Period Total investments Of which:
at current prices, million HUF volume indices, corresponding period of the previous year = 100.0% enterprisesa public institutions, institutions managed according to budget rulesb
at current prices, million HUF volume indices, corresponding period of the previous year = 100.0% at current prices, million HUF volume indices, corresponding period of the previous year = 100.0%
Performance value of investments, quarterly
2020 Q1 1,907,118 105.8 1,101,423 107.0 206,057 87.9
Q2 2,365,531 94.0 1,311,508 89.6 327,242 85.8
Q3 2,494,906 88.9 1,309,278 79.4 417,213 98.6
Q4 4,171,266 104.5 2,081,892 96.4 703,935 107.1
2021 Q1 2,047,239 99.9 1,030,325 87.1 265,159 119.8
Q2 2,801,105 110.1 1,530,259 108.5 364,161 103.4
Q3 3,142,854 115.5 1,702,013 119.1 406,397 89.3
Q4 4,739,928 100.9 2,445,925 104.4 737,151 93.0
2022 Q1 2,520,980 107.8 1,253,272 106.5 265,210 87.6
Q2 3,539,912 107.2 1,839,603 102.0 443,408 103.3
Q3 3,901,898 102.3 2,076,002 100.5 449,301 91.1
Q4 5,458,303 94.2 2,928,549 97.9 677,214 75.1
2023 Q1 3,050,754 99.6 1,549,221 101.7 351,843 109.2
Q2 3,507,602 85.0 1,893,897 88.3 427,863 82.8
Q3 3,727,923 85.9 2,044,861 88.5 549,061 109.9
Q4 5,814,500 95.5 3,076,681 94.2 1,026,885 136.0
2024 Q1 3,011,140 85.7 1,827,419 102.4 249,087 61.4
Q2 3,444,538 85.4 1,909,143 87.7 403,055 81.9
Q3 3,647,548 87.3 2,143,070 93.5 393,156 63.9
Q4 5,397,765 86.2 2,978,169 89.8 816,198 73.8
Volume change of investments, year-to-date (cumulated)
2020 Q1 1,907,118 105.8 1,101,423 107.0 206,057 87.9
Q1–Q2 4,272,649 98.9 2,412,931 96.8 533,299 86.6
Q1–Q3 6,767,555 95.0 3,722,209 89.9 950,512 91.5
Q1–Q4 10,938,821 98.4 5,804,101 92.1 1,654,447 97.6
2021 Q1 2,047,239 99.9 1,030,325 87.1 265,159 119.8
Q1–Q2 4,848,344 105.5 2,560,584 98.7 629,320 109.7
Q1–Q3 7,991,198 109.2 4,262,597 106.0 1,035,717 100.7
Q1–Q4 12,731,127 106.0 6,708,522 105.4 1,772,868 97.3
2022 Q1 2,520,980 107.8 1,253,272 106.5 265,210 87.6
Q1–Q2 6,060,892 107.5 3,092,875 103.8 708,618 96.8
Q1–Q3 9,962,790 105.4 5,168,877 102.4 1,157,919 94.5
Q1–Q4 15,421,093 101.1 8,097,426 100.7 1,835,133 86.3
2023 Q1 3,050,754 99.6 1,549,221 101.7 351,843 109.2
Q1–Q2 6,558,357 91.2 3,443,118 93.9 779,705 92.9
Q1–Q3 10,286,279 89.2 5,487,979 91.8 1,328,766 99.2
Q1–Q4 16,100,780 91.4 8,564,660 92.7 2,355,651 112.5
2024 Q1 3,011,140 85.7 1,827,419 102.4 249,087 61.4
Q1–Q2 6,455,678 85.5 3,736,562 94.3 652,142 72.7
Q1–Q3 10,103,226 86.2 5,879,632 94.0 1,045,297 69.1
Q1–Q4 15,500,991 86.2 8,857,801 92.6 1,861,495 71.1


aIt contains categories of legal forms classification by code 1, 2 and 7. Enterprises with more than 49 employees.
bIt contains category of legal form classification by code 3.