We continue the dissemination of the results of the microcensus with detailed demographic data. In this publication the latest data regarding the composition of the Hungarian population by age and sex, the main features of population groups of different marital status, the actual situation of the fertility of women, the composition of the population of foreign citizens living in the country and the characteristics of the whole population by place of residence are presented. Changes occurred since the last census are analysed. Besides the textual analysis illustrated with graphs and maps, a rich table section containing retrospective as well as region and county level regional data is also available on the website.
Data tables are available in Excel format to enable users to make their own calculations.
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1 | Retrospective data |
1.1 | Distribution of the population by age and sex, places of residence, citizenship |
1.1.1 | Population, population density, increase of population |
1.1.2 | Characteristics of population change |
1.1.3 | Measures of age composition of the population |
1.1.4 | Population by age group and sex |
1.1.5 | Population as a percentage of the previous and 1870 census by main age group and sex |
1.1.6 | Females per thousand males by age group |
1.1.7 | Population by education and age group |
1.1.8 | Population by main age group and economic activity |
1.1.9 | Population by place of birth and sex |
1.1.10 | Population by country of citizenship and sex |
1.2 | Marital status |
1.2.1 | Population aged 15 years and over as a percentage of the previous and 1870 census by marital status and sex |
1.2.2 | Population aged 15 years and over by marital status and age group |
1.2.3 | Never married population aged 15 years and over by age group and sex |
1.2.4 | Married population aged 15 years and over by age group and sex |
1.2.5 | Widowed population aged 15 years and over by age group and sex |
1.2.6 | Divorced population aged 15 years and over by age group and sex |
1.2.7 | Population aged 15 years and over by marital status and consensual union |
1.2.8 | Married population aged 15 years and over by cohabitation with the spouse, age group and sex |
1.2.9 | Population aged 15 years and over by consensual union, age group and sex |
1.3 | Fertility |
1.3.1 | Main characteristics of men and women aged 15 years and over by number of liveborn children, 2011 |
1.3.2 | Main characteristics of men and women aged 15 years and over by number of liveborn children, 2016 |
1.3.3 | Females aged 15 years and over by number of liveborn children and marital status |
1.3.4 | Females in parental age (15-49 years) by number of liveborn children and marital status |
1.3.5 | Females aged 15 years and over by number of liveborn children and age group |
1.3.6 | Never married females aged 15 years and over by number of liveborn children and age group |
1.3.7 | Married females aged 15 years and over by number of liveborn children and age group |
1.3.8 | Widowed females aged 15 years and over by number of liveborn children and age group |
1.3.9 | Divorced females aged 15 years and over by number of liveborn children and age group |
1.3.10 | Females aged 15 years and over by number of liveborn children and highest education completed |
1.3.11 | Married females aged 15 years and over by number of liveborn children and economic activity |
2 | Detailed data |
2.1 | Distribution of the population by age and sex, places of residence, citizenship |
2.1.1 | Population by age and sex, sex ratio, 2016 |
2.1.2 | Population by number of addresses, fact of registration, age group and sex, 2016 |
2.1.3 | Population by place of birth, present address, direction of move, age group and sex, 2016 |
2.1.4 | Population by previous and present address, direction of move, age group and sex, 2016 |
2.1.5 | Population by date of move to present address, age group and sex, 2016 |
2.1.6 | Population by citizenship, country of birth and sex, 2016 |
2.1.7 | Population by citizenship, place of birth, age group and sex, 2016 |
2.1.8 | Hungarian citizens by year of acquisition of nationality, age group and sex, 2016 |
2.1.9 | Hungarian citizens by year of acquisition of nationality and country of birth, 2016 |
2.1.10 | Hungarian citizens with other citizenship by country of the second citizenship and sex, 2016 |
2.1.11 | Foreign citizens by country of their citizenship, age group and sex, 2016 |
2.2 | Marital status |
2.2.1 | Population aged 15 years and over by marital status and age, 2016 |
2.2.2 | Males aged 15 years and over by marital status and age, 2016 |
2.2.3 | Females aged 15 years and over by marital status and age, 2016 |
2.2.4 | Population aged 15 years and over having consensual partner by marital status, age group and sex, 2016 |
2.2.5 | Married persons living together with their spouses and persons having consensual union aged 15 years and over by the age at the begginig of the relationship and sex, 2016 |
2.2.6 | Population aged 15 years and over by citizenship, marital status and age group, 2016 |
2.3 | Fertility |
2.3.1 | Population aged 15 years and over by number of liveborn children, marital status and age group, 2016 |
2.3.2 | Married population aged 15 years and over by number of liveborn children and years passed since marriage, 2016 |
2.3.3 | Population aged 15 years and over having consensual union by number of liveborn children and years passed since the beginning of consensual union, 2016 |
2.3.4 | Females aged 15 years and over by age at birth of first child, marital status and age group, 2016 |
3 | Data on counties |
3.1 | Distribution of the population by age and sex, places of residence, citizenship |
3.1.1 | Resident population, area, population density, characteristics of population change, 2016 |
3.1.2 | Measures of age composition of the population, females per thousand males, 2016 |
3.1.3 | Population by number of addresses and fact of registration, 2016 |
3.1.4 | Population by place of birth, present address and direction of move, 2016 |
3.1.5 | Population by previous address, present address and direction of move, 2016 |
3.1.6 | Population by date of move to present address, 2016 |
3.1.7 | Population by citizenship, 2016 |
3.1.8 | Hungarian citizens with other citizenship by sex, 2016 |
3.2 | Marital status |
3.2.1 | Population aged 15 years and over by marital status and sex, 2016 |
3.2.2 | Married population aged 15 years and over by cohabitation with the spouse and sex, 2016 |
3.2.3 | Population aged 15 years and over having consensual partner by marital status and sex, 2016 |
3.3 | Fertility |
3.3.1 | Females aged 15 years and over by number of liveborn children, 2016 |
3.3.2 | Married females living together with their spouse aged 15 years and over by number of liveborn children, 2016 |
3.3.3 | Females aged 15 years and over having consensual partner by number of liveborn children, 2016 |