9.1.34. 15–64 years old employees by ownership of the workplace, gender and whether there is a works council at the workplace or not, quarter 2, 2015

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Ownership of the workplace There is There isn't Cannot say Total There is There isn't Cannot say Total
works council/shop steward at the workplace works council/shop steward at the workplace
persons %
State 303 390 371 594 203 383 878 367 34.5 42.3 23.2 100.0
Private 240 595 1 562 956 333 086 2 136 637 11.3 73.2 15.6 100.0
Co-operative 3 497 23 841 4 547 31 885 11.0 74.8 14.3 100.0
Other (church, fundation, association, etc.) 8 260 51 541 8 883 68 684 12.0 75.0 12.9 100.0
Municipal 55 567 206 427 67 536 329 530 16.9 62.6 20.5 100.0
Mixed 32 057 52 337 21 555 105 949 30.3 49.4 20.3 100.0
Cannot say 8 137 42 262 35 300 85 699 9.5 49.3 41.2 100.0
Total 651 503 2 310 958 674 290 3 636 751 17.9 63.5 18.5 100.0
State 136 412 152 874 91 420 380 706 35.8 40.2 24.0 100.0
Private 155 986 895 017 212 039 1 263 042 12.4 70.9 16.8 100.0
Co-operative 1 516 12 607 2 216 16 339 9.3 77.2 13.6 100.0
Other (church, fundation, association, etc.) 2 265 14 592 2 710 19 567 11.6 74.6 13.8 100.0
Municipal 17 002 78 172 30 670 125 844 13.5 62.1 24.4 100.0
Mixed 18 644 26 214 13 782 58 640 31.8 44.7 23.5 100.0
Cannot say 6 027 26 682 21 950 54 659 11.0 48.8 40.2 100.0
Total 337 852 1 206 158 374 787 1 918 797 17.6 62.9 19.5 100.0
State 166 978 218 720 111 963 497 661 33.6 43.9 22.5 100.0
Private 84 608 667 939 121 047 873 594 9.7 76.5 13.9 100.0
Co-operative 1 981 11 234 2 331 15 546 12.7 72.3 15.0 100.0
Other (church, fundation, association, etc.) 5 995 36 949 6 172 49 116 12.2 75.2 12.6 100.0
Municipal 38 565 128 255 36 866 203 686 18.9 63.0 18.1 100.0
Mixed 13 413 26 123 7 773 47 309 28.4 55.2 16.4 100.0
Cannot say 2 111 15 580 13 351 31 042 6.8 50.2 43.0 100.0
Total 313 651 1 104 800 299 503 1 717 954 18.3 64.3 17.4 100.0

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011