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9.13. Voluntary work

A supplementary survey called "Voluntary work" was linked to the Labour Force Survey, Q1 2019 which was carried out on the selected sample of households of the basic survey at the same time.
3.0% of the respondents aged 15–74 who answered for the basic survey did not answer for the supplementary survey Q1 2019.

The performance rate of the supplementary survey "Voluntary work", Q1 2019

It concerns the respondent Performance rate
and was answered but wasn't answered total
persons %
Total7 196 366223 6727 420 03897,0
Male3 483 633119 1503 602 78396.7
Female3 712 733104 5223 817 25597.3
Age group, year-old
15–24974 87738 8271 013 70496.2
25–543 947 106126 9684 074 07596.9
55–742 274 38357 8772 332 25997.5
Economic activity
Employed4 356 732140 3204 497 05296.9
Unemployed162 8372 885165 72298.3
Economically inactive2 676 79780 4672 757 26497.1

41.1 % of the answered interviews were answered by a third person – other member of the family. The proxy-interviews rate among men is very high 50.2% respectively, while for women this rate was 32.5%.

The proxy-interviews rate of the supplementary survey "Voluntary work", Q1 2019

Personally answered Proxy-interviews Total Proxy-interview rate
persons %
Total4 241 1842 955 1827 196 36641.1
Male1 735 1891 748 4443 483 63350.2
Female2 505 9951 206 7383 712 73332.5
Age group, year-old
15–24288 087686 790974 87770.4
25–542 364 7411 582 3653 947 10640.1
55–741 588 356686 0272 274 38330.2
Economic activity
Employed2 528 0601 828 6724 356 73242.0
Unemployed97 59665 241162 83740.1
Economically inactive1 615 5291 061 2682 676 79739.6

It can be some difference between the same aggregates of the published absolute numbers which is from the weighting and summary. The evaluation of the distribution ratios was happened electronically – without individual correction, so the amount of partial data is not always equal to the displayed rounded value of the aggregated data.

Used terms in the supplementary survey

Voluntary work:
Activity done
(i) directly or through organization(s),
(ii) unpaid non-compulsary work without compensation,
(iii) for others outside of own household or for the society.

(Work performed for parents, child, relative outside of own household is also included.)

People aged 15–74 who indicated in the first question in the questionnaire that they did at least one kind of activity (regularly, occasionally or at least once in the last 12 months) (i) directly or through organization(s), (ii) unpaid non-compulsory work without compensation, (iii) for others outside of own household or for the society. Work performed for parents, child, relative outside of own household is also included.

Voluntary work carried out directly
People aged 15–74 who have done voluntary work in their own organization without mediation in 12 months prior to the survey.

Estimated value of the voluntary work carried out directly

hourly labor income in "Other services" industry * the annual number of hours worked directly in voluntary work

Source of the hourly labor income:
See: Institutional Labour Statistics System (annual labour report, annual tax returns).

The number of hours worked directly in voluntary work
comes from the supplementary survey called "Voluntary work" was linked to the Labour Force Survey.

The estimation of value of the voluntary work carried out directly based on the hourly labour income in "Other services" industry and the annual number of hours worked directly in voluntary work.

Equivalent number of persons who did voluntary work directly

Total annual number of hours worked directly in voluntary work
Annual number of hours worked per full-time employee in "Other services" industry

Annual number of hours worked per full-time employee:
See: institutional data collection system (information database, monthly employment report).

The number of hours worked directly in voluntary work
comes from the supplementary survey called "Voluntary work" was linked to the Labour Force Survey.

Equivalent number of persons who did voluntary work directly is based on the annual number of hours worked directly in voluntary work and the annual number of hours worked per full-time employee in "Other services" industry as well.

Voluntary work carried out through organization(s)
People aged 15–74 who have done voluntary work for or through a non-profit or other organization(s) in the last 12 months.

The annual number of hours worked in voluntary work through organization(s)

When counting the number of hours worked in voluntary work through organizations, it was possible to mark at most three types of activities at three organizations, and the time spent at other organizations could be reported together.

Estimated value of the voluntary work carried out through organization(s)

hourly labor income * the annual number of hours worked in voluntary work through organization(s)

The hourly labour income:

Data source: Institutional Labour Statistics System (annual labour report, annual tax returns).

Scope of statistical observation: Full range of enterprises (1+), data for all public and social security institutions and non-profit organizations (A-S industries).

Data collection for the enterprise sector is complete for enterprises with 20 or more employees, while for enterprises below 20 employees, the data supply by tax data.

The valuation is based on the hourly labor income by industries.

The number of hours worked in voluntary work through organization(s)
comes from the supplementary survey called "Voluntary work" was linked to the Labour Force Survey.

The valuation of the voluntary work carried out through organization(s) by industries is based on the hourly labor income and the annual number of hours worked. The estimated value of the voluntary work carried through organization(s) by demographic and other characteristics is based on the distribution of hours worked.

Equivalent number of persons who did voluntary work through organization(s)

Total annual number of hours worked in voluntary work through organization(s)
annual number of hours worked per full-time employee.

Annual number of hours worked per full-time employee:

Data source: institutional data collection system (information database, monthly employment report).

Scope of statistical observation: The data of enterprises employing more than four people (5+), all public and social security institutions, as well as selected non-profit organization(s).

The valuation is based on the hourly labor income by industries.

The number of hours worked in voluntary work through organization(s)
comes from the supplementary survey called "Voluntary work" was linked to the Labour Force Survey.

The equivalent number of persons who did voluntary work through organization(s) is based on the annual number of hours worked and the annual number of hours worked per full-time employee.

Equivalent number of persons who did voluntary work through organization(s) by demographic and other characteristics is based on the distribution of hours worked.

The annual number of hours worked in voluntary work

Total number of hours of voluntary work carried out directly or through organization(s) in the past 12 months. The time spent on voluntary work is estimated on the basis of the number of days and the minutes per day.

Estimated value of the voluntary work

The amount of the estimated value of the voluntary work carried out directly and the estimated value of the voluntary work carried out through organization(s).

Equivalent number of persons who did voluntary work

The amount of the equivalent number of persons who did voluntary work directly and the equivalent number of persons who did voluntary work through organization(s).

Annual average number of hours worked

Total number of hours per volunteer of voluntary work carried out directly and/or through organization(s) in the past 12 months.

Annual median number of hours

Number of hours for which half of the volunteers says that they work more hours, and the other half says that they work less hours in volutary work. (Median is the middle value of a sequenced data set, i.e. the value which separates the sorted data into two equal parts.)

The weighted data and sample size of the supplementary survey "Voluntary work", Q1 2019

Characteristics Did Didn't do Total aged 15–74 Sample
voluntary work
% persons
Total33.266.8100.07 196 36638 056
Male31.268.8100.03 483 63318 177
Female35.065.0100.03 712 73319 879
Age group, year-old
15–1938.661.4100.0457 7842 519
20–2427.572.5100.0517 0942 474
25–2926.173.9100.0594 6082 457
30–3429.870.2100.0573 0162 490
35–3931.668.4100.0655 5602 806
40–4431.868.2100.0817 5133 781
45–4934.865.2100.0693 1913 396
50–5437.962.1100.0613 2183 274
55–5936.064.0100.0553 3643 296
60–6437.362.7100.0666 7824 290
65–6936.863.2100.0597 3204 078
70–7428.971.1100.0456 9173 195
Highest level of education
Less than 8 grades of primary school18.681.4100.0101 935742
Primary school31.468.6100.01 428 8759 343
Vocational and apprentice school33.966.1100.01 787 60910 513
General secondary school29.870.2100.0969 6214 488
Other secondary school35.065.0100.01 353 5366 826
Tertiary education35.464.6100.01 554 7906 144
Type of settlement
Village35.664.4100.02 518 79519 102
Town34.165.9100.03 415 32016 591
Budapest25.774.3100.01 262 2512 363
Economic activity
Employed33.366.7100.04 356 73220 846
Unemployed33.966.1100.0162 837902
Economically inactive32.967.1100.02 676 79716 308
County/region of residence
Central Hungary28.871.2100.02 172 6345 933
Budapest25.774.3100.01 262 2512 363
Pest33.067.0100.0910 3833 570
Central Transdanubia33.666.4100.0808 8954 673
Fejér30.769.3100.0321 1001 881
Komárom-Esztergom28.171.9100.0227 9561 098
Veszprém42.058.0100.0259 8401 694
Western Transdanubia26.973.1100.0739 5594 264
Gyor-Moson-Sopron18.281.8100.0342 6511 577
Vas32.167.9100.0194 2601 472
Zala36.563.5100.0202 6471 215
Southern Transdanubia32.267.8100.0640 1114 394
Baranya31.168.9100.0270 4541 801
Somogy26.373.7100.0204 1781 379
Tolna41.358.7100.0165 4791 214
Northern Hungary39.960.1100.0826 5656 076
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén37.162.9100.0471 2503 370
Heves42.157.9100.0212 6921 594
Nógrád46.353.7100.0142 6231 112
Northern Great Plain42.357.7100.01 086 5896 889
Hajdú-Bihar30.769.3100.0397 3532 164
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok62.137.9100.0268 4581 525
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg40.659.4100.0420 7783 200
Southern Great Plain32.068.0100.0922 0145 827
Bács-Kiskun37.262.8100.0377 1712 825
Békés27.572.5100.0250 2961 540
Csongrád29.170.9100.0294 5471 462

2.1. Methodology of labour market
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