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9.16. People with disabilities on the labour market

In Q2 2017 – and since then every year in the second quarter – the core survey of the Hungarian Labour Force Survey (LFS) is supplemented with information that enables to identify people with disabilities, to present their demographic and labour market characteristics, and the changes in them. The questions are addressed to persons aged 15–64 being in the sample of the Q2.

Questions to identify people with disabilities in the Labour Force Survey

In accordance with the definitions used in previous ad hoc modules of the LFS harmonized at EU level, and supplementary surveys for national purposes, we consider persons with disabilities are, who
1) indicate any type of longstanding health problem, illness or disability (that has lasted or is likely to last for at least 6 months) and
2) feel limited in work due to their health problems.
Both conditions should apply to the respondent.

The weighted data and the sample size of the Labour Force Survey

Denomination Population aged 19–64 Of which: persons with disability
Weighted data Sample Weighted data Sample
Q2 2017
Total6 037 56533 449555 5253 916
Male2 980 17616 454257 7301 820
Female3 057 38916 995297 7952 096
Age groups, year old
15–24663 2493 63312 43673
25–544 051 60521 166211 2401 342
55–641 322 7118 650331 8482 501
Highest level of education
Primary999 5546 987213 4551 655
Secondary3 680 06120 758308 1582 100
Tertiary1 357 9505 70433 912161
Economic activity
Employed4 361 05123 254122 638841
Unemployed192 5861 10420 578123
Economically inactive1 483 9299 091412 3092 952
Q2 2018
Total5 992 43031 143511 8333 493
Male2 967 10215 309239 0301 626
Female3 025 32715 834272 8031 867
Age groups, year old
15–24643 0603 26410 73063
25–544 063 85819 766184 3421 187
55–641 285 5128 113316 7612 243
Highest level of education
Primary946 8726 345195 9601 427
Secondary3 676 20319 396289 4641 919
Tertiary1 369 3555 40226 409147
Economic activity
Employed4 409 04921 959119 998787
Unemployed159 65490813 07588
Economically inactive1 423 7268 276378 7602 618
Q2 2019
Total5 952 35928 981496 0773 128
Male2 954 39614 264228 6691 430
Female2 997 96314 717267 4081 698
Age groups, year old
15–24631 2663 04012 90576
25–544 080 99618 348202 7081 099
55–641 240 0977 593280 4641 953
Highest level of education
Primary929 2835 899199 6451 358
Secondary3 605 26617 953270 2771 633
Tertiary1 417 8115 12926 154137
Economic activity
Employed4 422 02820 646117 957733
Unemployed150 67983313 54895
Economically inactive1 379 6527 502364 5722 300
Q2 2020
Total5 895 49724 193458 6842 465
Male2 934 20011 872222 0961 163
Female2 961 29712 321236 5871 302
Age groups, year old
15–24606 1442 40211 09654
25–544 097 33515 464202 402928
55–641 192 0186 327245 1851 483
Highest level of education
Primary816 4344 517169 2961 024
Secondary3 594 13415 178253 6101 304
Tertiary1 484 9284 49835 778137
Economic activity
Employed4 310 27816 882126 106627
Unemployed211 82486213 69065
Economically inactive1 373 3956 449318 8881 773

2.1. Methodology of labour market
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