Year Boys Girls Unkown sex Total Of which: live birth Rate per thousand live birth
2005 2,877 2,212 231 5,320 4,983 51.1
2006 3,177 2,252 341 5,770 5,198 52.0
2007 2,961 1,979 224 5,164 4,727 48.4
2008 2,579 1,773 227 4,579 4,120 41.6
2009 2,532 1,791 238 4,561 4,050 42.0
2010 2,662 1,844 177 4,683 4,202 46.5
2011 2,577 1,852 243 4,672 4,057 46.1
2012 2,720 1,871 262 4,853 4,239 47.0
2013 2,242 1,645 218 4,105 3,647 41.1
2014 1,836 1,316 161 3,313 3,036 33.2
2015 1,923 1,302 157 3,382 3,125 34.1
2016 2,256 1,434 226 3,916 3,390 36.4
2017 2,381 1,620 260 4,261 3,796 41.5
2018 2,578 1,707 361 4,646 4,075 45.4
2019 2,610 1,715 319 4,644 4,021 45.1
2020 2,424 1,739 366 4,529 3,879 42.0
2021 2,699 1,746 332 4,777 4,246 45.6
2022 3,094 2,048 397 5,539 4,995 56.4
Source: National Center for Public Health and Pharmacy (NCPHP).