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9.7. Voluntary work

A supplementary survey called "Voluntary work" was linked to the Labour Force Survey, Q1 2017 which was carried out on the selected sample of households of the basic survey at the same time.
2.9% of the respondents aged 15–74 who answered for the basic survey did not answer for the supplementary survey Q1 2017.

The performance rate of the supplementary survey "Voluntary work", Q1 2017

It concerns the respondent Performance rate
and was answered but wasn't answered total
persons %
Total7 263 931220 1027 484 03397.1
male3 499 339123 5243 622 86396.6
female3 764 59296 5793 861 17097.5
Age group
15–241 019 16335 1261 054 29096.7
25–543 919 436136 7884 056 22496.6
55–742 325 33148 1882 373 52098.0
Economic activity
employed4 226 180141 7484 367 92896.8
unemployed201 8794 879206 75997.6
economically inactive2 835 87273 4742 909 34797.5

36.8 % of the answered interviews were answered by a third person – other member of the family. The proxy-interviews rate among men is very high 45.4% respectively, while for women this rate was 28.8%.

The proxy-interviews rate of the supplementary survey "Voluntary work", Q1 2017

Personally answered Proxy-interviews Total Proxy-interview rate
persons %
Total4 590 2932 673 6387 263 93136.8
male1 910 8291 588 5113 499 33945.4
female2 679 4651 085 1273 764 59228.8
Age group
15–24367 716651 4471 019 16363.9
25–542 491 7471 427 6893 919 43636.4
55–741 730 831594 5012 325 33125.6
Economic activity
employed2 615 6431 610 5364 226 18038.1
unemployed134 92366 956201 87933.2
economically inactive1 839 727996 1462 835 87235.1

It can be some difference between the same aggregates of the published absolute numbers which is from the weighting and summary. The evaluation of the distribution ratios was happened electronically – without individual correction, so the amount of partial data is not always equal to the displayed rounded value of the aggregated data.

Used terms in the supplementary survey

Voluntary work:
Activity done
(i) directly or through organization(s),
(ii) unpaid non-compulsary work without compensation,
(iii) for others outside of own household or for the society.

(Work performed for parents, child, relative outside of own household is also included.)

People aged 15–74 who indicated in the first question in the questionnaire that they did at least one kind of activity (regularly, occasionally or at least once in the last 12 months) (i) directly or through organization(s), (ii) unpaid non-compulsory work without compensation, (iii) for others outside of own household or for the society. Work performed for parents, child, relative outside of own household is also included.

Voluntary work carried out directly
People aged 15–74 who have done voluntary work in their own organization without mediation in 12 months prior to the survey.

Voluntary work carried out through organization(s)
People aged 15–74 who have done voluntary work for or through a non-profit or other organization(s) in the last 12 months.

The annual number of hours worked in voluntary work
Total number of hours of voluntary work carried out directly or through organization(s) in the past 12 months. The time spent on voluntary work is estimated on the basis of the number of days and the minutes per day.

Annual average number of hours worked
Total number of hours per volunteer of voluntary work carried out directly and/or through organization(s) in the past 12 months.

Annual median number of hours
Number of hours for which half of the volunteers says that they work more hours, and the other half says that they work less hours in volutary work. (Median is the middle value of a sequenced data set, i.e. the value which separates the sorted data into two equal parts)

The weighted data and sample size of the supplementary survey "Voluntary work", Q1 2017

Characteristics Did Didn't do Total aged 15–74 Sample
voluntary work
% persons
Total36.763.3100.07 263 93142 522
Male35.864.2100.03 499 33920 282
Female37.662.4100,03 764 59222 240
Age groups
15–1939.760.3100.0468 1852 884
20–2425.874.2100.0550 9782 965
25–2929.970.1100.0587 3172 837
30–3433.866.2100.0578 8472 829
35–3936.064.0100.0718 6083 525
40–4438.361.7100.0786 5294 172
45–4936.663.4100.0682 3193 780
50–5441.458.6100.0565 8153 486
55–5940.759.3100.0592 9233 786
60–6442.857.2100.0710 1524 563
65–6941.658.4100.0580 0684 332
70–7431.368.7100.0442 1893 363
Highest level of education
Less than 8 grades of primary school22.977.1100.0112 225855
Primary school34.265.8100.01 545 30811 048
Vocational and apprentice school37.162.9100.01 794 30311 841
General secondary school31.768.3100.0971 6064 894
Other secondary school38.161.9100.01 380 5487 439
Tertiary education42.157.9100.01 459 9426 445
Type of settlement
Village39.560.5100.02 490 84420 878
Town37.063.0100.03 496 25919 129
Budapest30.769.3100.01 276 8282 515
Economic activity
Employed37.262.8100.04 226 18022 643
Unemployed37.962.1100.0201 8791 193
Economically inactive35.964.1100.02 835 87218 686
County/region of residence
Central Hungary30.769.3100.02 192 3346 952
Budapest30.769.3100.01 276 8282 515
Pest30.869.2100.0915 5064 437
Central Transdanubia40.159.9100.0807 3375 452
Fejér37.562.5100.0322 6102 124
Komárom-Esztergom35.864.2100.0222 7991 538
Veszprém46.953.1100.0261 9291 790
Western Transdanubia33.966.1100.0746 4594 735
Gyor-Moson-Sopron32.867.2100.0344 1091 636
Vas43.256.8100.0193 2531 610
Zala27.073.0100.0209 0961 489
Southern Transdanubia35.564.5100.0647 6954 718
Baranya33.366.7100.0258 1511 894
Somogy33.466.6100.0223 0691 592
Tolna41.858.2100.0166 4751 232
Northern Hungary44.955.1100.0839 8536 497
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén45.554.5100.0477 8543 691
Heves42.157.9100.0215 8691 589
Nógrád47.252.8100.0146 1301 217
Northern Great Plain41.458.6100.01 107 3397 650
Hajdú-Bihar24,775.3100.0401 5292 367
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok59.940.1100.0276 5381 826
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg45.154.9100.0429 2723 457
Southern Great Plain38.161.9100.0922 9156 518
Bács-Kiskun40.859.2100.0379 6133 173
Békés38.961.1100.0247 0641 681
Csongrád34.165.9100.0296 2381 664

2.1. Methodology of labour market
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