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9.12. Labour Market Situation of Young People

(Supplementary questionnaire of the "Labour Force Survey, Q4 2018")

A supplementary survey called "Labour Market Situation of Young People" was added again to the "Labour Force Survey, Q4 2018" which was carried out on the selected sample of households of the basic survey at the same time.

The aim of the survey was the complex examination of the 15–29 years old people in the following three themes:
– work, job search
– studies, qualifications, study-related work
– doing voluntary work

4.7% of respondents aged 15–29 who answered the basic survey did not answer the supplementary survey conducted in Q4 2018. Table 1 Non-performance rates (rates of those who answered the basic survey but did not answer the supplementary survey) of the supplementary survey titled "Labour Market Situation of Young People" conducted in Q4 2018 (weighted data)


Non-performance rates (rates of those who answered the basic survey but did not answer the supplementary survey) of the supplementary survey titled "Labour Market Situation of Young People" conducted in Q4 2018 (weighted data)

Denomination It applies to the respondent Non-performance rate*
and was answered but was not answered total
persons %
Total 1 551 921 76 094 1 628 015 4.7
male 794 336 40 016 834 353 4.8
female 757 585 36 078 793 662 4.5
Age group
15–19 462 643 13 222 475 864 2.8
20–24 518 855 22 778 541 633 4.2
25–29 570 423 40 094 610 518 6.6
Educational attainment
at least primary 531 972 18 027 549 999 3.3
secondary 827 361 41 924 869 285 4.8
tertiary 192 588 16 143 208 731 7.7
County of residence
Budapest 244 540 22 061 266 601 8.3
Baranya 58 906 3 353 62 259 5.4
Bács-Kiskun 80 470 3 587 84 058 4.3
Békés 54 086 253 54 339 0.5
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén 116 395 1 566 117 961 1.3
Csongrád 67 936 869 68 805 1.3
Fejér 63 092 5 785 68 877 8.4
Gyor-Moson-Sopron 73 607 3 608 77 215 4.7
Hajdú-Bihar 95 596 1 336 96 932 1.4
Heves 47 348 1 153 48 501 2.4
Komárom-Esztergom 48 219 2 080 50 299 4.1
Nógrád 29 355 2 969 32 324 9.2
Pest 199 474 11 690 211 165 5.5
Somogy 44 340 3 670 48 009 7.6
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg 104 688 464 105 152 0.4
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok 59 923 3 998 63 920 6.3
Tolna 33 745 1 596 35 341 4.5
Vas 37 287 4 210 41 497 10.1
Veszprém 53 399 1 607 55 006 2.9
Zala 39 513 240 39 752 0.6
Economic activity
employed 734 032 42 248 776 280 5.4
unemployed 50 051 2 268 52 320 4.3
inactive 767 838 31 577 799 415 4.0

* The proportion of those who answered the basic questionnaire but did not complete the supplementary survey.


More than half of the interviews conducted were proxy interviews, i.e. not the reference person responded to the questionnaire, but another member from the household.

Proportion of proxy-interviews at the supplementary survey titled "Labour Market Situation of Young People" conducted in Q4 2018 (weighted data)

Denomination Personally answered Proxy-interviews Total Proxy-interview rate
persons %
Total 662 187 889 734 1 551 921 57.3
male 305 788 488 548 794 336 61.5
female 356 399 401 185 757 585 53.0
Age group
15–19 121 421 341 221 462 643 73.8
20–24 225 798 293 057 518 855 56.5
25–29 314 968 255 455 570 423 44.8
Educational attainment
at least primary 178 973 352 999 531 972 66.4
secondary 378 162 449 199 827 361 54.3
tertiary 105 052 87 536 192 588 45.5
County of residence
Budapest 145 561 98 979 244 540 40.5
Baranya 23 720 35 186 58 906 59,7
Bács-Kiskun 29 906 50 565 80 470 62.8
Békés 16 485 37 601 54 086 69.5
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén 55 085 61 310 116 395 52.7
Csongrád 42 188 25 749 67 936 37.9
Fejér 23 425 39 667 63 092 62.9
Gyor-Moson-Sopron 25 710 47 898 73 607 65.1
Hajdú-Bihar 44 285 51 312 95 596 53.7
Heves 12 403 34 945 47 348 73.8
Komárom-Esztergom 14 115 34 104 48 219 70.7
Nógrád 14 103 15 253 29 355 52.0
Pest 69 793 129 681 199 474 65.0
Somogy 9 362 34 978 44 340 78.9
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg 45 709 58 979 104 688 56.3
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok 21 397 38 525 59 923 64.3
Tolna 6 657 27 087 33 745 80.3
Vas 21 816 15 471 37 287 41.5
Veszprém 24 416 28 983 53 399 54.3
Zala 16 053 23 460 39 513 59.4
Economic activity
employed 362 440 371 591 734 032 50.6
unemployed 27 022 23 029 50 051 46.0
inactive 272 724 495 113 767 838 64.5

There may be some differences between the same aggregates of the published absolute numbers due to weighting and summing up. The evaluation of the distribution ratios was made electronically – without individual correction, so the sum of partial data is not always equal to the displayed rounded value of the aggregated data.


The questionnaire contained the following questions.


Weighted data and sample size of respondents to the supplementary survey titled "Labour Market Situation of Young People" conducted in the fourth quarter of 2018 (persons)

Denomination Male Female Total
weighted data sample weighted data sample weighted data sample
Total 794 336 3 869 757 585 3 626 1 551 921 7 495
Age group
15–19 236 641 1 317 226 002 1 247 462 643 2 564
20–24 264 835 1 330 254 019 1 202 518 855 2 532
25–29 292 860 1 222 277 563 1 177 570 423 2 399
Educational attainment
at least primary 274 985 1 537 256 987 1 467 531 972 3 004
secondary 440 426 2 046 386 935 1 742 827 361 3 788
tertiary 78 925 286 113 662 417 192 588 703
County of residence
Budapest 124 378 215 120 162 208 244 540 423
Baranya 29 719 200 29 187 194 58 906 394
Bács-Kiskun 41 765 259 38 705 239 80 470 498
Békés 28 155 132 25 931 125 54 086 257
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén 60 453 398 55 942 369 116 395 767
Csongrád 34 920 164 33 017 140 67 936 304
Fejér 32 062 148 31 030 154 63 092 302
Gyor-Moson-Sopron 37 520 161 36 088 169 73 607 330
Hajdú-Bihar 48 637 259 46 959 240 95 596 499
Heves 24 606 170 22 742 159 47 348 329
Komárom-Esztergom 24 786 109 23 433 94 48 219 203
Nógrád 14 971 106 14 385 94 29 355 200
Pest 101 118 373 98 356 349 199 474 722
Somogy 22 386 138 21 954 126 44 340 264
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg 53 828 379 50 860 333 104 688 712
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok 30 211 143 29 712 165 59 923 308
Tolna 17 245 109 16 500 101 33 745 210
Vas 19 373 145 17 914 114 37 287 259
Veszprém 27 769 146 25 630 140 53 399 286
Zala 20 435 115 19 077 113 39 513 228
Economic activity
employed 424 987 1 947 309 045 1 278 734 032 3 225
unemployed 30 292 184 19 760 118 50 051 302
inactive 339 058 1 738 428 780 2 230 767 838 3 968

If a variable (after grossing up) has a prevalence of between 2500 and 4999 persons, the data should be regarded with reservation due to the high sampling error associated with it; and if the occurrence is fewer than 2500 persons, the data cannot be evaluated.

In order to assure comparability over time with STADAT tables 9.4, educational attainment in tables 9.12 is displayed differently compared to the regularly published labour market related STADAT tables. Hereby we provide a compliance table.

Labels in STADAT Tables 9.12. and 9.4. Labels in regularly published labour force related STADAT Tables
At most 8 grades of primary school 8 grades of primary education
Secondary education
Vocational school, apprentice school    without G. C. E. and with qualification
   with G. C. E.
Secondary general school    and without qualification
Secondary vocational school    and with qualification
College, university, PhD, DLA Tertiary education

2.1. Methodology of labour market

The following STADAT tables are also available in HCSO for Q4 reference periods of 2013, 2012, 2010, 2006, 2004. and 2002:;;;;;;;;;;;;; and all tables are available for Q4 2015 at STADAT tables 9.4. under "Other statistics".

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