9.1.42. 15–64 years old employees by ownership of the workplace, gender and whether there is a safety officer at the workplace or not, quarter 2, 2015

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Ownership of the workplace There is There isn't Cannot say Total There is There isn't Cannot say Total
safety officer at the workplace safety officer at the workplace
persons %
State 392 214 311 970 174 182 878 366 44.7 35.5 19.8 100.0
Private 487 777 1 315 541 333 318 2 136 636 22.8 61.6 15.6 100.0
Co-operative 9 296 18 770 3 820 31 886 29.2 58.9 12.0 100.0
Other (church, fundation, association, etc.) 18 071 41 769 8 844 68 684 26.3 60.8 12.9 100.0
Municipal 92 905 175 195 61 430 329 530 28.2 53.2 18.6 100.0
Mixed 46 890 38 851 20 209 105 950 44.3 36.7 19.1 100.0
Cannot say 18 365 33 394 33 941 85 700 21.4 39.0 39.6 100.0
Total 1 065 518 1 935 490 635 744 3 636 752 29.3 53.2 17.5 100.0
State 179 004 127 563 74 139 380 706 47.0 33.5 19.5 100.0
Private 302 182 748 713 212 147 1 263 042 23.9 59.3 16.8 100.0
Co-operative 5 234 9 106 1 999 16 339 32.0 55.7 12.2 100.0
Other (church, fundation, association, etc.) 6 149 10 979 2 440 19 568 31.4 56.1 12.5 100.0
Municipal 30 311 66 442 29 090 125 843 24.1 52.8 23.1 100.0
Mixed 25 233 20 447 12 960 58 640 43.0 34.9 22.1 100.0
Cannot say 13 175 20 532 20 952 54 659 24.1 37.6 38.3 100.0
Total 561 288 1 003 782 353 727 1 918 797 29.3 52.3 18.4 100.0
State 213 210 184 408 100 043 497 661 42.8 37.1 20.1 100.0
Private 185 595 566 828 121 171 873 594 21.2 64.9 13.9 100.0
Co-operative 4 062 9 664 1 820 15 546 26.1 62.2 11.7 100.0
Other (church, fundation, association, etc.) 11 922 30 791 6 404 49 117 24.3 62.7 13.0 100.0
Municipal 62 594 108 752 32 340 203 686 30.7 53.4 15.9 100.0
Mixed 21 657 18 403 7 250 47 310 45.8 38.9 15.3 100.0
Cannot say 5 190 12 862 12 989 31 041 16.7 41.4 41.8 100.0
Total 504 230 931 708 282 017 1 717 955 29.4 54.2 16.4 100.0

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011