9.1.66. 15–64 years old employees by number of workers at the given local unit, gender and whether the collective agreement influences the working conditions or not, quarter 2, 2015

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Number of workers at the given local unit Influences Not influences Cannot say Total Influences Not influences Cannot say Total
the collective agreement the working conditions the collective agreement the working conditions
persons %
1–10 persons 11 310 11 513 1 533 24 356 46.4 47.3 6.3 100.0
11–19 persons 17 143 13 976 4 782 35 901 47.8 38.9 13.3 100.0
20–49 persons 36 489 30 123 4 122 70 734 51.6 42.6 5.8 100.0
50–299 persons 91 526 68 834 12 890 173 250 52.8 39.7 7.4 100.0
At least 300 persons 212 029 108 034 37 306 357 369 59.3 30.2 10.4 100.0
Cannot say, but more than 10 persons 49 337 22 258 13 102 84 697 58.3 26.3 15.5 100.0
Cannot say, but less than 11 persons 2 579 987 3 566 72.3 27.7 100.0
Total 420 413 255 725 73 735 749 873 56.1 34.1 9.8 100.0
1–10 persons 2 768 6 401 420 9 589 28.9 66.8 4.4 100.0
11–19 persons 5 822 3 546 2 032 11 400 51.1 31.1 17.8 100.0
20–49 persons 11 134 14 196 1 100 26 430 42.1 53.7 4.2 100.0
50–299 persons 43 096 29 830 7 090 80 016 53.9 37.3 8.9 100.0
At least 300 persons 117 559 58 527 22 678 198 764 59.1 29.4 11.4 100.0
Cannot say, but more than 10 persons 27 654 10 612 6 413 44 679 61.9 23.8 14.4 100.0
Cannot say, but less than 11 persons 1 657 428 2 085 79.5 20.5 100.0
Total 209 690 123 540 39 733 372 963 56.2 33.1 10.7 100.0
1–10 persons 8 542 5 112 1 113 14 767 57.8 34.6 7.5 100.0
11–19 persons 11 321 10 430 2 750 24 501 46.2 42.6 11.2 100.0
20–49 persons 25 355 15 927 3 022 44 304 57.2 35.9 6.8 100.0
50–299 persons 48 430 39 004 5 800 93 234 51.9 41.8 6.2 100.0
At least 300 persons 94 470 49 507 14 628 158 605 59.6 31.2 9.2 100.0
Cannot say, but more than 10 persons 21 683 11 646 6 689 40 018 54.2 29.1 16.7 100.0
Cannot say, but less than 11 persons 922 559 1 481 62.3 37.7 100.0
Total 210 723 132 185 34 002 376 910 55.9 35.1 9.0 100.0

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011