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9.15. Disadvantaged groups on the labour market

A supplementary survey called "Disadvantaged groups on the labour market" was linked to the Labour Force Survey, Q4 2019 which was carried out on the selected sample of households of the basic survey at the same time.

1.2% of the respondents aged 19–64 who answered for the basic survey did not answer for the supplementary survey Q4 2019.

The performance rate of the supplementary survey "Disadvantaged groups on the labour market", Q4 2019

Denomination It concerns the respondent Performance rate
and was answered but wasn't answered total
persons %
Total5 858 81070 8975 929 70798.8
Male2 912 93236 0952 949 02798.8
Female2 945 87834 8022 980 68098.8
Age groups, year-old
19–24615 4508 436623 88698.6
25–544 042 81448 8594 091 67398.8
55–641 200 54813 6011 214 14998.9
Economic activity
Employed4 379 74047 7914 427 53198.9
Unemployed149 4361 102150 53899.3
Economically inactive1 329 63422 0041 351 63898.4

36.0 % of the answered interviews were answered by a third person – other member of the household. The proxy-interviews rate among men was much higher, 44.3%, while for women this rate was 27.7%. Of those aged 19–24 the rate was 57.2%, while in the age group 25–54 35.1%, and for aged 55–64 it was 28.0%.

The proxy-interviews rate of the supplementary survey "Disadvantaged groups on the labour market", Q4 2019

Denomination Personally answered Proxy-interviews Total Proxy-interview rate
persons %
Total3 750 0522 108 7595 858 81036.0
Male1 621 0481 291 8842 912 93244.3
Female2 129 003816 8752 945 87827.7
Age groups, year-old
19–24263 254352 196615 45057.2
25–542 622 3011 420 5124 042 81335.1
55–64864 496336 0511 200 54828.0
Economic activity
Employed2 774 7941 604 9464 379 74036.6
Unemployed98 27451 162149 43634.2
Economically inactive876 984452 6501 329 63434.0

It can be some difference between the same aggregates of the published absolute numbers which is from the weighting and summary. The evaluation of the distribution ratios was happened electronically – without individual correction, so the amount of partial data is not always equal to the displayed rounded value of the aggregated data.

The weighted data and sample size of the supplementary survey "Disadvantaged groups on the labour market", Q4 2019

Denomination Suffered Didn't suffer Total aged 19–64 Sample
% persons
Total10.789.3100.05 858 81028 592
Male9.390.7100.02 912 93314 070
Female12.088.0100.02 945 87814 522
Age groups, year-old
19–248.591.5100.0615 4492 959
25–2910.989.1100.0606 6732 372
30–3413.286.8100.0599 9132 484
35–3910.489.6100.0641 7772 810
40–449.390.7100.0823 9993 685
45–499.790.3100.0728 1323 488
50–5410.289.8100.0642 3193 370
55–5912.088.0100.0559 2383 330
60–6412.787.3100.0641 3104 094
Highest level of education
Less than 8 grades of primary school33.466.6100.061 884443
Primary school20.879.2100.0806 1335 268
Vocational and apprentice school11.089.0100.01 533 6248 503
General secondary school7.492.6100.0922 2093 868
Other secondary school8.991.1100.01 135 5875 452
Tertiary education7.192.9100.01 399 3755 058
Type of settlement
Village11.288.8100.02 076 94214 816
Town10.090.0100.02 728 04412 175
Budapest11.488.6100.01 053 8251 601
Economic activity
Employed8.691.4100.04 379 74020 476
Unemployed31.069.0100.0149 436787
Economically inactive15.484.6100.01 329 6347 329
County/region of residence
   Budapest11.488.6100.01 053 8251 601
   Pest7.492.6100.0758 8822 518
   Central Transdanubia7.792.3100.0647 9913 802
Fejér11.488.6100.0258 6901 557
Komárom-Esztergom7.492.6100.0182 986972
Veszprém3.396.7100.0206 3151 273
   Western Transdanubia6.193.9100.0614 6423 314
Gyor-Moson-Sopron3.796.3100.0293 8011 189
Vas7.392.7100.0156 7201 113
Zala9.390.7100.0164 1211 012
   Southern Transdanubia14.685.4100.0512 4533 372
Baranya9.790.3100.0213 7011 370
Somogy19.480.6100.0169 5491 106
Tolna16.683.4100.0129 204896
   Northern Hungary14.585.5100.0661 9764 675
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén17.782.3100.0379 3782 615
Heves12.687.4100.0171 0441 242
Nógrád6.793.3100.0111 552818
   Northern Great Plain11.388.7100.0876 6875 089
Hajdú-Bihar9.190.9100.0319 4051 548
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok11.188.9100.0218 4861 147
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg13.586.5100.0338 7952 394
   Southern Great Plain12.587.5100.0732 3544 221
Bács-Kiskun12.787.3100.0302 0542 141
Békés7.392.7100.0197 8211 118
Csongrád-Csanád16.783.3100.0232 479962

Number and rate of population aged 19–64 who suffered discrimination 2010–2019

Denomination Male Female Together
Q1, 2010
Population aged 19–64 who ever suffered discrimination, persons377 975511 477889 452
Population aged 19–64 totally, persons2 985 5343 133 9236 119 457
Rate of population aged 19–64 who ever suffered discrimination, %12.716.314.5
Q1, 2012
Population aged 19–64 who ever suffered discrimination, persons410 305526 972937 277
Population aged 19–64 totally, persons3 013 3273 143 4266 156 752
Rate of population aged 19–64 who ever suffered discrimination, %13.616.815.2
Q1, 2015
Population aged 19–64 who ever suffered discrimination, persons388 861486 065874 927
Population aged 19–64 totally, persons2 968 0473 070 4506 038 498
Rate of population aged 19–64 who ever suffered discrimination, %13.115.814.5
Q4, 2019
Population aged 19–64 who ever suffered discrimination, persons271 351354 043625 394
Population aged 19–64 totally, persons2 912 9332 945 8785 858 810
Rate of population aged 19–64 who ever suffered discrimination, %9.312.010.7

2.1. Methodology of labour market
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