Denomination 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Mining and quarrying (B)
Construction 12,002 12,269 4,736 3,279 4,940 12,954 5,755 16,155 41,534 28,324 15,125 10,875 24,768 57,179 11,005
Machines 5,084 8,282 7,081 6,811 10,904 12,969 10,934 7,105 11,399 14,142 13,094 12,886 28,754 20,135 10,325
Other 1 12 9 13 10 7 46 1 5 1 11
Total 17,087 20,563 11,826 10,103 15,853 25,930 16,734 23,261 52,938 42,466 28,218 23,762 53,523 77,325 21,330
Manufacturing (C)
Construction 243,816 339,733 346,334 375,527 374,266 327,542 460,517 605,781 637,601 738,910 746,286 894,265 1,499,663 1,565,923 1,678,164
Machines 749,988 945,674 1,019,592 989,013 1,153,240 1,135,188 1,260,375 1,404,583 1,701,475 2,041,448 1,989,874 2,264,914 2,709,905 3,145,427 3,389,587
Other 1,224 1,435 3,457 1,849 1,611 1,574 2,234 1,459 2,975 1,965 1,760 1,540 2,183 1,726 1,410
Total 995,028 1,286,842 1,369,384 1,366,388 1,529,117 1,464,304 1,723,125 2,011,824 2,342,051 2,782,323 2,737,920 3,160,719 4,211,751 4,713,075 5,069,161
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (D)
Construction 168,925 143,746 82,658 67,521 74,624 107,518 83,840 116,718 168,230 273,273 254,402 311,701 394,287 411,363 502,904
Machines 93,591 107,913 70,442 64,010 64,865 85,380 87,386 106,672 161,861 108,129 136,186 133,048 153,252 267,121 291,440
Other 1
Total 262,516 251,660 153,100 131,532 139,489 192,898 171,226 223,390 330,091 381,402 390,588 444,749 547,538 678,485 794,344
Industry excluding water and waste management (B+C+D)
Construction 424,743 495,748 433,728 446,327 453,830 448,014 550,111 738,654 847,365 1,040,508 1,015,812 1,216,841 1,918,718 2,034,465 2,192,073
Machines 848,662 1,061,870 1,097,116 1,059,834 1,229,009 1,233,537 1,358,695 1,518,361 1,874,735 2,163,718 2,139,153 2,410,848 2,891,911 3,432,682 3,691,351
Other 1,225 1,447 3,466 1,862 1,621 1,581 2,280 1,460 2,980 1,965 1,760 1,541 2,183 1,737 1,410
Total 1,274,630 1,559,065 1,534,310 1,508,023 1,684,459 1,683,132 1,911,086 2,258,475 2,725,080 3,206,191 3,156,726 3,629,230 4,812,812 5,468,885 5,884,834