Year Enterprise with legal entity Of which Partnership without legal entity and unincorporated enterprise Of which Companies and partnerships Sole proprietor Of wich Corporation and unincorporated enterprise, total Budgetary units and entities Non-profit organisation Other organisation Total
lmited liability company joint stock company co-operative unlimited partnership limited partnership private entrepreneur with license
2011 53,231 52,217 509 103 1,026 9 638 54,257 66,866 35,283 121,123 485 5,212 101 126,921
2012 33,139 32,311 395 98 801 7 589 33,940 64,913 31,423 98,853 422 4,118 31 103,424
2013 30,071 28,207 399 1,291 3,116 29 2,850 33,187 73,845 40,627 107,032 2,127 3,775 65 112,999
2014 25,587 24,479 407 565 3,024 18 2,342 28,611 76,169 45,218 104,780 508 3,713 64 109,065


*The table is closed in 2022, the new methodology table is available at: STADAT