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Official documents
of the 93rd DGINS Conference
20–21 September 2007, Budapest

KNS Gábor Oblath Globalisation and economic statistics – a “multifunctional” user’s perspective EN DE FR
I/01 Nina Djahangiri and Peter Hackl Measurement of e-commerce EN DE FR
I/02 Gosse van der Veen Integration of micro data from business surveys and the social statistics database EN DE FR
I/03 Martin Lundo and Jens Thomasen Developing the e-commerce concept EN DE FR
I/04 Patrick Aubert, Roland Rathelot and Patrick Sillard Off-shoring and job losses in French industry EN DE FR
I/05 Bill Keating The consistency of data for multinational enterprises EN DE FR
I/06 Jan Fischer Globalisation – its impact on statistical measurements EN DE FR
I/07 Tore Halvorsen and Øystein Olsen Challenges for National Accounts and Balance of Payment Statistics: Goods sent abroad for processing EN DE FR
I/08 Luigi Biggeri New challenges in the measurement of competitiveness in the economic globalization EN DE FR
I/09 Kjell Jansson Measuring Swedish Offshoring EN DE FR
I/10 Ludger Odenthal and Jussi Ala-Kihniä ESS response to globalisation – are we doing enough in business and economic statistics? EN DE FR
II/1 Algirdas Šemeta Migration flows and globalisation EN DE FR
II/2 Janusz Witkowski International migration of population in enlarged Europe. Methodological aspects and quality of statistics on migration EN DE FR
II/3 Carmen Alcaide Migration flows and globalisation: a critical challenge for Spanish and European statistical production EN DE FR
II/4 Michel A. Di Pietro, Esther Girsberger and Alain Vuille The impact of globalisation on employment EN DE FR
II/5 Michail Skaliotis and David Thorogood Migration statistics and globalisation: challenges for the European Statistical System EN DE FR
III/1 Kaia Oras Sustainability challenge: Global goods and values versus local priorities and practices. Environmental aspects of globalization EN DE FR
III/2 Karl Schoer, Sarka Buyny, Christine Flachmann, Steffen Klink, Helmut Mayer Environmental pressures from German imports and exports. Results of Environmental-Economic Accounting on embodied energy, carbon dioxide and transport of goods EN DE FR
III/3 Tibor Faragó and Vilma Éri Globalisation and environment: targets and tools for measuring progress EN DE FR
III/4 Eurostat Directorate E Globalisation and environment statistics: developments in Eurostat statistics EN DE FR
III/5 Gosse van der Veen The challenges of globalisation from an environmental accounting perspective EN DE FR
IV/1 Enrico Giovannini Is globalisation a threat for official statistics? EN DE FR
IV/2 Ludmila Benkovičová Use of administrative data sources in the globalization processes in statistics EN DE FR
IV/3 Karen Dunnell, Fernando Galindo-Rueda, Richard Laux Globalisation: Statistical challenges and policy evidence needs EN DE FR
IV/4 Steven Keuning Meeting the challenges of globalisation requires an enhanced cooperation between the ESS and the ECB EN DE FR
IV/5 Eurostat directorates B and D The impact of Globalisation in Statistical Processes. Opportunities for the ESS EN DE FR