4
Germany 539,998 99.3 83,964 102.0 380,947 100.8
Denmark 29,157 129.1 15,205 174.6 10,107 89.8
Spain 30,786 77.7 6,378 107.0 13,375 120.0
Finland 5,840 100.0 802 141.0 2,336 84.2
France 100,163 124.0 15,459 104.2 63,474 117.5
Greece 13,131 97.4 2,811 71.9 3,648 122.3
Ireland 111,668 96.9 22,398 131.4 88,748 94.7
Italy 56,721 111.8 12,555 85.9 21,214 109.6
Luxembourg 75,811 161.6 52,734 227.3 21,500 91.8
Netherlands 109,570 107.8 23,076 97.6 71,818 113.2
Portugal 5,638 76.1 1,234 77.8 2,665 72.3
Sweden 28,619 97.7 2,506 131.4 20,120 96.2
Bulgaria 36,820 103.5 8,636 107.4 25,967 109.6
Cyprus 36,370 98.0 3,920 95.2 29,741 93.9
Czechia 70,548 100.4 15,988 112.9 42,087 104.0
Estonia 5,203 118.6 360 206.7 4,840 118.5
Croatia 25,150 102.8 6,471 91.7 14,823 97.9
Lithuania 12,394 107.4 2,404 144.1 8,912 107.4
Latvia 2,258 162.8 312 109.3 1,370 141.3
Malta 52,518 130.1 36,731 185.7 11,401 65.4
Poland 86,055 109.1 34,251 115.4 38,593 114.8
Romania 67,572 113.6 33,878 117.4 23,417 118.5
Slovenia 20,451 144.6 8,487 131.9 7,755 157.8
Slovakia 92,214 102.2 41,282 107.5 36,217 104.1
Austria 247,990 93.3 84,588 108.7 51,816 92.5
Belgium 67,489 121.4 9,862 109.1 51,297 120.0
Germany 707,741 106.9 119,640 92.2 385,811 108.8
Denmark 85,924 113.4 14,782 116.8 27,276 108.4
Spain 27,700 112.9 17,676 129.4 9,174 100.1
Finland 23,729 106.3 2,234 129.6 17,810 103.5
France 103,782 124.2 20,489 96.3 54,836 143.2
Greece 14,584 105.0 4,136 106.7 4,007 139.8
Ireland 68,723 87.8 10,604 85.7 44,524 110.2
Italy 83,436 107.0 25,265 154.1 24,799 114.8
Luxembourg 52,219 141.7 28,727 164.2 20,829 123.2
Netherlands 144,749 107.7 44,604 107.6 63,951 108.4
Portugal 3,914 153.2 1,529 147.4 2,365 159.9
Sweden 49,453 107.4 9,239 119.3 35,001 107.6
Bulgaria 37,554 113.7 20,580 115.0 8,712 131.6
Cyprus 30,582 229.4 5,047 116.5 25,463 283.1
Czechia 76,863 109.4 24,139 154.6 31,553 112.3
Estonia 4,373 143.8 607 172.6 3,715 138.5
Croatia 23,180 102.8 5,819 109.7 13,060 102.8
Lithuania 6,488 89.0 5,433 84.9 976 115.6
Latvia 2,170 127.3 1,049 167.8 1,112 105.3
Malta 49,461 133.4 40,360 171.2 5,949 54.8
Poland 126,446 118.4 89,836 133.1 23,783 111.5
Romania 117,695 117.2 50,596 127.0 20,538 96.4
Slovenia 17,647 89.6 6,403 112.3 8,544 73.8
Slovakia 91,808 94.7 39,734 120.9 16,654 71.1