Name Level With disability Without disability Not answered With disability Without disability Not answered With disability Without disability Not answered With disability Without disability Not answered
of territorial units 2001 2011 2016 2022
Budapest capital, regiona 81,707 1,696,214 142,876 73,079 1,237,856 312,272 53,415 1,611,429 99,419 38,668 1,097,490 549,184
Pest county, regionb 53,218 1,030,659 77,425 53,419 908,689 215,675 43,637 1,152,189 54,499 31,302 901,211 401,020
Central Hungary large regionc 134,925 2,726,873 220,301 126,498 2,146,545 527,947 97,052 2,763,618 153,918 69,970 1,998,701 950,204
Fejér county 23,343 410,974 25,024 19,187 316,811 73,201 16,148 389,915 13,995 11,247 282,806 125,603
Komárom-Esztergom county 16,641 299,949 17,116 13,647 223,476 55,803 13,804 272,264 11,195 8,556 196,144 95,931
Veszprém county 18,807 349,766 15,957 15,650 266,687 53,633 12,206 315,091 13,950 9,487 224,950 100,924
Central Transdanubia region 58,791 1,060,689 58,097 48,484 806,974 182,637 42,158 977,270 39,140 29,290 703,900 322,458
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 17,785 420,988 19,671 17,426 341,232 71,677 15,507 427,187 16,234 10,199 319,372 136,374
Vas county 11,951 256,172 9,710 10,724 188,154 45,542 6,632 234,436 12,210 6,190 172,458 70,865
Zala county 14,092 283,312 11,203 13,097 215,774 38,201 11,632 251,324 8,209 8,533 178,707 73,560
Western Transdanubia region 43,828 960,472 40,584 41,247 745,160 155,420 33,771 912,947 36,653 24,922 670,537 280,799
Baranya county 24,863 382,585 26,883 21,426 284,394 64,383 13,845 342,597 14,089 11,497 235,285 107,240
Somogy county 18,609 317,782 17,439 16,318 235,628 48,808 13,678 280,660 9,327 9,581 198,687 85,202
Tolna county 17,450 232,233 7,866 12,870 173,472 33,058 14,388 199,503 6,654 8,298 143,620 56,013
Southern Transdanubia region 60,922 932,600 52,188 50,614 693,494 146,249 41,911 822,760 30,070 29,376 577,592 248,455
Transdanubia large region 163,541 2,953,761 150,869 140,345 2,245,628 484,306 117,840 2,712,977 105,863 83,588 1,952,029 851,712
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 50,193 694,211 27,257 40,158 517,297 95,053 32,864 600,417 17,797 18,650 433,349 171,025
Heves county 23,481 302,246 13,966 17,382 228,640 43,887 13,536 272,514 10,194 9,637 196,174 80,081
Nógrád county 17,350 202,911 9,853 13,732 150,245 28,104 10,977 174,885 5,819 6,479 126,239 49,741
Northern Hungary region 91,024 1,199,368 51,076 71,272 896,182 167,044 57,377 1,047,816 33,810 34,766 755,762 300,847
Hajdú-Bihar county 29,355 523,643 25,280 26,445 412,154 80,382 25,204 493,732 16,597 15,248 369,529 134,364
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 29,328 386,589 23,687 24,559 281,529 61,214 21,139 337,701 10,728 13,469 240,869 101,471
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 33,473 548,783 21,208 28,737 438,375 63,388 26,195 519,767 9,567 15,557 386,355 127,469
Northern Great Plain region 92,156 1,459,015 70,175 79,741 1,132,058 204,984 72,538 1,351,200 36,892 44,274 996,753 363,304
Bács-Kiskun county 33,804 512,713 26,961 27,515 398,403 71,610 25,140 468,019 13,313 15,124 335,650 144,544
Békés county 36,966 360,825 23,122 23,586 260,542 56,470 21,758 305,381 12,164 12,725 214,836 87,661
Csongrád-Csanád county 24,590 408,754 27,166 21,621 311,701 66,645 16,316 376,059 14,786 13,111 264,343 113,730
Southern Great Plain region 95,360 1,282,292 77,249 72,722 970,646 194,725 63,214 1,149,459 40,263 40,960 814,829 345,935
Great Plain and North large region 278,540 3,940,675 198,500 223,735 2,998,886 566,753 193,129 3,548,475 110,965 120,000 2,567,344 1,010,086
Total country 577,006 9,621,309 569,670 490,578 7,391,059 1,579,006 408,021 9,025,070 370,746 273,558 6,518,074 2,812,002


aPlanning and statistical region and capital according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly capital.
bPlanning and statistical region and county according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly county.
cStatistical large region according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly planning and statistical region and statistical large region.