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9.8. Self-employment

A supplementary survey called "Self-employment" was linked to the Labour Force Survey, Q2 2017 which was carried out on the selected sample of households of the basic survey at the same time.
1.7% of the employed respondents aged 15–74a who answered the basic survey did not answer the supplementary survey Q2 2017.

The performance rate of the supplementary survey "Self-employment", Q2 2017

It concerns the respondent Performance rate
and was answered but wasn't answered total
persons %
Total4 340 01376 0884 416 10198.3
Of which:
male2 371 53244 3742 415 90698.2
female1 968 48131 7142 000 19598.4
Age group
15–24297 6324 033301 66598.7
25–543 328 19660 1503 388 34698.2
55–74714 18411 906726 09098.4
Status in employment
Employees3 904 37862 6633 967 04198.4
Member of partnership or self-employed424 02913 253437 28297.0
Of which:
   with employees200 1588 243208 40196.0
   without employees223 8715 010228 88197.8
Other11 60617211 77898.5

41.5 % of the answered interviews were answered by a third person – another member of the family. The "proxy-interviews" rate among men was very high, 49.4%, while for women this rate was 32.0%.

The proxy-interviews rate of the supplementary survey "Self-employment", Q2 2017

Personally answered Proxy-onterviews Total Proxy-interview rate
persons %
Total2 539 1481 800 8664 340 01341.5
Of which:
male1 200 9351 170 5972 371 53249.4
female1 338 212630 2691 968 48132.0
Age group
15–24119 239178 393297 63259.9
25–541 958 0281 370 1683 328 19741.2
55–74461 881252 304714 18535.3
Status in employment
Employees2 270 6051 633 7733 904 37841.8
Member of partnership or self-employed261 562162 466424 02938.3
Of which:
   with employees119 85280 306200 15840.1
   without employees141 71082 160223 87136.7
Other6 9804 62611 60639.9

There may be some differences between the same aggregates of the published absolute numbers due to weighting and summing up. The evaluation of the distribution ratios was made electronically – without individual correction, so the sum of partial data is not always equal to the displayed rounded value of the aggregated data.

If a variable (after grossing up) involves an occurrence of 2500 to 4999 persons, the data are to be regarded with reservation because due to the high survey error rate they may be incorrect; in case of occurrence of fewer than 2500 persons, the data are not usable.

Used terms in the supplementary survey

Economically dependent self-employed
Member of partnership, self-employed
– who have no employees,
– who had a main client in the last 12 months (i.e. worked for only one client, or worked for more clients but at least 75% of their self-employment income came from a main one),
– for whom the start or end of working hours is decided by the client or customer.

2.1. Methodology of labour market
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