Code Economic section Number of shared service centers Full-time employees Not full-time employees Full-time employees average monthly gross earnings Not full-time employees average monthly gross earnings
number thousand HUF/person/month
C Manufacturing 32 9,715 134 554.9 305.4
G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 20 1,508 44 543.0 257.5
H Transportation and storage 13 792 29 526.5 238.2
J Information and communication 26 14,405 702 724.4 376.0
M Professional, scientific and technical activities 44 15,287 764 696.7 382.5
N Administrative and support service activities 14 4,761 259 520.1 205.4
A,B,D,E,F,I,K,L,P,Q,S Other 19 5,275 252 588.1 396.4
A–N, P–S Total 168 51,743 2,184 616.0 333.9
C Manufacturing 39 10,591 236 603.4 335.5
G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 33 1,902 245 695.4 359.0
H Transportation and storage 18 1,098 104 503.6 200.8
J Information and communication 39 15,466 756 766.9 417.9
M Professional, scientific and technical activities 60 19,548 1,080 734.4 411.6
N Administrative and support service activities 22 5,478 339 599.3 299.4
A,B,D,E,F,I,K,L,P,Q,S Other 27 6,489 819 597.7 428.6
A–N, P–S Total 238 60,572 3,579 667.7 371.9
C Manufacturing 45 4,495 171 719.9 389.3
G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 41 2,116 217 833.7 388.6
H Transportation and storage 24 1,090 50 648.5 251.3
J Information and communication 53 23,416 846 762.2 364.7
M Professional, scientific and technical activities 72 20,649 1,009 787.7 411.3
N Administrative and support service activities 37 7,352 445 626.6 324.0
A,B,D,E,F,I,K,L,P,Q,S Other 27 4,157 354 666.3 387.6
A–N, P–S Total 299 63,275 3,092 737.9 369.2
C Manufacturing 45 4,882 179 841.3 398.8
G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 40 2,309 174 890.7 456.4
H Transportation and storage 23 1,192 45 711.5 384.4
J Information and communication 51 24,273 924 880.2 419.0
M Professional, scientific and technical activities 74 21,886 1,200 931.5 546.2
N Administrative and support service activities 39 7,962 503 685.4 332.1
A,B,D,E,F,I,K,L,P,Q,S Other 27 4,507 377 882.1 437.2
A–N, P–S Total 299 67,011 3,402 850.3 443.6
C Manufacturing 59 6,492 211 877.3 442.0
G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 45 3,450 1,691 972.7 549.9
H Transportation and storage 22 1,150 55 754.9 349.3
J Information and communication 60 25,274 1,016 1,007.9 526.3
M Professional, scientific and technical activities 77 22,687 1,328 1,079.0 690.9
N Administrative and support service activities 48 10,054 745 764.2 444.8
A,B,D,E,F,I,K,L,P,Q,S Other 29 5,011 437 802.1 271.5
A–N, P–S Total 340 74,118 5,483 926.0 531.9


*The table is closed in 2023, the new methodology table is available at: STADAT